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Overseer Agent Conversion

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by bobokatt, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    Right, I dont think we know which rarity level that all of them are, i mean i can make some assumptions but thats about it. i did get avatar of xegony so i know thats a purple/elite.

    Avatar of Bristlebane also purple.
  2. Jondalar Augur

    I have at least 6 new rares from converting some of my dup elites(had 8).
    I have over 800 agents on 3 accounts to convert. I would love to know when im done so I'm not wasting my time.
  3. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    CrazyLarth likes this.
  4. Jondalar Augur

    adetia likes this.
  5. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Man I wish they had a way to track this in game.
  6. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Warden of Tunare (uncommon)
    Job: Scholar : 3
    Race/Class : Wood elf, Druid
    Physical: Exotic
    Personality: Peaceful
    adetia likes this.
  7. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Felwithe Armorer (Uncommon)
    Job: Artisan : 3
    Race/Class : High elf, Citizen
    Physical: Agile
    Personality: Benevolent
    adetia likes this.
  8. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Avenging Catiff (Uncommon)
    Job: Diplomat : 3
    Race/Class : Vampire, Warrior
    Physical: Monstrous
    Personality: Malicious
    adetia likes this.
  9. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Kaladim Surveyor (Uncommon)
    Job: Explorer : 3
    Race/Class : Dwarf, Citizen
    Physical: Rugged
    Personality: Bold
    adetia likes this.
  10. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Black Dire (Uncommon)
    Job: Marauder : 3
    Race/Class : Spirit, Shadowknight
    Physical: Ancient
    Personality: Malicious
    adetia likes this.
  11. Riou EQResource

    Yes, I put up a text file list a week ago with the Test Patch in our EQResource Discord (Pinned as well :) ) including rarity (4 elite, 3 rare, 2 uncommon, 1 common, I is Iconic), including their jobs and rank of job as well

    Note- Avatar of Anashti Sul, Avatar of Luclin, Avatar of Quellious are flagged as "no convert" like Fippy is, so they are "future releases", possibly bought like Fippy (unlike Fippy they are included in the new Achievements iirc)


    Can delete the agents as you earn them for list of remaining :)
    Rondor, Ssdar and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  12. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    I'm still doing Common to Uncommon conversions on 2 of my accounts, so I don't yet have a list for green, blue, and purple that aren't already on the list.

    Common Agents:
    Felwithe Songwhisper
    Rock Spider
    Blood Wolf
    Cauldron Rat
    Dwarven Theologist
    Ak'Anon Architect
    Undead Knight
    Undying Magus
    Tier'Dal Marauder
  13. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    For those who don't want to DL the file or leave the forums:

    ----- 4 I -----
    ID: 181 | Agent: Fippy Darkpaw | Job: Marauder, Rank: 5 | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 3 | Job: Explorer, Rank: 3
    ID: 182 | Agent: Avatar of Anashti Sul | Job: Marauder, Rank: 3 | Job: Artisan, Rank: 3 | Job: Harvester, Rank: 5
    ID: 183 | Agent: Avatar of Bristlebane | Job: Spy, Rank: 3 | Job: Merchant, Rank: 5 | Job: Explorer, Rank: 3
    ID: 184 | Agent: Avatar of Luclin | Job: Spy, Rank: 5 | Job: Scholar, Rank: 3 | Job: Merchant, Rank: 3
    ID: 185 | Agent: Avatar of Quellious | Job: Soldier, Rank: 3 | Job: Scholar, Rank: 3 | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 5
    ID: 186 | Agent: Avatar of Xegony | Job: Soldier, Rank: 3 | Job: Artisan, Rank: 5 | Job: Harvester, Rank: 3
    ----- 3 I -----
    ID: 187 | Agent: Enynti | Job: Harvester, Rank: 2 | Job: Explorer, Rank: 4
    ID: 188 | Agent: Founy Jestands | Job: Marauder, Rank: 2 | Job: Spy, Rank: 4
    ID: 189 | Agent: General Jyleel | Job: Soldier, Rank: 4 | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 2
    ID: 190 | Agent: Juline Urncaller | Job: Artisan, Rank: 2 | Job: Merchant, Rank: 4
    ID: 191 | Agent: Maesyn Trueshot | Job: Marauder, Rank: 4 | Job: Spy, Rank: 2
    ID: 192 | Agent: Niola Impholder | Job: Scholar, Rank: 2 | Job: Merchant, Rank: 4
    ID: 193 | Agent: Nitalla | Job: Spy, Rank: 4 | Job: Explorer, Rank: 2
    ID: 194 | Agent: Sister Daria | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 4 | Job: Explorer, Rank: 2
    ID: 195 | Agent: Sylia Windlehands | Job: Artisan, Rank: 4 | Job: Merchant, Rank: 2
    ID: 196 | Agent: Tobon Starpyre | Job: Harvester, Rank: 2 | Job: Scholar, Rank: 4
    ID: 197 | Agent: Xicotl | Job: Marauder, Rank: 2 | Job: Harvester, Rank: 4
    ID: 198 | Agent: Yeolarn Bronzeleaf | Job: Soldier, Rank: 2 | Job: Artisan, Rank: 4
    ----- 2 -----
    ID: 199 | Agent: Avenging Caitiff | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 3
    ID: 200 | Agent: Black Dire | Job: Marauder, Rank: 3
    ID: 201 | Agent: Disciple of Tunare | Job: Soldier, Rank: 3
    ID: 202 | Agent: Dryad Tender | Job: Harvester, Rank: 3
    ID: 203 | Agent: Felwithe Armorer | Job: Artisan, Rank: 3
    ID: 204 | Agent: Imp Familiar | Job: Merchant, Rank: 3
    ID: 205 | Agent: Kaladim Brewmaster | Job: Artisan, Rank: 3
    ID: 206 | Agent: Kaladim Surveyor | Job: Explorer, Rank: 3
    ID: 207 | Agent: Koada'Dal Noble | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 3
    ID: 208 | Agent: Stalking Fury | Job: Spy, Rank: 3
    ID: 209 | Agent: Warden of Tunare | Job: Scholar, Rank: 3
    ID: 210 | Agent: Weapons Trader | Job: Merchant, Rank: 3
    ----- 1 -----
    ID: 211 | Agent: Acidic Ooze | Job: Harvester, Rank: 2
    ID: 212 | Agent: Ak'Anon Architect | Job: Artisan, Rank: 2
    ID: 213 | Agent: Blood Wolf | Job: Soldier, Rank: 2
    ID: 214 | Agent: Cauldron Rat | Job: Spy, Rank: 2
    ID: 215 | Agent: Dwarven Theologist | Job: Scholar, Rank: 2
    ID: 216 | Agent: Elder Spirit Guide | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 2
    ID: 217 | Agent: Faydark Nightgazer | Job: Spy, Rank: 2
    ID: 218 | Agent: Feir'Dal Salvager | Job: Merchant, Rank: 2
    ID: 219 | Agent: Felwithe Guard | Job: Soldier, Rank: 2
    ID: 220 | Agent: Felwithe Songwhisperer | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 2
    ID: 221 | Agent: Felwithe Sunweaver | Job: Scholar, Rank: 2
    ID: 222 | Agent: Impetuous Rover | Job: Explorer, Rank: 2
    ID: 223 | Agent: Koada'Dal Alchemist | Job: Merchant, Rank: 2
    ID: 224 | Agent: Koada'Dal Counselor | Job: Diplomat, Rank: 2
    ID: 225 | Agent: Koada'Dal Diviner | Job: Spy, Rank: 2
    ID: 226 | Agent: Rock Spider | Job: Artisan, Rank: 2
    ID: 227 | Agent: Shadowmane Brawler | Job: Marauder, Rank: 2
    ID: 228 | Agent: Sylvan Bat | Job: Marauder, Rank: 2
    ID: 229 | Agent: Sylvan Pilgrim | Job: Harvester, Rank: 2
    ID: 230 | Agent: Teir'Dal Marauder | Job: Marauder, Rank: 2
    ID: 231 | Agent: Treasure Seeker | Job: Explorer, Rank: 2
    ID: 232 | Agent: Undead Knight | Job: Soldier, Rank: 2
    ID: 233 | Agent: Undying Magus | Job: Scholar, Rank: 2
    ID: 234 | Agent: Wasp Worker | Job: Artisan, Rank: 2
    Wulfhere, Rondor and Ssdar like this.
  14. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Looking through the files.. there seem to be new banners also. Quest_plane_of_shadow_final, quest_plane_of_mischief_final, quest_plane_of_tranquility_final, etc.. (Planes of Air, Health, Mischeif, Shadow, Tranquility, and Qeynos Hills) These are banners for quest types. While not explicitly stating as such... it may be that Luclin, Quellious and Anashti Sul might be obtainable via mission.
  15. Riou EQResource

    There aren't any Recruit quests for them atm
  16. Grove Augur

    Agent Fippy is available only through package purchase. The promo announces that Avatar of Bristlebane, Avatar of Xegony, General Jyleel, and Xicotl are available this way also. But are these new ones also available by conversions or occasional quests? What about other new ones that management did not enumerate?
  17. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You can get all of those via conversions. I have both new Avatars on two of my accounts.

    I think only those other three avatars and Fippy are the only ones available via purchase (or might be in the future). The other avatars may be for future Overseer "expansions."
    Andarriel likes this.
  18. Drakang Augur

    Hmm Niola Impholder "An Inexhaustible researcher. One of the best on Norrath"
    Leaving out Elites she does not even make the top 10 in levels in Scholar, yet they call her one of the best? Should probably have been a Scholar 3 vice a Scholar 2 so she was at least in the top 10.
    Andarriel likes this.
  19. Aussie49 New Member

    Looks like they have updated most of the artwork for all overseer classes. Hats off to the artists, it is great work. (ahhh Nylianne the True...hubba hubba)
  20. Moege Augur

    Can confirm is elites (purple)
    • Avatar of Bristlebane – The King of Thieves’ avatar on Norrath. Known for scheming and playing tricks on just about everyone.
    • Avatar of Xegony – The Queen of Air’s avatar on Norrath. She is one of the most mysterious of the elemental gods. Known for her benevolence, tranquility, and beauty.
    Andarriel likes this.