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Out of combat regen is coming next patch

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rothj, Jun 11, 2024.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    Maybe it is because they are 10 and 13? Or it could be because it is an older interface and they are used to see item on screen, touch it to interact with it.
  2. Vetis Augur

    Careful bro, people in these forums are allergic to logic.
  3. Laronk Augur

    Some people here seem to think that ooc regen is way faster than it actually is. it's 3 minutes empty to full and you have to wait 30 seconds for it to start. Where at 60 it might take you 5-6 minutes otherwise without OOC regen.

    It's nice if you solo or if you're buffing a raid but unless you're sitting thru fights or you have a bad group that thinks blowing stuff up and medding is faster than being efficient you're mistaken. The exception might be aoe groups.
  4. SpiritOfTruth New Member

    Wrong. Rerun the math then report back.
    AngryKing likes this.
  5. AngryKing Elder

    Yea that's not remotely accurate.

    Without any additional regen a level 60 cleric that's moderately geared takes 3 minutes with ooc regen. Without the ooc regen it's 12 minutes.

    So, it's laughably ironic that you claimed people incorrectly guage the differential and speed.
    SpiritOfTruth likes this.
  6. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    They will get more subs from this rather then lose them. Leveling is the single worst part of this game. they haven't really figured that out yet though. It's toxic, people are annoying, people get in the way, and you have to punish people that are in your way or go AFK to often.

    This regen will greatly reduce down time thus making leveling a bit faster. They still need a solid 25 to 50% flatline boost to base level TLP exp but this is a start.
  7. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    It is exactly what the players want. We want to go through the first 7 or 8 expansions quickly and efficiently so we get that progressive feeling, without being stalled into an obsolete feeling mundane sedentary style game. No one, and I mean no one, (outside of 5 or 6 forum warriors posting repeatedly on box accounts) wants slower. The biggest ask every TLP is faster exp rates. The single most sought after and desired thing. If you want slower, feel free to die 5x during the course of a level and decline rezzes for that slow grind you want.
  8. MMOer Augur

    IS this coming to the TLP's or Live?

    Please do not say the TLP's. Are they trying to kill off the TLPs?

    Also, BRB... rolling a wiz. poor rogs rofl.
  9. MMOer Augur

    Grouping and leveling are why I play TLP. Without them there is no reason for me to be here. I could just go play a better game with the same mechanics.
  10. Flexin Not an amateur

    Why are there so many naysayers that want to slow the game down to a screeching halt. On TLP's a casual player who raids typically spends a minimum of 6-8 hours a week just on raids and then comes the progression, keys, quests, content, spells, levels, tradeskills, AAs, etc that get pushed out every 8-12 weeks. To be a casual player and still need to commit 15-20 hours a week in game is awful.

    Resource management and straying away from the original fundamentals of EverQuest are your arguments for slowing down gameplay? I play on a server were Kobald Priest in SolB is dropping FBSS's and I'm doing 25 years of content in 6 years ffs. The fundamentals are out the window. I am all for them speeding up XP, AA XP, Increasing plat, making tradeskills easier... whatever they want so I can truly be casual on these TLP servers. Don't slow the game down anymore than it already is.

    I'm convinced nothing will make this fanbase happy. Some of you cretins are just unpleasant and enjoy the suffering of the community.
    Dsuna, Sunawar, Pumped and 1 other person like this.
  11. Ultrazen Augur

    Go make a wizard, twink it anyway you can, now go twink a ranger/sk etc. The difference is staggering in terms of downtime, kill speed, mobs per hour etc. Mages get away with it because the pets are so OP at low levels, but hard caster are so screwed at lower levels, anything that helps that is a step in the right direction. Out of all the classes, Wiz are by far the worse. Trying to level a wiz, even with clarity pot running is just laughably bad.

    I main bard for what it's worth.
    Pumped likes this.
  12. Ragnoruk Augur

    Leveling is the best part of the game to me. I have much more fun playing EQ in small groups than I do being 1 of 72 in a zerg fest. I raid for the gear, not for the experience.

    Please stop speaking for the player base. No one elected you to. Just state your personal opinion.
  13. Taladir Augur

    There aren't that many naysayers. Most of the people on this thread are dev bootlickers.

    Why in the world should EQ cater to casuals? It's not a casual game, and never has been. And it's interesting that you include a full raid schedule with keying, quests, and tradeskills in the list of what a casual should be able to obtain. Do you even know what casual means?
    Doze and Pumped like this.
  14. Twistingtime Augur

    "Casual" has no set definition. It can mean different things to different people. For me, it is entirely possible to key and raid and still be casual. For me casual just means a player who views the game less as a thing to be conquered and more as a journey to be enjoyed. It's about attitude for me, not playtime or gear or raiding schedule. You probably have a different definition, but let's not pretend there is anything close to resembling a consensus on what casual is.
    fransisco and Flexin like this.
  15. Catashe Augur

    I mean it can't be that big of a code change to give BLs and Zerkers before their expansions.. Sure didn't take them long to lock the whole Halfling/Gnome Paladins, Shadow Knights, etc to Luclin when they were available back during Phinny days.. The irony is that Holly and Prathun leaves and suddenly making things "classic" doesn't seem to matter anymore.. lol
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It isn't the code change to enable them which is the sticking point, rather it is all the other changes that would be needed to ensure that they had the things that they need in order to function and the things that can't be added until the expansion that they came in unlocks.
    Pumped likes this.
  17. fransisco Augur

    Casual kinda does have a definition, but its just another way to use a first person pronoun "i". Its like virtue signalling. Your "good" if your casual, and a sweaty grognard basement troll if you are not "casual". Its like woke, it means whatever you want. At this point, using that word is almost a flag, because they are dividing people and always placing themselves into the virtuous category while impicitly creating a bad category.
    Genoane and Pumped like this.
  18. coltongrundy Augur

    are you really playing as a cleric without any form of mana regen, no enchanter, no bard, no conc pots, no crafted clarity or spirituality potions, no store bought clarity potions, no druid skin, or beastlord spirituality? are you ok?
  19. Zinkeh Augur

    If true this will be amazing. I just timed my mana regen from 0% to 100% with form of the howler regen and a full set of augged tower gear. 13m 25 seconds of sitting to get mana back. That's just silly and that's WITH mana regen in some amount.
    Pumped likes this.
  20. Dalyrina Elder

    My guy, do you understand how to properly test things?
    Pumped likes this.