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Opening time?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Khieran, May 21, 2024.

  1. Khieran Journeyman

    I've never been available to play on the opening day of a TLP, so I don't know if there's a set time or not. Tomorrow, there's a chance I might be available - is there a certain time that the servers will open? Or is it just "some time tomorrow"?
    Tachyon likes this.
  2. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    12 Noon PDT 22nd May
  3. Kelandi Elder

  4. Ddezul Augur

    won't matter. the game will be down for hours and maybe days.

    IF the rulesets are as popular as aradune, that is.
  5. Smallhands Elder

    You're not going to be very far behind in the game if you work your normal shift.
    Shalom and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  6. Ayar New Member

    I dont recall any TLP I wasn't able to get on by midnight EST.. even if the servers were lagged to hell
    Shalom and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  7. Cronar Elder

    I do wish they would launch them early morning. It would help a great deal in alleviating a lot of the log in bloat because most people would be at work.
  8. ExecutionDbl9 Shadow Knight / Necromancer / Druid

    The entire game, or just the new servers?

    I don't see why a mad dash to Teek or even Tormax would impact other TLP's and live servers.
  9. Khieran Journeyman

  10. Vecsus New Member

    i'm pretty much resigned to not being able to play at all the first day (east-coaster).
  11. Raytheon Augur

    We are almost through waiting so we can start waiting!
    Khieran likes this.
  12. Intercept Augur

    Yeah first day is rough, but it gets much better soon after.