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Once upon a time, in the days of yore, there was a Guide Program....

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhinx, Oct 10, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Then they have been in the guide program for a very long time. :) I think they start at level 70 then gain a level for every year they have been a guide or higher.
  2. Paladin Augur

    With level 120 next expansion, they definitely need a boost!
  3. niente Developer

    One way players can help EQ's guide program is to join them. You can fill out an application here. You can read more about the guide program here.

    I remember old GM events and how things have changed over the years (from a player's perspective). The EQ guides are some of the most amazing players in the game. An actual guide, many of whom have been doing so for 10-20+ years, and playing both EQ1 and EQ2, will know much more than I do. I do not know all of the story surrounding the history of the guide program, but I can tell you a little that might help.

    There are legal reasons that guides are not allowed to do as much assistance with customer service as they used to. I think this has to do with overlap in job positions. Although it would be great for guides to be able to help, I believe this is part of why things changed. The strict rules guides are asked to follow for quests and rewards are there to prevent abuse. These type of rules came about due to people who did not follow the rules, unfortunately.

    It would be great to see new guide rewards and events. Guide events are written by the guides themselves. I have spoken to the guides about bringing back what are called combat quests. These are events where you fight a guide who has turned into an NPC. Right now we don't have a good way to let this type of event last long enough in current content (need a MotM type of thing for the guide). For some things, the guides need more support from the development team so they can mix things up again. I am not sure when or if that will happen.
    Shindius, Ezbro, Sissruukk and 8 others like this.
  4. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    I really appreciate you replying niente. Hopefully this thread throws some more bodies your way for the Guide program :)
  5. cadres Augur

    My point was that it would be good to have guides dealing with different aspects.
    The guide programme as it's set up is all about adventuring and the application is about providing imaginative outcomes to set scenarios
    That's not my cup of tea at all. But I'd be very happy to be a guide who solved problems, helped newbies etc
    I also don't get the impression of a shortage of guides - not seen a call for guides for more years than I can recall, I'd wager most players don't know such an opportunity exists.
    (I also wonder why requiring players to have a mobile phone is a requirement for being a guide - that rules me out)