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Okay I find the fact That The t1 TOV mission is the worst weird.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lidwen Elf Stalker, Feb 22, 2020.

  1. Velisaris_MS Augur

    An anonymous person posting wild claims without proof on an internet message board.

    Yeah, that NEVER raises suspicion.
  2. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Completed missions and quests in TOV in the first 6 days.
    Cadira likes this.
  3. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    You should make a thread for each, and explain how to do it for those.

    As for casuals, TOV is definitely not for a solo player and most players have already done all by now.
  4. Cailen Augur

    As I've discover doing open raids..... you can break out a box of crayons and draw some people pictures and they still suck...… so yah may help some..... but most prolly not.
    Veteran_BetaTester likes this.
  5. Drpeppa Journeyman

    Or how about we see your true eq talent and you play with out I s b x e r.

    Same number of toons with out that program how bout that ?
  6. Drpeppa Journeyman

    That program makes crappy players gods with their boxes. So how bout handicapping yourself by not using it and playing exactly like the majority of people play the game ?
  7. Windance Augur

    Since the expansion seems to be designed to reward you for working your way through the progression instead of sitting in the old zones grinding out XP/AA. You should evaluate the difficulty of the missions as they were at 110-111 with out any new gear or AA's, which at the time were doable but not a cake walk.

    Is it really surprising that you find the missions easy when your character is max level, max AA, decked out in all the raid/chase gear?

    Want a challenge ? Run the missions solo in TBL group gear after deleveling yourself down to 110 with a PUG group and a couple mercs.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  8. Anhur Journeyman

    Is ToV difficult? Nah

    Am I glad for that? Yeah

    I'm now afforded time get everything done and play other games!
    Thundersnake likes this.
  9. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    I didn't do a single AA or upgrade a single piece of gear (on ANY of my toons) until they were 40% into lvl 115. I have one raid geared toon and five group geared toons. It's also worth noting I didn't drag the group alts along with my raid toon... my tank, cleric, enchanter are all group geared.

    So, implying that new gear (which you can all buy tier 1 for cheap in the bazaar because it drops like candy) is somehow keeping people from doing missions or progression is not a viable argument.
  10. svann Augur

    outa wine again?
  11. Whulfgar Augur

    Tucoh can not play EQ with out that program. He has admitted this much here on the very forums he posts all his videos on.
  12. Tucoh Augur

  13. Tucoh Augur

    I rolled into ToV day 1 with group only gear and ran through the missions first thing. I didn't play them in beta and just looked at eqresource and beat them all first or second try without really understanding the mechanics, much less using them properly. Im not that good, it's just that easy.

    There are always ways to make the game more challenging, but what is the point in working for weeks or months to build up your character if you're going to handicap them to make it challenging?
  14. Whulfgar Augur

    Told ya..

    LMAO !
    Tucoh likes this.
  15. Tucoh Augur

    I can only get stronger through stronger challenges, otherwise I'm stagnant. I'm the dude at the gym asking for another couple 45s to get a new PR. The "handicap yourself" squad is telling me to do this instead:

  16. Whulfgar Augur

    No your not.

    Your not bud.

    And they have a point.. Your using another program to play everquest .. thinking your beast mode yet refuse to play eq with out said program ..

    And yes as I told ya I am myself looking into it as well.
  17. Whulfgar Augur

    way I see it is simple..

    You run a program ..

    You made the claim stuffs too easy an you mentioned something about handicapping yourself.

    They said handicap youself with not using the program that runs eq for ya like that ..

    You cant come in an a thread an claim the games to easy when ya using an outside program to run the game for ya bud.

    If you boxed naturally (like most do) and still had the issue of stuff was easy mode .. I'd agree with ya 100% ..

    But your being 100% disingenuous with that program running for ya .. Thats how I see it.
    Vumad and Raccoo like this.
  18. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Fixed that image for you:

    Vumad and Tucoh like this.
  19. Bederper Journeyman

    Your argument implies the tools make the content easy.
    The tools simulate a sentient being. They don't make characters that are better than those hand played by a real person.

    10 fewer eyeballs, 10 fewer hands, and 5 fewer brains is quite the handicap. If, for example, Jim Henson and his 5 muppets asserts the content is easy, then maybe it is.
  20. Cailen Augur

    Hardcore raider of who?