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Ok let's scrap perks asap [DEVS]

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by narcissistic_person, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. code-zero Augur

    It's so easy to spot the people who stockpiled more Krono than they will ever be able to use for subscriptions to attempt to cash out
  2. ASDAprice Lorekeeper

    the perks are no big deal really.. its 'pay for meh'
    Appren likes this.
  3. Tweakfour17 Augur

    You get the 500 a month whether your account is paid via Krono or via "real money", but otherwise no, you cant turn a krono into DBG cash.
  4. Senlronia Lorekeeper

    I want to start out by saying that this post is not in favor for or against the inclusion of the perk system, merely trying to quantify one of the bonus's to the best of my ability. If anyone sees anything I did wrong here, please let me know.

    Short answer, is the merchant perk is actually very good for anyone skilling up tradeskill. Please note that the calculations below have been done using eqtraders calculator.

    I started out, checking the cost of the solstice robe, as I didn't want to pay the price or farm the mats for making any of the Velious leather armors and in doing so, I found out how good the 10% chance bonus to skill up seems to be.

    Doing the math on making solstice robes from 224 to 252. It came out to roughly 509p per combine. The cost, without the bonus perk, to get those 28 skill points is roughly 183,500p, with an average of 13.6 attempts per skill up.

    With the bonus, this drops down to 5.8 attempts to skill up, costing 78,200p to get the same 28 skill ups.

    This is a savings of around105,300p, more the half the cost of skilling up with the bonus, vs the cost of skilling up without it.

    The chance for a skill up without the bonus, starts at 8.5% to go from 224 to 225 and ends at 6.3% to go from 251 to 252

    With the bonus skill up, it starts at 18.3% to go from 224 to 225 and ends at 16.2% to go from 251 to 252.

    RNG being what it is, some people will be higher or lower then the Avg attempt shown here. but the idea is the same. For just one perk, that is $2.99 you save roughly 2 to 2.5 Krono's at current (09/12/21) Aradune prices (roughly 40-50k). Or put in a monetary value, your $2.99 just saved you $29.98 in subscription time, or $33.99 in krono and that's just for 28 skill points.
  5. Gyradore New Member

    You go from 13.6 attempts to only 5.8 attempts from a 10% bonus? (With your given example)
    Mind showing your work for this calculation
    Stymie and Tweakfour17 like this.
  6. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Yeah, something seems off with that math..
  7. theonepercent Augur

    The math is fine, the wording is the problem like everything else in EQ that uses %s.
    10% -> 11% and
    10% -> 20%
    are both 10% increases. The way the perks are worded we don't know which 1 is correct.
    edit: nvm its the first 1
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  8. Senlronia Lorekeeper

    For the average attempts it comes up with you'll have to refer to EQtraders, that is where i got my calculations from.


    Without the bonus


    With the bonus

    Keeping in mind, that it is the avg attempt at a skill up throughout the process of going from 224 to 252. (224 to 225 for example, is listed at 8.5% with an average number of attempts at 11.8. With the bonus it is listed at 18.3%, for an average of 5.5 attempts to get the same skill up).

    So, if you take average attempts to get a skill up without the bonus, it ranges from 11.8 to 15.8 attempts for the final skill up, divide those numbers by the given number of skill ups needed, you get an average of 13.6 attempts per skill up.

    224 = 11.8
    225 = 11.9
    226 = 12.0
    227 = 12.2
    251 = 15.8

    add the number of attempts column together and you get 381.2, divide by the number of steps, and you end up with 13.61428571 rounded to 13.6

    With the bonus it ranges from 5.5 attempts at 224 to 225 to 6.2 attempts going from 251 to 252.

    The bonus appears to be an additional 10% so 10% to 20% as an example. If it is as Theonepercent says, and is a 10% of whatever the chance was before, it is a much lighter bonus and pretty negligible.

    I copied the table to a google doc and is posted below if anyone wants to see how EQtraders posts the table. You can also plug in the numbers using the link to the calculator i posted above. (My Wis is capped at 305, and i have the sheers with a 15% mod)

    Gyradore likes this.
  9. Gyradore New Member

    kudos for that
  10. Elite_raider Augur

    They needed a way to get some stable income from all the lifetime subs out there and all the KR that was sold years ago that still haven't been used, this is a good a choice as any, good on them, keep EQ rolling :)
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

  12. Gio1999 Augur

    TLDR: Old people bringing up a slippery slope argument.
  13. ViciousEQ Elder

    Give me a perk for $50 a month that allows me to gain 50% more exp on my account. I'll buy the perk on 4 accounts tomorrow.

    Slippery slopes are delicious.
  14. Abundant Elder

  15. Karreck Somebody

    Have you guys tried not being poor?
  16. Accipiter Old Timer

    Income has nothing to do with it. I'll never pay for these types of "perks".
  17. Karreck Somebody

    But they aren't even that expensive. It's like one avocado toast a month.
    Accipiter likes this.
  18. Abundant Elder