Official Ragefire Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lifebane, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. kraggnar Elder

    Why didn't Apok just engage it? It was up 20+ minutes in there supposed window. This nit picking crap is why I changed servers. Grow up!!!!!!!
  2. PathToEternity

  3. archy Lorekeeper

  4. -wycca Augur

    My original concept was to have it transfer over. That's not what came out of the 8-guild approved meeting & proposal, the above language was. The council adopted that proposal and the current rules are copied from it. That's what we follow - the mob was labeled FFA by virtue of when it spawned, it would have been FFA even if it was killed at 9pm EST, so we followed the rules, waited 1hr, and killed it.

    Frankly, I don't mind if it gets changed. In fact, I suspected that some sort of issues or confusion would arise (even though the rules are clear on this) because there are always things that pop up - the seeding problem is another good example. I've been in enough rotations and RL situations to know. This is why I proposed an ability for on-the-fly rulings with a simple majority vote of 3+ council members that were online. It was decided that it was to be tabled because some people had concerns & it was eating up time, but this is exactly the situation that it could have been invoked in - and been binding. There were 5-7 council members online at this point by my count even, it would have been trivial to get a majority vote.

    Had Apok killed it, it would not have moved the Euro rotation anyways because it was a FFA mob. Arguing that the rule should be changed is fine, but people coming here complaining about us killing it, is essentially arguing that we should just leave a FFA mob up for Apok (who had an hour to kill it). We've actually done that with guilds before btw (FFA CT & Rosengard, FFA Inny & FP, Our CT & Ceaseless, Apok & Inny, Rosen & Yael), but not today when it came to killing a mob that would not have moved the rotation at all.
  5. Mind tickle Lorekeeper

    So if Apok are so "by the book" and they claim naggy spawned "10" minutes before EU time slot (12PM EST), then why didnt they announce this little gem, 10 minutes prior?

    [Thu Aug 13 12:01:57 2015] Yerihs tells General:1, '3hr timer on Naggy for Apok started 1200 EST / 0900 PST'

    Trying to give themselves an extra 10 minutes eh? Isn't it 3 hours from when Naggy SPAWNED not 3 hours from when their timeslot started? I guess this is a moot point since Naggy didnt spawn in their time slot, but the fact they knew it and tried to act like they had 3 hours from Noon EST is a bit funny.
  6. Zublak Augur

    My opinion.

    If mob spawns at 11:30 A.M. and window closes at 12:00 P.M. and you must wait an hour to engage due to being penalized since you got the last FFA, you're just S.O.L. The rule should really say "Must be engaged prior to the new raid window". So if you can't engage the target prior to 12:00 then better luck next time. Again, just my opinion.

    As far as Apok whining, I agree with what TL is saying, don't come here and whine, go and contest. You had 33 mins to engage before 12 p.m. You should have been aware of when naggy was in window and prepared to move when he spawned. No ones fault but your own. Suck it up.
  7. Darwhine New Member

    One more time:

    -Rotation, concil stuff etc .. concern a regulation between guilds.
    They exist to solve issues caused by guilds.

    -Pick-up raid dont cause issues.

    -The concil is composed by guilds leaders wich represent their guild.
    They have no rights to reprensent people out of their guild.

    -I m only representing only myself.
    I havent the right to speak for others.
    I can only propose this:

    Keep pick-up out of the rotation, allow them to raid without restriction for the sake of the server.
    U have no rights to command them.
    Pick-up raids are actually the more equitable HL drop's division known.
    U have no reasons to inclued them in rotation except to give you more chance to down boss for yourself.
  8. Kumidor Journeyman

    Looking for an officer to take this to the council and use this as a suggestion or argument to not change the rules, as I feel they are as clearly written as they can be.

    Let me explain my argument, and why I feel that the rules as they are written today do not need to be changed.

    Rules clearly state that if a raid target spawns between X time and Y time, it’s considered in either 1 of 3 categories. (FFA, EU, NA) There are no exceptions to this rule.

    01:00:01 – 12:00:00 = FFA
    12:00:01 – 06:00:00 = EU
    06:00:01 – 01:00:00 = NA

    There is no reason a mob should be able start out as FFA than transition into another slot. That is both complicated and can lead to exploitations. Everyone can agree simple is good. It does not get any simpler that what is already written. It isn’t until people start to apply rules, exceptions, circumstances to those rules that they start to become foggy and need pages of explanations for each instance or circumstance that may or may never happen.

    Example: When Lord Nagafen spawns….he has a predetermined loot list that is generated at the moment he is spawned on the server. His loot does not alter based on his time that he is killed, by who does the killing, or what method he was killed by. (mage army or good raid comp). His loot will be the same regardless, this is all figured out the instant he is spawned.

    Use that same example and apply it to the 3 different time slots. If he spawns in window for FFA…it will remain FFA regardless of any other outside circumstances. IE going across time slots.

    There is a specific set of rules for FFA….if it spawns in that FFA window it has those very specific rules ONLY. Don’t cloud the issue with crossing windows.

    Simple straight forward, and to the point….you can’t get rules any more obvious.
  9. Nydan_silent Journeyman

    Like I said, everyone but TL is on their way to less than 2 raids per week.
  10. Aekold Augur

    Which is what happens when you try to divide 4 mobs that spawn, on average, every 36 hours, among 6 different organizations. Maybe if there was actually content available to share people would be more inclined to share it, but right now you have an incredibly high population server jammed into a sardine can with no content at all.
  11. PathToEternity

    There is really no way to solve this. The only remotely possible solution is to let mobs stay spawned for 0 - 18 hours until a raid force from a primetime-only shows up to kill it.

    You want to reduce raids even more than they already are? There are few better ways than to tack on this additional time between spawns.

    Right now Naggy dies about 5.25 times per week. Your asking to drop that number to 3 - 4.
  12. -wycca Augur

    In 2 days, we've had 7 spawns. 3 have fallen in FFA time (one barely), 2 in Euro, and 2 in NA. I don't see the problem.
  13. HonorablePally Lorekeeper

    You seriously dont need to keep defending yourselves, its obvious Apok is on some kind of insane posting campaign on every EQ forum out there.
  14. Bufonidae Elder

    Making the blocks of time on the rotation equal size would help, not letting mobs that spawn late in FFA time extend into the blocks that expedite the rotation would help as much or more.
  15. Banuvan Augur

    Eliminate the stupid blocks of time. Set up a real rotation. If you can't kill the target when it spawns then after a set amount of time after it spawns it goes FFA.

    If you can't field a raid force when it's your turn on a raid target then that's your problem. You have what you wanted. A guaranteed uncontested shot at the target. You choose not to take that shot. If you need to recruit more people then recruit more people. Batphone it in.

    Time slots such as they are on the RF rotation are dumb and only complicate things. Mobs don't spawn at specific times therefore you need to be ready, as a guild, to mobilize and kill a raid target as soon as it spawns at any time.
  16. Bufonidae Elder

    I know there's gonna be changes soon, but shouldn't it still be getting thoroughly updated? Inny and Vox went down in Prime Time A tonight, but the rotation still shows Apok on deck.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  17. Sagnid Augur

    The spreadsheet has yet to be updated because the guild who killed Inni and Vox has yet to do so. This will need to be addressed and worked on in the future.
  18. PathToEternity

    Fixing that is in the works, I've been told there was an issue with editing rights to the spreadsheet, attempting to get that corrected now.
  19. -wycca Augur

    Welcome Ceaseless and Darkwind - newest rotation members! Grats on passing your gatekeeper.
    skattabrainz likes this.
  20. Lifebane Augur

    Spreadsheet is now up to date.