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Oakwynd monk question

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Quik, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Quik Augur

    I have the Monk epic, we are in Kunark and almost to Velious, and my haste item is an RGB. I have good gear in general and my question is:

    Tstaff or dual wield? Which one gets me more dmg in general? Does it really matter much?
  2. Lisard Silly

    barefist (with epic on), in velious get a fist of nature or gharn's rock of smashing for your primary hand and just epic barefist offhand

    BigLe2e and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.
  3. BigLe2e New Member

    Hand to hand has always out performed any 1hb/2hb combo I've seen on MOTM mobs through PoP.
    Best ratio in your main hand for the bonus dmg for the bypass. Empty off hand until something competitive ratio wise comes around (assuming epic equipped).
  4. Manerz Elder

    General reparm 2h is better than dual wielding until you get fist from xegonny and tonfu
    Szilent likes this.