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Oakwynd Information and FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Zansobar Augur

    Would be nice but apparently we are getting only one server this year to force players to test fte.

    They should add a second casual server with Mischief 2.0 ruleset as thats been the most casual TLP ever launched. They can add the evolving bonuses but keep the AOC lock as account wide since setting it to per character is a hardcore player setting.
    Khanfu likes this.
  2. Dalyrina Elder

    Q: Will there be any changes with how loot or experience is awarded?
    A: No. Loot and experience will be awarded to the person/group/raid that does the most damage to the NPC.

    Seems pretty clear that isn't the case. I think if they didn't give loot/exp after it's been unlocked it would actually solve a couple of the current problems though.
    Khanfu likes this.
  3. Zrender Augur

    The fact that the way I explained that it works in eq2, combined with the wording here "semi-unlock" tell me that it will be the same. Is it possible that it won't? Sure, we haven't seen it yet. Also possible that 20 gnomes will pop out of the NPC and launch fireworks. But, why would it be implemented any differently than eq2 if the other ways it could work solved no problems? It's pretty simple first-order logic here. It absolutely could be more clear. That we can agree on.
    From FAQ:
    "This will semi-unlock the NPC and allow anyone to attack it. Once unlocked using /yell, the NPC cannot be locked again until it leaves combat, and the original lock is removed"

    Edit: I will add that if it does indeed still drop loot/xp and aggro others around after /yell then I will unceremoniously switch sides and declare that it's the worst idea ever brought to the game.
    Khanfu likes this.
  4. Khanfu Elder

    If you can get loot and exp from unlock /yell then it will be abused. I'm sure all these smart folks can figure it out. *peace*
  5. Khanfu Elder

    *Hands up!*
    come to the dark side Zrender...
    Zrender likes this.
  6. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Doesn't /pickzone make this unlikely?

    If I understand how /pickzone works.. If there is a bard "perma mezzing', get enough people in zone to get a new /pick available, everyone leave the /pick with that bard, the new /pick has the same potential to have that same NPC (or placeholders), the old /pick with the bard will collapse when there aren't enough players.

    And, how is this different in the DPS race with the same bard "perma" charming? With mez, yes, DPS would break it, but you can't DPS a charmed creature.

    It's a strawman argument in either situation.
  7. versair Journeyman

    Many...many bards will exist. if there is krono to be made from the rules allowing them to abuse the mechanic, they will be everywhere to secure kill rights for sale on any high value target they can. As for picks, how many picks of popular zones do you see closing during a launch? guk will have like 10 picks open. and when you force open a new pick...other people will flood it too, with maybe MORE bards...

    and a quick thought to your perma charming thing. a lot of mobs with the rare tag cannot be charmed. and even so...bards eventually go oom while charming. so its not really perma.
    ForumBoss likes this.
  8. Khanfu Elder

    Do people really understand how some classes work in EQ?
    enchanters, bards, monks, necros, mages...
    good gracious...
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And many bards will get suspended/banned for zone disruption if they try to keep something mezzed for a long time.
    Conceal and code-zero like this.
  10. Khanfu Elder

    Do you know how long it takes to even get a slap on the wrist... much less banned. NO...

    EDIT**And if you were with TR on the legends server I know good and well you know tons of exploits and ways to abuse the game of EQ. Lets get real... TR used to be END GAME...

    EDIT 2** and most still are I'm sure.
  11. Zrender Augur

    My cat plays a wizard. I don't think he finds it very challenging though.
    Erekai and Khanfu like this.
  12. Zrender Augur

    So back to my "whispers of chaos" idea. Refresher: Since trains will be removed there could be a non-FTE mob that randomly (and rarely) spawns into any zone (scaled to zone plus maybe 10 or so levels) and starts running around WITH social aggro. A minute before that there's a zonewide "You hear the whispers of chaos". This does two things. #1 As I said, it preserves that train danger AND #2 It could deter some kinds of botting since you will need to do something to avoid it (I said deter not eliminate so don't start). When that mob is killed, ideally by people in the zone cooperating on it, it grants some kind of loot from that zone and a zonewide buff and loot for anyone that participated in the kill. Fun social stuff. To add to the fun factor it (much more rarely) spawns somewhere in the world (global chat: "Massive forces of chaos are gathering") as a raid mob. Everyone that helps with the kill (edit: And has a minimum aggro threshold i.e. not just some lowbie spell) gets flagged for a loot roll if the mob is killed. Make the loot unique. Oh, maybe the cool food/water summoning clickies from Vaniki for example. What say you?
    Khanfu likes this.
  13. Khanfu Elder

    I wanted to comment but it wouldn't be nice for current developers. I like ideas that are outside the box...
    Zrender likes this.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I do know that people get action taken against there accounts all the time for training, it just takes reporting the actions with proper evidence.
    Conceal and code-zero like this.
  15. Gemstoner Elder

    I haven't seen anyone else try to collate the information we've been given in these threads so I thought I'd give a stab at it. Feel free to pick it apart, but its the best I can do at this point. By the end my brain hurt heh.

    There seem to be 4 or even 5 lock status conditions with Encounter Locking (EL) that have been mentioned in the original producer's letter and in this FAQ or can be inferred from the information given. I'm giving how I think they operate and then some questions or possible issues (numbered) about how they operate.

    A. Normal/Reset/Unlocked(Producer's Letter) - This condition happens after a NPC spawns or Resets at its spawn point from the Returning/Inactive Lock condition after a short timer expires at its spawn point. This is the bog standard condition of any NPC on servers that aren't EL enabled, ie business as usual. *

    *This is the way it is explained in the original Producer's Letter, this FAQ either invalidates it or confuses the issue by its comment regarding people being able to Active Lock an NPC that is returning to its spawn point. I think it was just an unclear comment and actually refers to another conditional state I call "Returning/Inactive Lock" below. The comment specifically talked about what happens when the puller dies, so presumably the group though Active Lock linked would not be on the hatelist yet through either proximity, social, healing, damage since the puller didn't make it back to them.

    1) Does this full reset only happen once it gets back to its spawn point? If not, that's going to allow training abuse.

    B. Active Lock - This condition happens to the NPC when it is in a Normal/Reset/Unlocked condition and a player first hits their hatelist. The addition to the hatelist can be from an attack by the player or from social or proximity aggro triggering the NPC to attack the player, ie the usual ways to get on an NPC's hatelist just like on any non-EL enabled server. The lock is specific to that player, however it is also linked to any group or raid that player is a part of. The player can join a group/raid after Active Locking an NPC and the link is propagated at that time. No other players can attack or cast on the NPC. Healing and buff spells targeted on players function normally, meaning non EL linked players can cast heals on EL Active Lock linked players. The NPC can not add any player to its hatelist that is not EL Active Lock linked to it.

    1) If the player drops from the group/raid does the group/raid lose its EL Active Lock linked status? Meaning, can they suddenly no longer attack the NPC? If so, are they wiped from the NPC's hatelist? If not, this is going to cause obvious problems.

    2) Need to make sure that aoe/rain spells from players not EL Active Locked to the NPC can not land. If not, this will enable training.

    3) Is that how the NPC hatelist functions with a Active Locked NPC? If not, this will enable training if social or proximity aggro functions normally.

    4) Can players without an EL link to the NPC freely cast buffs/heals on other players that have an EL link with an NPC? Do they get added to the hatelist?

    C. Semi Unlock - This condition happens when an NPC is in Active Lock condition and a player with an EL Active Lock linked condition (either the original player or joined to them in a group/raid) targets the NPC and uses the /yell command. This condition allows any player to attack and cast spells on the NPC. Exp and loot goes to the player/group/raid contributing the most damage as per the usual non EL rules. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via direct attacks. The NPC cannot add players to its hatelist using social or proximity aggro.

    1) Is that how aggro and the NPC hatelist actually work with the Semi Unlock condition?. If not, then this will enable training.

    D. Inactive Lock - This condition happens when an NPC is in the Active Lock condition AND it leaves combat AND has no players on its hatelist (I know the FAQ doesn't mention the hatelist but I'm making an implicit assumption). There is an unknown "short" timer that starts. Before the timer expiration a player with an EL Active Lock link can attack the NPC and it will return to Active Lock condition. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via direct attacks AND that have an Active Lock link to it. Players can only attack it if they have an EL Active Lock link to it.

    1) The most likely situation for this to happen is that the puller dies on pull or memblur from spells/songs or the puller flops in camp and no one picks up the NPC in time (depending on how aggro works with Active Lock linked players, can they get social/proximity aggro or just direct attacks/heals?).

    E. Returning/Resetting - This condition happens when an NPC is in the Active Lock or Semi Unlock condition AND has no players on its hatelist AND it leaves combat AND the Inactive Lock timer expires. Any player can attack the NPC, this will create an Active Lock condition. The NPC can only add players to its hatelist via the first direct attack which then creates the Active Lock. The NPC can not add players to its hatelist from social, proximity, healing aggro. The NPC paths back to its spawn point to Reset/Unlock.

    1) If the NPC hatelist doesn't work like that then again it enables training.
    Dalyrina and Khanfu like this.
  16. Khanfu Elder

    I have been around off and on since 99. I was on Bertoxx.... BertHall, Divinity, Prophecy, Phantom Raiders, Dragon Council... I have seen a lot.

    This FTE "as explained" has some good intentions and a lot of "??".

    I think "training" still exist as explained. PL still exist as explained. Abuse of "FTE" will exist as explained.

    *edit* Maybe enable extended target in classic so everyone can see what's happening
  17. Dalyrina Elder

    Pretty good summary.

    This one specifically is what I was referring to earlier. If it works this way then groups will be able snipe named mobs from across the zone. If you can re-engage just a singular resetting mob from a pack of mobs that are also resetting with a direct attack while the rest remain non hostile it just turns into a clown fiesta.
    Khanfu likes this.
  18. Zrender Augur

    Extended target is in classic. Isn't it? Level 20. Anyway, as a glass half full guy, I think part of the problem with the current announcement and faq is that it's been Marketin'Splained but we need it to be DevSplained. I also cut some slack because the person doing community management is new to the job and the fact that the feature is still in development might make it hard to create a detailed faq at the spur of the moment.

    Still guessing it will work exactly the same as eq2, if not then the darkside will be looking pretty good ;-)
    Khanfu likes this.
  19. Khanfu Elder

    Aye, they should enable extended target from classic and everyone can see exactly what you are referring to. As they currently explain it this is the case.
    Dalyrina likes this.
  20. Khanfu Elder

    EXT target window is not classic or at least not easily available. I think you may be able to utilize it somehow but its not easily available in the UI until later... I'm pretty sure 8)

    If its like EQ2 and not exp/loot for /yell then maybe its better??? just so convoluted.

    Edit** btw I'm referring to extended target as more than 5 targets.
    Zrender likes this.