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Oakwynd Information and FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Candlejack New Member

    The only TLP ruleset I want to see implemented is one where they remove Mitigation from the game. Let small groups of friends access raid content in era as guilds are all garbage on TLPs.
    Ilshade and Ruhi like this.
  2. GodsFavoriteAnt New Member

    How to exploit this, let me count the ways:

    1) Train the person tagging mobs so they die and you can take the contested mob. Daybreak does very little to enforce rules, so this is pretty low risk.

    2) Bard uses High Sun to reset the mob when the bard's friend is ready to grab it.

    3) Wait till the mob is near death, have your enchanter mem blur the mob then your group tags and burns it down.

    4) Hold mobs indefinitely with mez or by kiting.

    5) Hold rooted mobs forever using pets because Mitigation of the Mighty is the most game mechanic ever conceived. This can and will be used to block progression in open world ToV.

    That is just off the top of my head and after a cursory glance at what is planned. How are professional game designers not catching this in the planning stage? Do you have a planning stage?
  3. Aiona Augur

    I have suggested a faster respawn rate in the past.

    It's a great idea and has more positive effects than listed by Pudi. The horribly slow respawn rate we have had all these years is a relic of the past. Many MMORPG's have NPC's respawn so fast nowadays that they are back within seconds.

    Literally no one wants to wait around for mobs to kill in current generation MMO's, except for when preparing for "world bosses" or something.

    This would change how we play EverQuest, I won't deny that. But I believe it would be a change for the better, if DBG honestly wishes to draw in new players from younger generations (that and a better setup UI with modern keybinds by default, would do miracles for new players).

    TLP's also go through content about 10 times faster or even more, than was intended upon release of the expansions. Players had a whole year to sit around and wait for mobs to respawn so they could gear up and be ready for the next expansion. On TLP's, we have 4-12 weeks.

    Players are also much better geared now on average, compared to how the average player was geared 20+ years ago. Combining the better overall gear with the Enchanter charmed pet, who does more damage alone than an entire, average group; red con mobs just melt like butter -- anything level appropriate is trivial except when charm breaks or bad pulls happen.

    It's time for EverQuest to make some fundamental changes if they wish to stay in the game by drawing in new players. And "experimental" TLP's are a great place to try out new EverQuest experiences.

    When it was first announced, Oakwynd was dead on arrival according to many "popular" players and forum posters here. That's not what I saw, though. I immediately saw potential for a new EQ experience, a hope for change.

    And right about now, I could go for a lot of changes. I'm tired of the same toxic soup these TLP's have fostered since their inception.
  4. Zrender Augur

    We already know the goal of FTE is to eliminate intentional training (already against ToS) and reduce or eliminate KSing. Those are positive goals, I personally would like to see afk AE PLing eliminated as well (as afk xping is already also against ToS). I'm not super worried about KSing but I'm fine if it's eliminated and I'd be fine if the game itself spawned some random mob occasionally that replicates trains to keep the danger element but make it non-toxic (call it an emissary of chaos or something that gives everyone in zone a buff when killed to create a nice social aspect) have like a 60 second warning with a zonewide "you hear the whispers of chaos". Anyway, let's start with the stated goals. I think most of us can say with 100% certainty that eliminating intentional training is possible as it just relates to how and where a mob socially aggroes. Is there another non-FTE way to legit reduce or eliminate KSing or other ways to prevent intentional training or KSing not already suggested (instancing, open tagging, open tagging with minimum aggro req, only add aggro if engaged, etc)? I admit I'm skeptical about how difficult it will be to eliminate KSing (rolling up on a camp and FTE cheating is still KSing), have said from my first post that I think it will be very complicated.

    In general I think a bunch of people are wasting their time fighting this because it's obviously going to save DPG support money and open the game to people that can't stand toxics. I'm assuming most of the EQ team can read between the lines and see that most (not all) of the posts here and in the other thread are by QQers that are here because it's not Mischief 2.0 (would object to any ruleset not free-trade), RMTers that feel the ruleset doesn't benefit them or people with some combination of things multi-posting or having sycophants post to further their cause.
    Ruhi and Sabra like this.
  5. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Lowering respawn an expansion before instance zone era starts doesn't seem to make much difference. I would not call that "invigorating". You have a ton of options to level alts up at this point and congestion is never a problem. There are a few high lvl zones that will benefit like pofire and paw, though.

    Secondly, after just a few expansions most players will spend time within instances grinding alt currencies or progressions where respawn timers wont make much difference. There are a few open world zones that are nice in each expansions but the bulk of the population wont spend but a fraction of their time grinding those.

    Overall the best experience for a player is to not be staring at an empty zone, fighting over a few available mobs that are within your exp bracket. This is the dread of the classic TLP experience and its not very attractive to new players. I see nothing wrong with keeping groups busy, it will help remove some of the toxic nature we all have due to famine situations were forced in.
  6. Warlock003 New Member

    I would 100% be playing a tlp with 50%+ spawn timer reduction. That would make getting xp actually fun and not have to argue and fight over mobs. 75% would be awesome. Devs should listen to this idea
    ForumBoss and Ilshade like this.
  7. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Agreed. I think the early era should have a high reduction in respawn timers and then slowly scale back toward a more reasonable reduction by GoD. I dont want Tipt respawns any faster! People already fail that during launch night progression rushes.
    Aiona likes this.
  8. Ruhi Augur

    1 - might work depending on how /yell works
    2 - outside spells dont land
    3 - outside spells dont land
    4 - locked down mobs might be a potential issue
    5 - aoc's - most don't care, for the few that do it may be a potential issue

    there is no doubt fte will trade a set of problems for another set of problems.

    the camps that incur some toxicity with dps racing will still incur toxicity, but 95% of the rest of the game - there's not going to be some magical influx of toxicity because of fte

    most examples i've seen are very ambiguous. "a bard will kite it all day" - kite what? efreeti? probably not. a rhino in ot? sure, but who cares. the raid example above in ntov is specific, and it does point out a potential issue - those types of scenarios will happen as people find out how to get any sort of advantage. whether FTE will increase that type of behavior - my opinion is no, because people already do it and have done it on all everquest servers.

    i could be wrong and it could be a toxic wasteland, and if that's the case, dbg will fix it or people will stop playing on oakwynd. there are still plenty of other servers without fte to play on.
    Sabra likes this.
  9. versair Journeyman

    You're forgetting the easy examples. Bards can perma mez important epic mobs or PHs to sell kill rights. no one could contest them because of FTE. imagine begurgle being mezzed by a bard forever? or the PHs for gimblox or something.

    Any kind of harrassment in this form, or preventing of players to actually play, is an ACTUAL issue.
    and if you don't think there are enough people to chase down those high value targets to make some krono however they can...we have been playing different games. FTE opens the door to legally abuse tactics and leaves the players without a single recourse to fight against it.
  10. xmod2 Happybear

    I am really not sure WHAT they are trying to fix. There are just so many problems that the cure is many times worse than the disease.

    Take AE PL. If they are worried about stopping powerleveling, then they have to make it as painful to the powerlevelers as possible. Most paid PL is done when the person being boosted is AFK. It also requires the ability to CC / tank mobs with a higher level team outside of the group that is getting XP without them stealing the kill. The more customers they can get into the group with the wizard, the better.

    FTE on the surface seems to fix that. The puller is going to get all the aggro and lock the encounter. The people outside of the group cannot assist in stunning the mobs, so the group that pulled the mobs are forced to fully kill the mobs. Except doing that breaks the ability for someone running asps into EC tunnel to get helped by a friendly higher level. So they have to add encounter breaking which means the player can initiate the ending of the encounter lock by /yelling. Well, they could continue to screw over PLers by making broken encounters award 0 xp or loot, but then it leads to people purposefully poofing quest mobs and all kinds of other stupid behavior, so they KEEP the loot and switch it to traditional DPS race after the encounter is broken.

    So as a PLer, now you just have to /y to break the encounter and then EVERYTHING IS EXACTLY THE SAME. If you have to /y on each mob it will be annoying, but not annoying enough to stop professionals. It WILL stop regular people who have a high level druid friend and want to get started on the server, because they just won't have the setup to mass /y. If they add EQ2 style "break all" /y when you target yourself or nothing, then it literally has no effect on PLers at all.

    In the case of KSing, this is now solely done through DPS races. Again, this screws over 'normal' people while leaving the 'professionals' unscathed. If you are a kronofarmer sitting at Efreeti with a pack of necros, you will also just have a wiz box to macro target and tflux the rares. In the past a full group at least had a chance of pushing them out, but now you could have a raid and you won't have any luck. In the case you are up against a non-professional, now instead of a single player requiring the dps to do 51% against an entire group, a single warrior can come up and tag your mob and then slowly just kill it for 30 minutes in front of your group and there is nothing you can do about it.

    For trains, the mobs will NOT leash back to spawn before becoming unlocked according to the faq. This means that unintentional trains of someone running past you may not cause proximity aggro, but it DOES mean that A) the train returning to their spawn WILL add on your group anyway (almost worse) and B) intentional training works as it always did. Monk flops, mobs blink for a few seconds and then become active.

    In every single case FTE doesn't solve the problem that it appears to be created to solve, and in every single case it opens up bigger problems that didn't exist before. I know the devs at DPG care about EQ, so the only way I can possibly understand the change is that there is some problem FTE fixes that the community is completely unaware of.
  11. Jardad Journeyman

    repair in search of a problem , they have never even done anything about multiboxers and bots ( its like watching a rockettes line ) . not even P99 can do anything.
  12. Ruhi Augur

    i did say locked down mobs are a potential issue - so i'm not sure why you are trying to reinforce the idea that locked down mobs are a potential issue when i agree that they will be

    FTE opens the door to new tactics, but regular servers already have legal abuse of mechanics that leave players without recourse - it's what i said earlier - we will be trading 1 set of issues for another set of issues - if fte is actually worse than dps racing remains to be seen - it very well could be worse as i've already stated as well.
  13. code-zero Augur

    Multiboxers aren't considered a problem, that's what Truebox was all about. Botters get banned when they're caught
  14. Froglok_Shaman New Member

    Siren's Grotto is always quite the spot.
  15. Crackers Augur

    Please DBG, do not go another weekend without updating us. Even something as simple as "We acknowledge the addtional feedback, and are formulating additional details and a plan of action to address your feedback." is better than the deafening silence.

    18 pages of forum posts and your inability to respond to it to even let us know you're paying attention is pretty disappointing. Heck, even if your post is to tell us you're making no additional changes, at least we know at that point. Give us some sort of a response.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I am fundamentally opposed to that. Because I think it would make EQ so boring to just faceroll raid mobs in small groups.

    But, if it was done this idea would hit a brick wall with later event complexity, and groups would be crying all day long about it.
    It would be just fine & dandy for the pre GoD expansions maybe so a seasonal server that pushed everyone off to Agnarr once it reached the end of LDoN's run which had no MoTM would be about the limit of this servers appeal or maybe less.
    Perfect for the recyclers maybe.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And those are already violations of existing rules, it won't be hard to file a petition and show that someone is violating the rules by keeping a mob mezzed for long periods of time and disrupting the zone.
    Erekai, Rijacki and code-zero like this.
  18. Playrod1625 New Member

    They should push back the launch date and just come out with a new plan. The npc lock is not it. I can and know many people who can kite most zones. Now they can't train, they can just grab all mobs from camps around the zone and kite while their group pulls a few off to kill for exp and keep going. Groups don't sit on spawns. They chill in a spot that all eq players know are camps. So now people can just sit on the actual spawns themselves to get the lock and run out with a named or whatever.
  19. Froglok_Shaman New Member

    EverQuest is faceroll regardless of MOTM being present or not. This game is not difficult or mechanically challenging in any way shape or form.

    I could see why some people would want MOTM gone. Sometimes people only roll with a small crew of 12-18 people. Sometimes people roll with a full raid.
  20. Yaboi New Member

    Reading through the 100+ page feedback thread and this one as well it's pretty obvious that the community does not like the idea of FTE. They devs are going to put it in on this server anyway, they just don't care in regards to FTE. PLEASE LOWER THE SPAWN RATES. FIND WAYS TO MAKE THE SERVER FUN. DONT RUIN OUR GAME