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Oakwynd Information and FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Qode New Member


    ok, what if there is 50% chance said item will drop in the first place. Split that 50% chance between the groups in the encounter.

    Scenario 1) [2 full groups DPS'ing the spawn down] : 6 players in group a / 6 players in group b. each group has 50% of the 50% chance to get rare loot.

    Scenario 2) [1 full group DPS'ing the spawn down, single bard wants to help] : 6 players in group account for 86% of the chance and the solo bard gets 14% chance.

    Scenario 3) [mix of small groups and solo attack spawn] : larger groups pool their % together to encourage grouping, but smaller groups and solo aren't left hanging, and can ask to join group to get a better chance at the loot.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Reusing some rules does not mean they are going to reuse an entire special ruleset from a TLP server that is still going strong as the sole example of that ruleset.
  3. MyOtherAccountBanned New Member

    I'm calling out someone for EXTREMELY toxic behavior and you're threatening me? What kind of world do we live in that everyone is on the villain's side?
    Zrender likes this.
  4. xmod2 Happybear

    This is exactly how it works in WoW, and, with personal loot, who cares? If you are already going to steal tagging from other games, you might as well steal the most up to date version. That is everyone who tags a mob gets xp and a personal loot roll against that target.
  5. Zrender Augur

    Yeah, I think the top like 4 or so MMOs all use some variation. I like the FFXIV version best. It requires a minimum aggro threshold to get the tag so they need to fully participate in the kill. Prevents people from just popping off some low level spell and then not helping but getting full credit. Not sure how it would work for EQ but it would for sure create some interesting scenarios when piles of people would be camping certain named. Might be a good social server. Probably it should be tried on at least one tlp at some point.
  6. PudiTangk Apprentice

    Why FTE doesn't work...
    Tyranthraxus and BloodEQ like this.
  7. PudiTangk Apprentice

    Won't even try this server without a change like this.
    Obi1Kinobi and BloodEQ like this.
  8. Kazzuk Elder

    Randomized Loot was the special ruleset for Mischief... Free Trade was an add on, in case you need to be refreshed.

    Now, I did/do love the catch up aspects and money making aspects of Free Trade, but I think Randomized Loot + Hierlooms may be interesting, FTE is the "ruleset" for Oakwynd.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I know that but that doesn't change the fact that we are very unlikely to get a new random loot or free trade TLP until later in the life cycle of the current random loot server.
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    All I know is I will be skipping Oakwynd, no BST & BER at launch is a deal-breaker even if that means I never play EQ again.
    But even if Oakwynd had all classes from the start the lack of a Side-Kicking catch up system makes me hugely reluctant to even think about an FTE server.
    The Legacy Character system is to my mind a complete waste of time for TLP and should just be trialled on the test-server before bringing it to Live Servers where it will actually get some good mileage - but I would hope the system can be opted out of so players who WANT to slow-grow on Alts still can. For that system to actually be viable on TLP the XP boosts for same-account alts would need to start bigger & ramp up to insane levels for the 3rd 4th 5th etc. Otherwise no player with an actual life would ever have time enough to bring their alts up to max level in era.
    Yinla and Pops Racer like this.
  11. BloodEQ Assassin

    Total bros.
    MyOtherAccountBanned likes this.
  12. Pops Racer Olde Faht

    Trying to get in before this thread is locked - it appears to be going off the rails.

    Skuz, I've always liked your idea for a side kick system, ala City of Heroes. I think it would be a big benefit to EQ.

    Everyone else - PLEASE go play on Test when these changes get launched there. Even if you are against the whole concept. Show how bad it is....or how it is not so bad...

    Then we can have rational discussions about what FTE and Legacy is (or is not) and decide if the new TLP will be worthy of your time.
    Zrender, code-zero and Chanaluss like this.
  13. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    If we can get back onto the previous topic of NPC spawn reduction timers -

    If it is done in a less extreme manner (say 25-33% instead of 75%) does anyone have any huge cons for this? It doesn't prevent the casuals from being able to keep clear or reach a camp. It doesn't prevent the casuals from being able to dungeon crawl down and complete a quest. And we know it is something that they plan on doing already (15% reduction so moving it up to 25% isn’t a huge jump) already, why not give it on the server earlier for another unique spice to entice people to test out the waters.

    Let's face it FTE is a contentious if not unpopular idea. This is evident by all the other posts and arguments that have been had on this forum AND the fact that the Devs made concessions in other ways to help us deal with the fact that FTE is coming to this server and it was one of the things they would not bend on. Even with this changes, the server doesn't seem to be super popular from the recruitment posts and guild discords I've hopped into.

    The pros of reducing the spawn timers have been laid out well - even if you disagree with the rate at which the original image suggests. It would allow everyone more changes rare spawns as PHs are quicker, it would give everyone more mobs to kill in all zones not just the popular ones so less contention for scarce resources, it would give everyone more choice in where to level and explore because there is actually XP to be had outside the top 5 zones, it would make bottleneck and quest mobs respawn quicker (allowing even alts a potential chance to complete them), and most importantly it gives us all more TIME to play and level these alts they want us to play.

    A 33% reduction in spawn timers may not seem like enough to start for some, but it adds up extremely quick. It's almost 10 mins per spawn in the dungeons as is. Saving us that time on one toon in getting our spawn quicker, our npc faster, or the drop we need would allow us to spend that time on an alt that they want us to play. Time is something that we cannot make more of and as the population for this game is older on average we are lacking (except those retirees among us).

    Overall though it would give us Everquest players something new that we haven't had before.
  14. versair Journeyman

    I'm only one man with an opinion...but I feel it has to be significant. it has to be at least a 50% faster spawns, and preferably 60% to REALLY make a difference on the server. Anything smaller and the impact just will not be large enough I do not think.
  15. Zansobar Augur

    What is the benefit of faster spawns instead of just increasing xp per mob and/or loot amounts per mob? Which is less detrimental to server performance?
  16. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    I specifically think on this server AA XP needs an increase or autogrant needs to be beefed up.

    I'm not opposed to those either - but, to play devil's advocate and the argument from others I have seen on this forum regarding those specific things.

    1 - Extra loot per mob - Some people feel that the "loot pinata" feel of Mischief was detrimental and made people feel there was no enjoyment out of gearing out and "growing" their character. They felt that it became too quick to get geared out and the quest/journey to see their little toon grow into a strong one was taken away from them. (I feel like a lot of people got this idea from Mischief during Classic when sometimes loot table were still broken and rolling 3-4x loot at times and it was patched out. I feel like this is why people complained about it on Mischief but didnt mention Vaniki's double loot being an issue at all).

    2- Extra XP per mob - This kind of is the same problem as above. If it goes too quick they lack the enjoyment of it. I also feel that if we increased the XP on this server specifically with the other things already going on with Legacy characters XP could become extremely trivial. Overall global XP increase even more than they have stated and Legacy character boost would make things too quick and then people who normally enjoy the "ride to max" instead find themselve there too quickly and burn out.

    I do not know exactly how it would strain the server anymore than it already does? The amount of mobs, players, and pickzones would remain constant. Can you explain how it would hurt their server performance even more if the timer just went quicker?
  17. Go Take A Nap Augur

    My opinion on this is i would rather have more to do VS standing around waiting for mobs and getting more exp for it.

    Spawning mobs faster shouldnt have an impact, specially if they are using object pooling. its just reusing an entity that is hidden/inactive VS spawning and maintaining another clone of the zone. We are talking about Everquest though and im not sure how many memory leaks are lingering in old code.
  18. Sabra Lorekeeper

    I thought about this too. If that old 90's EQ code is using linked lists its super easy to have memory leaks to bad pointers etc. But they've already announced that they will reduce spawns in LoY and TDS so I can't imagine its a huge issue.

    Note that the max they're lowering it to is 70% where the current suggestion is down to 25% which may cause problems. Will all of guk spawning every 5-6 minutes crash the instance from memory leaks? Eh its all speculation but mark my words, the best they will do is lower it to 70% from server start instead of waiting to TDS, you're not getting it down to 25% lol
    Go Take A Nap likes this.
  19. Grimaldus No pity. No remorse. No fear

    Mobs should spawn fast enough, that a solo, (or possibly box group), can't keep up with the spawns. It should be fast enough that as a solo I would be happy to see another person show up at "my" camp. If I go oom, or need to heal up, the other person is there to get the next mob, and when they are filling up their bars, I can get then next spawn. Timed right, it would do away with the feeling that your mobs were being stolen, as you'd still be getting your kills.
    xmod2 and Go Take A Nap like this.
  20. ForumBoss Augur

    This is a concise and effective suggestion. Random loot has already proven to nullify the KS issue for named mobs on Mischief. If some folks dislike random, please add one roll from the original mob's loot table so it is possible to target farm, but have a random table or two as well.