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Oakwynd Information and FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Sorkan New Member

    This is something I think most people would get behind. You already gave casuals unlimited access to raid mobs via the AoC account loot piñata. Give the people that want the open world competition this. Plus the leveling experience would be absolutely would be SO FUN! This is one change that I think can actually SAVE this server.
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  2. Tanar Lorekeeper

    I was hoping as well for fastest expansion unlocks (not as fast as selos... maybe 6-8 weeks) and increase loot instead of half lockouts.
  3. YttriumF New Member

    Strongly disagree.

    Changing global spawn timers will impact the current "meta' of how we "break/split" mob camps. We do not need to create Emerald Jungle or Plane of Storms style zones globally.
    Sabra and Rijacki like this.
  4. TLPnotFTE New Member

    This idea to dramatically accelerate mob respawn would alleviate the concerns I previously expressed in the original feedback thread regarding the new ruleset.

    Players could play together in a less contested but more exciting/dangerous environment reminiscent of the original game. I am particularly excited by the possibility of re-finding zones to xp in which were previously not viable to support a group(s) due to slow respawn.

    Accelerated respawn (and accelerated rare respawn) were always planned to be 6 of the 30 planned cumulative evolving benefits in the first Producers Oakwynd letter... they just need to be adjusted and frontloaded to launch when the server is at its most crowded.
  5. code-zero Augur

    So a group of max level enchanters can then engage with AE stuns after a /yell by the PL groups? I don't think that'll have the effect that you think that it'll have
  6. versair Journeyman

    This is the biggest factor to consider. this will open the game up for more than 5% of the world to be played in.

    The problems that plague modern EQ on TLPs is that 90% of the server population all go to the same places. if spawn times were reduced...we would go to zones that have been collecting cobwebs for years!
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  7. code-zero Augur

    I have been waiting and waiting and still see that people aren't addressing looting.

    So, say I'm playing a <not a Paladin> . Group kills something that drops a great Paladin item. I have a Paladin on my account so I want that item and will roll for it. Everyone should.
  8. versair Journeyman

    outside of raid loot it matters very little. I doubt this will have any meaningful impact. sorry friend.
  9. Larsen Augur

    I still don't see how this really mitigates kill-stealing. It facilitates that more than it mitigates it. It will no longer be necessary to actually outdamage whoever you're competing with, just get the first tag. This means anyone can waltz into a camp and just start taking mobs from a full group and there's nothing they can do about it. It seems like a cure that's worse than the disease.

    Sure, there will be times when Encounter Locking serves to prevent someone from KSing who would otherwise have done so; but I think it'll do the opposite much more often. Contrary to popular belief, KSing was not some kind of rampant problem that people encountered all the time, and that's precisely because a full group could only be KSed by another similar force. One random dude couldn't barge into a camp and steal mobs from 6 players. Now you can.

    I think I can count on one hand the number of times anyone even attempted to KS me in six months of playing on the last TLP, and that's despite spending a lot of my time two-boxing by myself, not in full groups. Outside of select mobs like Efreeti Lord which are notorious for being RMTer hotspots, people didn't generally roam the world looking for chances to KS because you pretty much needed to 6-box in order to have any consistent success doing it. That has now changed.

    In what world does this protect against KSers more than it helps KSers? If I was someone who had a habit of KSing people for personal gain, I'd be rubbing my palms and licking my lips at the thought of a server that directly helps me do that and leaves the victims wholly unable to do anything about it. Previously, you had to be able to outdamage the victims. Now you just need to get the first tag.

    It will also make it easy to force a group to abandon a camp. Even if you're not stealing named mobs, just snagging whatever mobs you can will make it so that it isn't worth it for that group to stay. Losing like 30% of your mobs means the camp is no longer viable and the correct choice will be to go somewhere else where a large portion of your camp's mobs aren't being taken out of the respawn cycle. On Oakwynd, anytime anybody wants your camp, you've already lost it because it doesn't make sense to stay when someone has effectively reduced your XP by a large amount as well as potentially stealing some named mobs as well. You can basically walk up to any group and say "this is my camp now or else you're getting crap XP because I'll be tagging anything I can. Make your choice."

    This, in turn, will make it so that people have to start playing Everquest in this ridiculous, degenerate manner where tagging mobs first is hugely important. In order to prevent the above from happening, you'll need to start placing people on top of spawn points and spamming buttons in order to increase your odds of getting the tag first if there's anyone around who might try to take those spawns from you. And there will be. Also, the use of third-party software to see respawn timers will be further encouraged on this server. It'll be almost mandatory to use That One Program We All Know About.

    This is baffling to me. A feature intended to mitigate X, but anyone with any sense can see that it actually facilitates and helps X instead. Oakwynd will breed a new type of player who roams dungeons, moving from camp to camp in time with respawns in order to attempt to out-tag the groups there. Coupled with the other unimpressive features of the server, I'm not even slightly tempted to play on it. This is a no from me, dawg. It's a boring, unappealing server even without Encounter Locking, and with it, it's a game I don't want to play at all.

    If you want to fix training, simply make it so that mobs that are in combat will not aggro anyone who hasn't touched them. There's no need for something as intrusive and game-altering as Encounter Locking. Make it so a mob that is engaged will behave as though it cons indifferent to anyone not on its hate list. It will have the same effect on training as Encounter Locking without introducing any new methods of griefing. Basically make it behave the way it would when locked for anyone who hasn't touched the mob, but without actually making them unable to touch it.
  10. Starshape Elder

    The spawn timer reduction idea is brilliant.

    Given the reluctance to press the Random Loot or Free Trade button, this would be a great addition to the server.
    Ilshade and TLPnotFTE like this.
  11. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    Isnt that how it always is in pugs anyways? Everyone always rolls need. Wouldnt change much. Only change I'd see it would be how DKP needs to be handled possibly.
  12. Crabman Augur

    Going to stay on this train, please please please bring this in at classic. this would be a huge addition to classic/kunark in particular.
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  13. Familycat23 New Member

    Daybreak: please do not implement the FTE mechanic. It will be a fundamental change to the game we all love.
    pipedreams3 likes this.
  14. Larsen Augur

    A 75% reduction in spawn timers is completely excessive. A smaller reduction would serve the same purpose of making more zones worth using without simultaneously destroying the game's economy. If everything respawns in just a few minutes, nothing will be worth anything and an entire element of progression is eliminated from the game because it becomes so easy to get stuff.

    There's no need for such a dramatic increase in respawns. It could be reduced by like 30-40% and be plenty for the purpose of making it worth it to go to Split Paw or whatever. If they reduce it by 75%, the game becomes kind of a joke. The satisfaction and sense of accomplishment from obtaining rare items is a large part of what makes Everquest popular. That's going out the window if they make everything literally 400% more common, and that'd be really bad for the game.
    demilich, Crabman, Yinla and 3 others like this.
  15. Aerodru Apprentice

    To be fair, with FTE as it's currently planned, those rare items that you're trying to farm could be next-to-impossible to actually get because some jagoff with an autoclicker is going to beat you to the punch.
  16. YttriumF New Member

    I suspect that all the "timers" are constantly tuned by the designers during the first 30 days of a TLP launch. The goal being to retain a "Classic" gameplay look and feel for all players throughout the initial surge.
    Sabra likes this.
  17. Larsen Augur

    Just make it dynamic. If a mob is killed within three minutes of respawning, -33% to the next respawn timer. If it dies within one minute of respawning, -50% instead. That will make it so that areas which are being cleared systematically will have faster respawns, without turning the whole game on its head and ruining the economy or making it hard to solo because mobs respawn too fast to break a camp at all. A -75% reduction across the board is way over the top.
    pipedreams3 and Waring_McMarrin like this.
  18. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    I think a 33% reduction at the start would be fantastic. It turns 26 minute timers into 17 minutes. Nearly 10 mins faster. That is basically 4 chances at named an hour instead of 2.

    Besides named it will open up other zones and groups will have more mobs and less fighting/contention between groups for the scarce mobs. The picks you have open would sustain more groups each.
    Crabman and Sabra like this.
  19. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    That sounds amazing - but that is a ton of extra coding is my guess. They already show they have the ability to reduce overall spawn timer so its a simple number toggle.
  20. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Yes and one thing to note a lot of the training issues come from players trying to pull from much further than their camp spot and then another group gets angry and the war starts. It all starts from competing over empty zones where every groups puller is frantically running around looking for things to keep their friends busy hitting. Pickzones helped but they are taxing on the server and it may be easier to just bump the respawn rate up a bit vs spawning more.

    From what i remember most "Good " groups can kill 2 mobs per minute after lvl 10, when mage pets are not quite as OP. Maybe extending that to 14, but watching some old progression run videos it appears to be accurate after 20 for sure. That rate stays pretty much the same until 50. It feels busy without being over worked.

    So if we can plan a typical camp area to have available 120 creatures per hour it would go a long way. A typical camp spot usually doesnt have much more than 12 creatures to pull before you are overlapping into another groups area, so i think that comes out to exactly 6min respawns to sustain a 2 kill per minute average @ 10 respawns per hour * 12 creatures.

    Id be happy with ANY reduction though as i think it would be more engaging to have MORE to do verse gain more exp off the same amount. Boring down time between pulls causes players to turn green the most
    xmod2 likes this.