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Oakwynd Information and FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Apr 17, 2023.

  1. Sakuraba Augur

    I actually think it'd be great to boost some outdoor ZEMs, you mention Karana and that's honestly a spot I love to just lazy-pull with Monk or Shaman, pathers are manageable too. Would be a nice change of pace to take a bunch of peeps through there to kind of simulate a "hunting party" experience.

    Maybe a Lowered Respawn Rate legacy for Classic would be nice, alongside boosted ZEMs for the Karanas, both Ro's, Lavastorm, Kithicor, and Everfrost. Give us some additional good EXP spots that aren't necessarily on Faydwer.
    Braelvenae and Zrender like this.
  2. Dartaniun Augur

    I like the idea of increased ZEM on some of the classic zones. Would spread out the players a bit more. On that note kedge keep is a seriously underutilized zone for exp. Used to have one of the best ZEMs in classic (don't know if it's still that way though)

    On a side note, I wonder how many people are going to log onto the test server in a couple weeks whenever they push this First To Engage concept on there. Can't show how much it can break the system if nobody there to show the exploits and how it can be abused. Or will people just wait to abuse the system to make krono and/or just be immature when the server drops?
    Go Take A Nap likes this.
  3. Sabra Lorekeeper

    Are these two people grouped? Because if so the lock won't drop when FD because the other player is killing the named.

    If they are not grouped, I believe you're correct and this is a nice way to single pull named except one very small detail. I can't see people running around un-grouped working in such a coordinated manner. Sure maybe a few friends here and there but the majority of the server would have to be doing it for it to really become a problem.

    Also, he cannot solo the named worry free because /yelling makes it a DPS race mob so if someone is on to what you're doing they'll just contest it and hopefully shut the exploiting down.
    Khanfu likes this.
  4. liveitup1216 Augur


    Globally reducing spawn timers on all NPCs down to 5-6minute respawn would provide significant improvement to this system.

    1. Underused and less populated zones become useful areas if the respawn 5-6minutes instead of 20+.
    2. Would organically increase the occurrence of rares/quest mobs to alleviate bottlenecks.
    3. Fixes a lot of the friction where people argue and bicker the most: fighting each other over long respawns, often wasting time waiting around.
    4. Less pickzones would be needed, so less server strain?
    5. Less need for toxic gameplay with the influx of habitable areas, and faster turnover rate on the more contested rares/quests let's more people play the open world content this game has to offer.
    TLPnotFTE, Crabman, xeveq and 5 others like this.
  5. Sytrical New Member

    Vicious is spot on with his idea and I for one would happily play Oakwynd to test out FTE. Please consider making this change.
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  6. Ruhi Augur

    tis a grand idea imo - would certainly shake things up
    Ilshade and TLPnotFTE like this.
  7. Aerodru Apprentice

    This would certainly make the FTE component of Oakwynd bearable. +1 for this idea.
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  8. Sytrical New Member

    Liveitup1216... that is the best illustration of the benefits to reducing the spawn timers by 75%. Bravo.
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  9. versair Journeyman

    This is a legit option dev team. This solves quite a bit of the issues you want to deal with. It also seems exciting enough to get players to come and play oakwynd for your FTE to be tested to the fullest.
    In the words of Captain Jean Luc Picard...
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  10. Sabra Lorekeeper

    I love it. What happened to "This will change the social aspect of the game and change it from the game everyone loves". Because that is what reducing spawn timers will do. You know what, just make it so killing 1 mob dings you to 50 at this point.
  11. PudiTangk Apprentice

    All great logistical points. Absolutely agree.

    Also, how about the fact that it actually just sounds fun? It's different and would make the game play slightly different.
    TLPnotFTE and Aerodru like this.
  12. Barthorn Elder

    Would be a great change. Might actually play!
    TLPnotFTE likes this.
  13. xmod2 Happybear

    Part of what was concerning about the encounter locking for me was that mob density / respawn is not the same as in other MMOs (WoW / EQ2). This makes each mob individually more valuable and can lead to maladaptive behavior like ransoming, fighting, etc. By reducing some of the mob scarcity, it definitely improves a lot of the same things that encounter locking aims to protect players from, imo.

    I think Vic nailed it with the players being pit against the environment rather than one another. With mobs being scarce and a single person able to steal a mob from an entire group, it really seemed to pit the players against one another in an anxious and antagonistic battle. Now when you see someone afking near your camp, you'll have to be alert and under constant threat that they will tag your rare mobs before your group can. Before, they would have had to be able to out dps your group, which, while it happened, took a lot more effort on their part. The level of stress is directly proportional to the value/rarity of the mob. By decreasing scarcity, it shifts the calculation a bit and lessens the sting of losing the 'tagging' race.

    Also dungeon crawling will be much more exciting with increased spawns, but that might just be me because I'm an enchanter. :)
    TLPnotFTE and Jakken like this.
  14. Jakken Journeyman

    This is the best idea I've heard yet. Rather than just increasing exp rates, just provide more mobs. Increase camp turnover rate, decrease wasted time sitting AFK waiting for your camp to respawn, virtually eliminate contention over popular camp spots because of many more viable spots to camp. Most of the best spots are ONLY because of their high density
    Ilshade and TLPnotFTE like this.
  15. Sabra Lorekeeper

    Vic is just saying this so he can bring his band of ogres to the server and sit an ENTIRE guild across a zone and get EVERY named EVERY 5-6 minutes. Guys, don't fall for it.
  16. versair Journeyman

    you got something against ogres? Not polite to discriminate.
    Also, I promise you...ogres have far more important things to do than to camp irrelevant mobs...
  17. Braelvenae Lorekeeper



    Most classic zones have 26 minute respawns. This makes them slightly more reasonable and more mobs available to XP. It doesn't increase XP per kill. You still have to level?

    As others have said this change could open up other less used zones that simply lack mob density that the popular zones have at the moment. Not everyone cares a ton about the loot at each "camp" those people could now spread out across different zones that are rarely used and sitll get good XP and experience something new with each alt they make on the server if they wanted.

    Each pick would support more groups (not because new camps are made) but because some groups have trouble keeping camps cleared now and with reduced spawn timers they are now able to split with more groups.
    TLPnotFTE and Jakken like this.
  18. Tanar Lorekeeper

    There should be an exp bonus for flagging pvp.

    Also, if you engage a FTE locked mob you should be flagged pvp.
    pipedreams3, CleverName and Sabra like this.
  19. Braelvenae Lorekeeper

    And while this change is a great idea -

    We still need to discuss Legacy Character XP bonus being so small. Move it up so we require less or allow the bonus to keep for 1 character on a level cap increase. Then others will have normal % while they catch back up to max. Would make it more enjoyable.

    Also is AA XP and general XP tied?

    So does bonus work on AA XP
  20. Sabra Lorekeeper
