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Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Heirauz Journeyman

    Go to the doctor you might have brain damage
    HealBigBoy likes this.
  2. Zinkeh Augur

    Arrrr methinks it be pumpkin' head Jen!
  3. magikarp Augur

    well, they asked us to reply feedback to the producer letter like 100 pages ago

    i wouldnt be surprised if the majority of what was posted in this particular thread was only read by forum moderators
  4. TLP Addict Augur

  5. Moforyguy12345 Augur

    Lets not pretend that us giving feedback actually effects their decisions. Their is pages upon pages of feedback and they aren't changing ANYTHING. The only thing this server has going for it as far as playability is personally wanting to experience the toxic mess so I can share stories with friends lol. Playing Test server though may be as far as anyone needs to go.
    7arami likes this.
  6. TLP Addict Augur

    I'll pretend whatever I want to.
  7. Ruhi Augur

    it's been discussed already - half of the tlps have had core mechanic changes. your argument is invalid - it's fine that you dont like FTE, but don't blame it on core mechanic changes because there have been many over the tlps.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    FTE is the biggest core mechanic they have ever tried to change and FTE has broken a key part of the game which is combat. Combat is broken is so many different ways right now because of FTE making combat in many cases impossible, let alone making the things FTE was supposed to prevent a hundred times worse.
  9. Doze Augur

    Really? This is news to me.
    Excluding Vaniki then I don't see any other TLPs having brought changes to the fundamental core mechanics of EQ, but if so then on which TLPs and what were the fundamental core mechanics that they brought?
    And by fundamental core mechanics I mean changes that made it entirely impossible to play the game as it was possible to do before the change.

    Neither of the following implementations qualifiy as changes to fundamental core mechanics:
    - AOCs (more people were able to access content, but the content are fundamentally the same)
    - Pickzones (same as with AOCs)
    - MotM (sure, bosses got harder to kill, but they fundamentally still have to be killed in much the same way)
    - Truebox (in orginal EQ then it wasn't possible to run multiple instances of EQ on the same PC either, but you can fundamentally still box as you were originally able to - on seperate PCs)
    - Random Loot (loot pinata with many rare loot pieces more accessible to everyone for sure, but fundamentally then rare mobs of similar levels as the original rare mob still have to be killed in the same way as before in order to get the loot).
    7arami, Chikkin and Dalyrina like this.
  10. Ruhi Augur

    look. the whole thing is very simple.

    i'm curious to see how FTE works out - i understand the version on test has issues - is it the final form for oakwynd? probably not. will they fix all the bugs? probably not. oakwynd will likely release with bugs. if it's "unplayable" - i wont play it

    i'm not putting all my hopes and dreams and expectations into this 1 new server - my gaming life will not be ruined by this 1 new tlp - i'll literally just do something else whether it's a different tlp or a different game.

    Some folks here are seemingly extremely emotionally invested in this year's fresh server. if the server isn't fixed and is a flop - oh well - i'd rather dbg try something new than rehash the same stuff over and over.

    could they have planned better? sure
    Chikkin likes this.
  11. Dalyrina Elder

    He or she is just going to split hairs down to the molecule level of what fundamental core mechanics means to them. This dance has been played out a few times with them.
  12. Chikkin Augur

    your overall points/outlook is right on point, but with the one part where you said extremely overly invested....

    ...well maybe but man... THIS is EQ or an mmo in general. You know how the playerbase for these games get. Are you surprised?

    I'm not with you on wait-and-see about FTE, but ya your tone/and outlook is right on, with the "if it sucks, I won't play it, so no big deal"

    Just some people really let down.

    Squeaky wheel always gets the oil first.
  13. Ruhi Augur

    take your list of what you think doesn't qualify - imagine a server without any of that
    hmm - 30 lvl 40 mages pet walling naggy - totally not a fundamental core mechanic example

    i'm not going to argue semantics because you clearly have an established bias
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    -AOCs allow everyone on the server access to a raid instead of just the lucky few the get the open world target which is a major change to the way players are able to progress through the game
    -Random Loot is a major change to how loot is distributed and players are no longer tied to competing at a single camp in order to get a shot at loot.
  15. Doze Augur

    I disagree.
    Neither of these changes gameplay fundamentally.
  16. SnapVine Augur

    wrong again
  17. Critt Augur

    Your description of AOC is slightly misleading.... what it allows is for every raider with a raid capable force to raid without having to compete for the spawns...While this is a big change it does not affect the poplation of players who don't raid... While FTE affects every single player who will ever kill any mob for xp...Can you see the difference in scope there? Random loot is a gimmick not something that changes how you interact with the game NPC's
    Doze likes this.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Making it so everyone has a chance at progressing through raids isn't a fundamental change? Or making it so that drops can come from more than a single source isn't a fundamental change?

    AOC's allow for every player to have a shot at raid targets which is a fundamental change instead of who can be at the spawn point to get a chance at it.

    They may not be as large of a change as FTE but they are still changes to the core mechanics of the game.
  19. Critt Augur

    I think you just like to play devil's advocate, at least I hope that's all it is because if you can't see that one affects only some players (as you well know, not everyone who plays enjoys raiding) and one affects the entire server population regardless of if they raid or not and therein lies the difference to something considered "core"
    Doze likes this.
  20. Dalyrina Elder

    In my mind, I'd consider AOCs, pickzones, and true box "features" rather than actual game mechanics. They don't necessiarly change how players engage in the combat/game loop outside of giving players the ability more of chance to take part in those things.

    Vaniki I would definitely consider being a change to the core element of how the game is played and fits the experimental mold. Motm I'd say semi fits into this category as it did effect the previous broken meta, but it was also essentially added to get the early game back to the expected standard of when it was initially released. It was less experimental and was essentially a must have after decades of powercreep.
    Gemstoner, Doze and Kraked like this.