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Oakwynd Feedback

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Mar 18, 2023.

  1. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Umm.. Do you think any of these classes have a chance to tag a mob? God that's just so cute.

    Warrior with throw stone. Bout it.
  2. Leorium The Fluffy Wolf

    There are multiple classes with instant cast clickies. Many classes can compete
  3. Go Take A Nap Augur

    I will if they bring headshot or sk swarm back :D I miss being able to do cool things. Every year we are narrowed more and more. Remember how cool it was to do earthshaker pulls ? Ahh those were the days.
  4. Nessirfiti Augur

    I miss Vainglorious shout kiting. Only ever did it in empty zones, but some jerks were doing it in populated zones and got it nerfed :(
  5. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Sounds fun, never heard of that one.
  6. Go Take A Nap Augur

    really, which ones? I think most players here are narrowly considering classic-pop era.
  7. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Yeah classic... When it starts... When all this matters the most. Kunark too with the epics. I mean really good luck to you all. If Mabbu and the like rolls over there you guys are getting owned so hard it hurts to think about. I'll sit out and hope others do likewise so DBG wakes up and realizes this is a terrible mistake.
    Go Take A Nap likes this.
  8. Komodon Augur

    Seems to me that one of the most logical potential answers to a lot of these hypothetical scenario concerns people keep bringing up with FTE would be for Daybreak to seriously considering extending the FTE mechanic to lock the corpses/loot along with the encounter. No unlocks afterwards either. It's be there active in the kill credit and in need of the drops....or rot.

    RIP "loot rights" gameplay. Which of course would then more or less kill off a *very* significant amount of the invested interest structure driving a lot of that surrounding toxic play concerns, as the "griefer" doing something with nothing tangible to directly gain out of it is obviously the infinitely lesser long game concern then the griefer doing it with everything to gain.

    The trade off there of course is toon gearing as a whole, and on the alt side in particular, becomes a lot more "hands on" with many of those alts likely needing to invest more participation in the game world if they want no-drop loot (as opposed to simply investing more in the droppable item economy). But given the focus direction that seems to be there with FTE and these same account leveling perks....I half want to guess (especially taking in to account that puzzling to me latter) that making more of an effort to push toons back into being more interactive within the non-end game world is basically in general line with what Daybreak is aiming to do here anyway.
  9. Nessirfiti Augur

    Man, if only there was already a system for stopping people being added to raids when a mob is already dead already in game.

    Oh wait, there is, You're literally asking for things that are already in game in later expansions.
    If you mean in open world. Why? How does that solve any problems with encounter locking? That just makes the whole thing even more hostile to players. "Hey guildy yeah, I've got this rare quest drop rotting, but I can't let you loot it, because the devs hate the players!"

    At this point, I can only assume that the Pro encounter locking people either want Everquest to be a single player game, or for DBG to bring out private XP instances for people. I can't think of any other reasons for some of these Ideas.
  10. grodobaggins New Member

    Oof. At least namedrop someone who's not just a PoS, but actually good
  11. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    Yeah classic + FTE is a server where a PoS mindset is gonna serve you really well. Big RMTers, trolls, griefers in general are going to ravage the hopeful casuals dumb enough to roll there. As long as there's krono to be made and tears to be farmed.

    Also some of you really need to pass 7th grade English before you're allowed to post here. Absolutely unreadable rambling. Try forming sentences guys. They are helpful.
  12. Ruhi Augur

    none of my opinions are in absolutes, but perhaps poor grammar. not all people dislike fte for the same reason, but my point was the people that disliked aoc's are not the same people that like fte.
  13. Komodon Augur

    Yeah, I absolutely was implying open world.

    As for your random "now i can't give this rotting piece of loot away", I already went over that. Chalk that up the same as the "now i can't give this guy a drive by buff" concern. Not being able to give loot would be a necessary trade off being made in the process killing off the current incentive structure that exists now for groups to be out there killing things nobody within that group has any direct need for.

    If you don't/can't see the anti toxic play value in loot locking a corpse, or why it most certainly would not lead to more hostile play (although I am admittedly puzzled why you would label having to tell your friend a piece loot rotted as a "hostile act"), I'm not looking to argue with you just to argue there.
  14. Zrender Augur

    You are the winner of the most cringe posts category. Congrats! The namedrop and "hopeful casuals" pushed you into the top spot. Didn't you call yourself "alpha" the other day too? Love it. Keep em' coming.
    code-zero likes this.
  15. Aiona Augur

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly here, but if you are using the word pretend to also refer to the guild summits, you either weren't around for that or you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

    Otherwise, cool story.
  16. Nessirfiti Augur

    Never, I will continue to abuse commas until grammar bends to my will!
    Sabra likes this.
  17. Ruhi Augur

    we're all doing this
    Sabra likes this.
  18. Nessirfiti Augur

    I'm using pretend, because I've seen it insinuated here that AoCs and Pickzones had a reaction almost or more negative than encounter locking, and I find that hilarious.
    If they did, I'm sure you canlink the threadnoughts that spawned out of the intense negative reaction to AoCs and Pickzones, Right?

    The only guild summits I can remember about pickzones were the higher end guilds on phinny trying to dictate terms to everyone else about owning picks, or some BS along those lines, based on who spawned them in, and who was holding them open.

    So Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and add angry guild summits about Pickzones and AoCs to the list of pretending. I mean, if you can link the 100~ page threads against them, I'd love to read them.

    Otherwise, cool story.

    I exist for basically nothing else but rambling. I am absolutely leaning into the Grandpa Simpson school of getting older.
  19. Thatoneguy666 Elder

    No I didn't. Completely unsurprised that you're struggling with keeping different arguments and different people straight though.

    And yeah that's who is going to roll on Jokewynd. Hopeful casuals like yourself completely incapable of making logical deductions... And people looking to take advantage of them. Maybe the casuals will outnumber the exploiters so much that it becomes the wonderful hand held everquest experience that you and others are clearly craving.

    I'm actually fine with that. Just keep this off the normal servers and future TLP. Keep it far away and I promise you'll never have to suffer another cringe post on the topic from yours truly.
  20. Aiona Augur

    Ahh, okay, I think that's where the disconnect is. You're focused on pickzones and AoC's, and ignored everything else while jumping from congecture to congecture.

    That happened long before these forums even existed.

    Get a clue kid.


    Edit: 100 page threads... how about nearly every guild on every server having it as the main topic of conversation at one point or another? It had much more of an impact than this thread ever will.
    Demetri likes this.