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NToV Loot (Teek)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Mattling, Aug 16, 2024.

  1. Mattling Elder

    Half the bosses we killed last night only dropped 1 loot. This seems like a bug since even on a regular server, you tend to get at least 3 loots. Can any other guilds confirm the same?
    GameKiller and Fenthen like this.
  2. Shamoo Journeyman

    The worst we got was 4 drops, I think there’s a sleepers tomb boss that normally drops nothing that is in the bucket
    Fenthen likes this.
  3. Linksdead New Member

    How about the fact that Vulak doesnt drop his own table but on mischief he did, doing a 4-6 hour slog to get to vulak and get a bunch of yelinak loot is a giant slap in the face, and they have a fix for it already, lets get this fixed because its simply unneeded and unnecessary. Random the loot but make it so he at least drop one of his tables so you don't go all night for basically worthless trash
    GameKiller and Gemstoner like this.
  4. Gemstoner Elder

    Yes, this is an important issue for raiding in this expansion and there are only what 6 weeks left until Luclin drops? The server is a blast, but it needs the same tweaks to raid loot tiering that Mischief received after running into the same problem. I'd also take a look at Luclin and PoP (another thread makes a similiar point re: the loot bucket effect on the PoP tiers).

    p.s. More blue diamonds!
  5. RangerDanger10 New Member

    Pretty sure that was never the case on mischief during SoV. For a majority of Velious the tables were completely jacked up due Yelinak being in the pool like 5x.

    Also that's a wild take on the rest of the NTOV mobs being worthless trash. The tier 2 mobs have a massive amount of good items in their pool that include BIS pieces.
    GameKiller likes this.
  6. Twizle Elder

    The tables are not identical to mischief as far as i can tell (there has been some alterations)

    On mischief ST/WToV shared and both could drop primals off trash (fairly regularly), having played the same game time roughly on teek/mischief in these areas, this seems to have been replaced by premier weps.

    However for the OP's complaint, there are several mobs included on T2 that dont drop any loot and u can roll into them very easily, some things to consider are tho....

    T2 Loot is far more valuable than T1 loot at the moment
    T2 has a much higher barrier to entry than T1
    There are more T2 bosses than T1
  7. Ishbu Augur

    There is actually a very simple solution if you want Vulak to drop Vulak loot after clearing through ToV.
    GameKiller and Pumpernickel like this.
  8. Galach99 New Member

    Happened to us twice last night (to be fair, we played like **** and deserved it).

    My guess is that there's a loot table set that has 0 items (Idol of Rallos Zek or something else?) that is set up to roll as well. Don't think it was intentional.
    GameKiller likes this.
  9. Mattling Elder

    I'm not sure the reasoning behind it but would definitely appreciate someone looking into it.

    Last night, we had 2 dragons in NToV drop nothing. I'm not sure what's on the table that would cause them to drop nothing but it's really frustrating.
  10. Hamshire Augur

    You will get no help here
    Most of the posts will be trolling or might as well be trolling
    Go post it in the bug section