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not able to join general chat

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by svann, May 22, 2020.

  1. svann Augur

    /join general
    [Fri May 22 08:30:24 2020] You are not on any channels
    [Fri May 22 08:30:29 2020] Channels: 1=General(551)
    [Fri May 22 08:30:29 2020] You are not on any channels
    [Fri May 22 08:30:29 2020] Channel general not found

    This has been a problem off and on for a long time but now its worse.
    Tininea and lockjaws like this.
  2. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Most consider this a QoL improvement.
    Velisaris_MS, code-zero and lockjaws like this.
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    There is a limit of number of people per channel. There have been reports that players have been password protecting the additional general channels that spin up (general2, ...). It is supposed to send you to the next available general channel if it becomes full. If it's been password protected then maybe it does that. If you get a password error trying /join general2 then that's it.
  4. lockjaws Augur

    general, general1, general2, general3, etc... it should be auto-joining you to the next in line. It's not even trying, so therefore not getting to the password portion of possibility.
  5. svann Augur

    So wouldnt password protecting a general channel be a bannable exploit?

    edit: funny thing is it used to cap the channel at 400 but its not doing that now. Maybe a symptom of the problem?
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    general2 on BB has a password.
  7. Febb Augur

    Ya I never understood why they never made it where certain named channels could have passwords set on them.
  8. Mithra Augur

    It is, send in a petition and they will probably get a 7d suspension.