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Normal length of Time raid

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TheDohn, Apr 24, 2020.

  1. TheDohn Augur

    Being new to PoP, what is a normal length for your guild doing Time - from zoning in to Quarm down?
  2. Fanelien New Member

    Depends on your guild/raid really and which era. In era sub 4 hour clears are possible once geared a little, before that it's approx 6 hours. Though once you know the encounters it becomes massively easier. On Mangler most of the raiding guilds are now clearing time in sub 4 hours.
  3. TheDohn Augur

    In era, yeah. How far sub 4 hours? Like, is getting under 4 considered a good time?
  4. Fanelien New Member

    Sub 4 is the benchmark as that's the 'one night' clear. Faster is probably possible but you'd have to ask one of the guilds who has done it a million times like the Agnarr people.
  5. Bewts Augur

    This was years ago, but on TLP.

    We used to clear P1, P2, P3 with our mains.

    Then we’d split the raid, part mains part alts and clear P4 and P5 on one night then swap mains / alts for a second night.

    Normally we started around 730-8, and finished sometime after midnight, sometimes closer to 1.

    After like 6 months of farming it went a lot faster, but given the logistics or organizing split raids, alts and boxing it still was around that 3 to 4-ish hour mark. We aren’t in a hurry to speed clear it at the end tho, mostly going through the motions and screwing around.

    At the very end of the expansion I’m sure it was closer to 3 hours but we were geared to the teeth and so familiar with the encounters by doing them twice a week it was mindless and so easy mode I was thankful in hindsight we did splits or I would have burnt out on just a main 3 months in.
  6. Weaps Journeyman

    Lately on Agnarr with all the new peeps coming back we have had full raids and 2-2.5 hour clears. I think our best time ever is either just above or just below 2hrs.
  7. Rhek New Member

    Our guild on Mangler cleared it in roughly 2:15 the other day
  8. Xeris Augur

    On Agnarr Charge the Lair has basically been doing it in like 2h 3 mins - 2h 10. I think sub 2 hours is possible if we REALLY push it
  9. HaneKV New Member

    We're doing it in about 2.5 hours on Mangler atm.
  10. HoodenShuklak Augur

    We were around 2 40 to 50 on agnarr before the server was super mature and deep into ldon.
  11. Zinth Augur

    PoTime is easy, in era I think we hit under 4 hours in VT clears (yes clears not pulling bosses to zoneline) also think we were one of the only guilds to do that on Phinny... It was a blast :D
  12. Gremin Augur

    Phase 3 always seem to be limiting time factor until your guild gets a good pulling strategy and people who dont ninja afk during that phase.
  13. Zinth Augur

    couple of monks chainpulling that, the AFK people are dealth with when the bosses spawn and the rest of the raid is standing out in the field ;-)
  14. Stratka Lorekeeper

    My guild does Time in roughly 2:30. However, we aren't splitting and I know other guilds are doing that. Also, some guilds intentionally do Time over 2 days to relax and take longer breaks for folks in between pulls. Tier 1 loot is still better than Elemental and 5 pieces for 20 minutes of raid time is solid.

    Gear from Luclin matters as well. For a new guild that didn't raid in Luclin, it will take longer until everyone gets their gear and AA's up.
  15. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    We felt pretty cool when our 2nd (or 3rd, I forget) Time clear clocked in under 3 hours on Mangler. This week's clear was 2 hours 15 minutes. That's no splitting anything, just single segment start to finish.
    Aegir likes this.
  16. Bewts Augur

    And just to clarify - the time sink is clearing P3 and the trash before P4/P5 bosses.

    Ya speed up very quickly if you pull and can OT more aggressively. If you’re looking to cut down your clear time - it’s gotta be with the pulling.
  17. Aegir Augur

    That is pretty good!

    I think our fastest in era were about 2hours and 15min, but that was at the very end just before LDoN unlock.

    I think in GoD it came down to like 1hour and 20min.

    Hope all is good on Mangler, Stein! Hopefully, you have a couple of AE'ing bards in your guild for the upcoming Pixtt Kretv Krakxt event in Tacvi! :)
    Xyroff-cazic. likes this.
  18. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    We might have a couple with potential, but nobody with the incredible AEing finesse of Kigam!
  19. TheDohn Augur

    So it sounds like around 2:30-ish is the norm for people just doing Time, with closer to 4 for people splitting their raid. Cheers, that makes more sense. :)