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No shaman Runed Etched is dropping???

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dingodog, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Dingodog New Member

    Boots is all I have seen and nothing for sale even?.
  2. Pikallo Augur

    Lots of people avoid the annoying spite golems while farming
  3. Nowayout New Member

  4. nagash101 Augur

    On ThornBlade we have cleared trash for Hate Twice and Fear once so far and looted two pieces of the shaman armor, both pieces were arms. Shaman gear seems to be pretty rare, like usual. It seemed to be the warrior gear but we had 6 or 7 pieces drop last night in Hate, before that zero.
  5. Duder Augur

    It's always been relatively rare, every server. How does one go from "it's rare" to "it isn't dropping"? Blows my mind.
  6. Elabone Augur

    Its not any more rare than any other classes armor. Its just in the past most people ignore Spite Golems when they farm because they are annoying as hell. Something is clearly wrong, and it likely had to do with that 1 spite golem dropping dragon loot. Ive spoken to some guilds who have managed to get 4 Shield of the immaculate, and only 1 Shaman Breastplate. Yes RNG is a thing, but its by far the rarest BP currently, and its likely because the loot tables were messed with.