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No new bags yet? What this means

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, May 18, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    So no new bags yet. Starting to think this means something. Probably eq knows their new TLP rules suck so why even release new bags.
  2. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    Well the TLPs don't come out for another week, so why not save your hate spam until then?
  3. asdfbot Lorekeeper

    Hate spam or just pointing something out? can we confirm time of new bags in relation to other TLP launches?
  4. Zapsos Augur

    From today's patch notes:

  5. asdfbot Lorekeeper

    I think the OP was talking about the TLP specific bags that are usually released which allows you to get the original bag pack and with the TLP bag pack.
  6. Strikker New Member

    I wonder if the current items (Roguish Pack/Shenanigan Bundle) will be taken down when the announced bundles are added. Seems like that has happened in the past?
  7. Sytrical New Member

    I hope they re-open the ability to purchase the Roguish Pack/Shenanigan Bundles. I would like to buy those again on my accounts.
  8. Zapsos Augur

    Those bags were never TLP specific, they just coincided with a TLP release, these new packs will replace the Roguish / Shenanigan bundles that was released with Mischief.
  9. Lamberduim Elder

    If everquest is listening they better release new bags or I'm skipping this year's tlp
  10. Protagonist Tank

    ono. a forum malcontent can't buy bags a week before being able to use them and says he will cancel his account

  11. asdfbot Lorekeeper

    They arent TLP bags but yet they get released right before TLPs.... riiiight
  12. Baldur Augur

    You must have a reading issue, as a previous poster already said this, but in today's patch notes it says they are changing the bag packs.


    They don't say if that will be today exactly, they say this month, but I would check https://www.everquest.com/packs after the servers come back up later this afternoon and the new bag packs should be there I would think.
  13. Tweakfour17 Augur

    They work on live servers too, as mentioned, they coincide with new TLP launch, but they are not exclusively for that.
  14. asdfbot Lorekeeper

  15. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Sure what? You don't think they work on live servers? I don't get what your point is. Yes, they release new ones to coincide with TLPs, they are not exclusive to the new TLP.
  16. asdfbot Lorekeeper

    Correct. I would consider them TLP bags as they get released before new TLP servers. Yes, they do work on other servers.
  17. MMOer Augur

    I couldn't buy the rog on my main account.. I guess that is the same bag from the last TLP?
  18. Baldur Augur

    They haven't updated yet, they are still the old packs. The patch probably added the new items, they'll need to change the website at some point, when that is we have no idea. The notes do say "this month", so whatever that means.
  19. Fhiele Augur

    I'd say they will come out next monday or tuesday.