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No free trade???

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rcbauer, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Rcbauer Augur

    How and why did this happen?
    dwiguslowater and Xanathol like this.
  2. itiswhatitis Elder

    I was wondering the same thing. Either that or random loot that allows boxing would be nice
    dwiguslowater likes this.
  3. Zapsos Augur

    Thank god for that! Glad they treat it like the gimmick it is and didn't just plaster it on every single server they ever release.
    Dragon Jockey, Skuz and Gnothappening like this.
  4. Draztic Journeyman

    Considering how many servers don't have free-trade, and how the server population of the two servers that do have free-trade are the highest population, I was hoping they would make this next one free-trade as well.
    Xanathol likes this.
  5. Ootax Augur

    That's not really saying much because every time they release a pair of TLPs they become the most populated servers until the next set is released. Most of the current TLP populations are players from the previous TLPs.
    Skuz likes this.
  6. Haak Augur

    Tweaking loot rules were never as widely popular as the forum dwellers want people to believe. The devs have said all they need to on the subject by not including them again: it's a gimmick, to be used sparingly, not a standard that is going to be straight money every time.
    Appren likes this.
  7. Draztic Journeyman

    Correct, what I more accurately mean to say is that mischief's ruleset was a majority success.
    I can see why they may not want to go back to back with free-trade rulesets, however I think many people find them more appealing then the standard no-trade we've had for x amount of years now.
  8. dwiguslowater Journeyman

    Also really bummed about the lack of free trade. Wish they gave Yelinak at least a small twist of something
    itiswhatitis likes this.
  9. Zapsos Augur

    Exactly, Free-trade players have two options, people who prefer 'normal loot rule' have dozens of options.

    You can't conflate Mischief's popularity to mean that a majority of people want free-trade.
  10. Haak Augur

    It's wise they didn't. Now they can have effectively three 'fresh' TLPs, with unique personalities, all operating at the same time. Vaniki will be very different with a GoD start, LLP, and tweaks for raids to accommodate their new achievement system. Mischief/Thornblade, which are also just entering GoD, are the only places to get the modified loot rules. And Yelinak will offer the baseline experience.

    They found a way to give three different groups experiences that speak to them, with minimal cannibalizing of existing TLPs. We should be applauding the thoughtful design that went into this, as it may be the best one-two year TLP punch we've had in ages.
    Skuz and Appren like this.
  11. Hirbow Augur

    As much as I am a classist, there's really no Free-Trade only tlp server. Only Free-trade/Random loot server.
    To make it even, they should've done a FV clone TLP: RP-Free trade [no random gimmick], that would eventually merge with FV live server.
    Draztic likes this.
  12. Arclyte Augur

    Why take away the one thing that makes those servers unique? Do you want to kill them off?
  13. itiswhatitis Elder

  14. Appren Gnomercy

    I for one am glad they let us Mischief'ians keep our free trade being unique for a TLP for a while still, good for server health!
    Lineater and Skuz like this.
  15. ClosedSource Lorekeeper

    Oh you like seriously thought they were ever going to do that again ... wow.
  16. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

    These servers are DOA
    Typhus likes this.
  17. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    You summed up the situation well here I think.
    Appren, Hirbow and Haak like this.
  18. Tal-Ral New Member

    Man, I’m so disappointed, add free trade on the traditional server. No explanation of exp rates with such fast unlocks. I was hoping for a bit of what worked on mischief. Are they truebox? I hope not, hate having multiple comps.
    dwiguslowater likes this.
  19. Draztic Journeyman

    Correct, I made statement that wasn't well thought out. Lots of nuances and facets to consider. It would be nice if they would take a poll on certain things to receive direct feedback, and avoid these unproductive conversations. Up to now, it is clear the company is confident in making these decisions with the data they are able to gather. All wishes and topics aside, the "thing" I would like to see most, is a player input system put into place that can help determine future rulesets, and avoid all these repetitive topics that don't seem to be acknowledged very often by the company themselves.

    Also, an unimportant note, but to show how many posts are not meant to be comprehensive, but to quickly state one's desires, by same logic, since there is only one pvp server it then follows that it too should hold a high population. (All this shows is that both our statements are not comprehensive and non-linear). I feel it would be better served for each individual to state what one likes and desires, without then trying to negate or reinforce each other's comments (which would only seem to complicate a company's decision on what people really want). The company is well situated with far more data to consider these facets. Again, I feel our own indivudual input is what is most invaluable to the game each of here are playing. Let's not get in each others way, knowing that none of us are holding all the data, or making such well-thought out and long comments as to make our desires known to ward off attacks on said opinions from friendly gamers. It was my mistake to post something so frivolous, it was just the first thing that came to mind which justified my own desire. Cheers.
  20. Draztic Journeyman

    Mischief remains a gimmick server with random loot, and free-trade activists enjoy a server which merges into FV. Fantastic.