no double exp nothing to worry about go spend time with family

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Sinzz, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. Sinzz Augur

    I think im going to enjoy the weekend get outside and stuff since eh, there's no real reason to be on this weekend ill take the cash I might have used to bump double exp with pots and go spend more time with the family then usual :) thanks dbg :)
    Frenzic likes this.
  2. Nolrog Augur

    Even if there was double XP in EQ, it would not have been active on RF or LJ.
  3. Templeton Augur

    They haven't done a double xp thing for our TLP then i take it?

    Maybe they don't want us to rush the content and get bor...

    Oh, wait.
    Numiko, Geroblue, Rhiyannon and 3 others like this.
  4. Tris Augur

    It is great to hear that you finally remember that you have a family. Give them the time you need, and dont worry about the game, it will still be here when you find time to come back :)
  5. Skipper Augur

    Double XP was always active on Fippy. These wouldn't be any different. I think it would be great.
  6. Warlorf Augur

    Mmmm double xp so more people can max out and then get bored, come to forums and complain!

    Man I can't wait!
    Geroblue, Rhiyannon and Steampunk like this.
  7. Sinzz Augur

    ahh its not that I ever forgot or neglected my family but them running double exp on holdays meant late nights after family gatherings and groggy next days lol I think and always thought they should have just given folks exp pots to celebrate and let em use when they can , not everyone is off on holidays
    Artemis-Entreri and Elkay like this.
  8. Friday Augur

    From a business standpoint, an double xp weekend would be an epic wise move just about now. Get the folks back to playing. My sub is up in a day. I might re up when we see what is up with the transfers, etc.
  9. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Buy some Fireworks; EQ is more challenging with only 7 fingers.
    Rhiyannon, Sinzz and Repthor like this.
  10. Malachi Augur

    Irrelevant. I play with my toes. Halfling toes...alot of hairy situations arise.
    Rhiyannon and Geroblue like this.
  11. Skipper Augur

    I would activate two alt accounts to start leveling up, would love to see it.
  12. Weverley Augur

    I wouldn't expect any double xp weekend for a while if i were you somebody started a thread on that for memorial day and official response was we might do it on live server but not on progression.
  13. Rhiyannon Augur

    even for leveling alts the xp is already good, we don't need it on these servers, really. you want to level faster? get a pot, getting to 50 is fairly easy, going slow enough not to out distance others is far harder(i'm trying to not out group my hubby who plays a lot less than me).
    Numiko likes this.
  14. Numiko Augur

    at least he still plays! I've got my husbands two accounts and have been leveling characters on them but all he wants to do it play on his XBOX 1's shiny new game of the week.... *sigh* :oops:
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  15. Rhiyannon Augur

    well we opened up our own garage less than a year ago, so he works a great deal, and is tired by the end of the day. so if i had any skill at boxing(we stopped trying after i killed him too many times lol), we would have tried that, but since i don't i try not to get so far ahead i cannot group with him.
  16. Skipper Augur

  17. Skipper Augur

    Happy 4th! My fav 4th of July quote EVER!
