Nimbus Key Ring

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Izzard of Bertox, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    Dear Dark Paw Games,

    If you give us a Nimbus Keyring, I'll buy all 24 of them in the DB Store.

    Froglok likes this.
  2. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Port clickie keyring
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Weapon ornament key ring, before they give us any more weapon ornaments!
  4. Sissruukk Rogue One

    A generic clickie key ring, so I can put all my clickies I don't wear in it.
    Izzard of Bertox and Froglok like this.
  5. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I really don't know why this hasn't been a thing from the START of Keyrings.
    Izzard of Bertox and Yinla like this.
  6. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Unless they're going to make ornament keyrings swap out ornaments with a button click, I don't want them to do anything more with ornaments. As it is, the ornament keyring is just an extra storage space, nothing more.

    Nimbus and teleport clicky keyings would be much, MUCH, more useful and a better use of dev time.
    Izzard of Bertox likes this.
  7. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Separate Particles from Buffs; I want path of fire nimbus, but it blocks jann illusion!
  8. Szilent Augur

    nothing that encourages nimbuses, ty
    Ssdar likes this.
  9. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    It is coming, we all know it, and I want it. Want that bank space back.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    So is the heros forge keyring. If they didn't give us new ornaments every damn expansion it wouldn't bother me I could just ignore them, but as it is now we get what 4 (?) for completing each expasion achievments. :rolleyes:
  11. Froglok Augur

    I, for one, was so disappointed they chose to go with Dragon Hoard, rather than a far more useful keyring... particularly for Nimbus & Portal Items.

    I would also like to see them add more Slots to at least the Heros' Forge & Familiar Key Rings (both of mine are full and infringing on my bank space). I could use at least 25 slots on both... and 100 slots to grow on!

    I think Dragon Hoard may have been an idea to reduce Lag by eliminating a pile of items from being loaded up everytime a Player opens thier Inventory Window or Bank.

    To that, how about specialized Dragon Hoard Key Rings?

    Particularly for Hero's Forge and Weapon / Shield / Bow Ornaments?

    After all, these are not items Players have an "immediate" need for "in the field." They can wait until they get to the Bank to "swap" out what they want to.

    By moving the Hero's Forge Key Ring to a specialized Dragon Hoard (and upping the slots, please)... and by adding a Weapon / Shield / Bow keyring as well... it can take a HUGE pile of items off that "lag" list.

    I don't think it will upset many Players at all. In fact, it may even generate more commerce as Players might be more interested in acquiring / collecting such things.

    This would NOT be a good idea with the Mount, Familiar or Illusion Key Rings, however.

    They are related to Buffs and mixing / matching a look with a buff... as well as Auto Leave for Familiars. In fact, I think Illusion potions should be allowed on the Illusion Key Ring.

    Nor would it be a good idea for a Portal Key Ring. Being able to get around EQ is a QoL issue. The less time spent getting to a Guild Hall Portal, seeking a Wizard / Druid help, or just flat running it... means that much more time actively adventuring.
  12. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    so I have a ton of weapon ornaments.. I dual wield so 2 that match, or close to match all of the time.. I finally opened my Dragon's Hoard thing and threw all of the ones I am not currently using into it. While my bard epic ornaments would look ok with this DE plate outfit, I felt that the Tunarian Sword and dagger looked better.. and bright shiny ornaments, or red, or purple, or whatever wouldn't... so into the hoard they go.
    Fuelforfire likes this.
  13. Axel Furry Hats OP

    Separate nimbus buffs from regular buffs. Everyone looks pretty much the same right now with the Draconic ornaments, and having nimbuses would give some personality to each character.

    Also yes, more keyrings... And make the armor ornament keyring useful. Hate having to move from keyring to inventory then equipping the ornament to the point that the only use for it is to clean up a little bit of my inventory.
  14. Izzard of Bertox Augur

    ROFL ... what else you gonna spend your money on?