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Newb Mistakes? Share Yours!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lockdown, Oct 6, 2020.

  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Holy cow, I can't tell you how many times I've done this. Newbie years, all the way to present day!! :p
    Andarriel and minimind like this.
  2. Hayzeus Augur

    I was a guest at a raid with Pactus Acquilis (spelling?) in ... I think it was Katta. We were assembling in the lobby of the building housing the target.

    I was also in /tell hell with multiple people, and I was typing way too quickly for my own good. In between one tell to the next, I fumbled my fingers on the keyboard (mashed two keys), and somehow managed to trigger auto-run while also managing to open up a /tell on my chat window.

    Unfortunately, being in the middle of a tell... I was frantically hitting back back back on my keyboard, but my toon just kept on running down the aisle towards our target. My flashing cursor was on the /tell line, so my repeated hitting of the back button just kept repeating the same character on my tell input line.

    I was PANICKING at this point, and I actually managed to get my toon under control about halfway down the aisle. I ran back to the lobby, but it was too late. Instead of getting control prior to agrro, I was absolutely full-on aggro'ed, and I ended up training (Or, or... successfully pulling?) our target back to the lobby where the raid force was still buffing and setting up.

    PA handled it like pros, and we beat the target anyways. Fortunately, although some people noted that they had seen someone run up, aggro, and then lead back the targets, none of them had noted who it was that caused the fiasco.

    It's been about 7 years since that event, so I feel reasonably safe acknowledging it to the general population. I feel like I redeemed myself at multiple other raids they allowed me to guest at, but yah, this was one of my newbier moments.

    While I remained silent to the raid force, I think I spent the next three days apologizing to Treesmasha, who was remarkably forgiving (maybe because we won despite me making it harder?). Hardly the attitude I was expecting from a Shadow Knight. Class act, that one.
    Tatanka likes this.
  3. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I started out in Freeport and I had no idea where to buy shoes or something for my feet slot. I think it took me 10-15 levels before I found a merchant that sold shoes in Kithicor (pre-revamp.) There was probably a shop in Freeport, but I had no idea where it was.
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Hitting something that made the target very angry as a low level pally on a General raid in Kithicor. It was my first raid and it gave me the chance to be yelled at and rezzed. A valuable learning experience.
  5. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    That's called the "Accidental Leroy" ;)
  6. Firedog New Member

    I have two. One minor and one "major"?

    #1: Back when I first started playing around 2000, I was a pally. A necro asked if I wanted to group. I laughed at him and told him to go away. It wasn't until a month later that I found out that just because I was of good alignment, didn't mean I couldn't group with someone with an "evil" alignment.

    #2: On my first raid as a druid, we were doing Kedge Keep. We were close to the end of the the raid when I accidentally hit the Succor button. My entire group got pulled away from the battle. The raid wiped since most of the healers were in my group.
  7. Lisard Silly

    20 year is a long time of mistakes. heres a couple i still cringe over.

    1. forgetting to hit enter before typing, and getting to the A button....much regret. (im mostly glad this wasnt just a me thing, but everyone, a right of passage in early eq)

    2. when mana rods were introduced i though they did a DD on the mob...was helping my dad kill faydedar for his druid 1.0 with our group of friends and i was picking up all the mod rods on the ground and clicking them on faydedar. proclaiming its doing damage and others should also be doing this.

    3. joining kite groups as a monk during pop because i thought i would contribute to the swarm with my fancy adamantite bo stick

    5. forgetting the keyboard command for splitting a single item out of a stack of items in the loot window.
    rip dkp.
  8. Cicelee Augur

    My first two characters were a ranger and cleric, which lasted all of a day or two. Frustrated and trying to decide what I would want to play long term, I purchased the Everquest Kunark Prima Strategy guide (I had started in February 2000). As I read the book at the classes, I saw the magician class. I read that the magician was an expert at summoning items, and one of the things s/he could summon was food and drink.

    I continued to read the book, and there was a tips and tricks section of the book (or something like that). As I read that part, it said that in order to make money you should loot things off of mobs and sell it back to the vendors. Vendors will buy anything, from gems and tradeskill items to food and drink.

    And a light bulb popped in my head. If I made a magician, and I got to level 20 and could summon food and drink, I can sell that food and drink to vendors and be rich!!!

    And I dinged level 20.... and got the summoned black bread spell.... and went to a vendor.... and you can fill in the blanks.


    On a more recent noob story, the other day I made a TOV raid TS back item for the magician before raids. Raid starts, and I start to melee and cast spells as normal. I have melee and spell damage for myself filtered into a window, so I was glancing at it to see the numbers. I had noticed that I had not had any melee hits at all, which I thought was strange- of course INT casters are not great at melee, but we still land hits every now and then. It took about a minute or two to realize that my primary hand held the TS item I was using to make the back item, and my primary 2hb was in the bank...
    Andarriel and minimind like this.
  9. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I was on Rallos Zek when I first started playing. I remember some guy out in Qeynos Hills advertising a Mino Axe for 5 GP. I spent most of my day getting enough saved up to buy it. Finally, I contacted him and bought the axe. As I was merrily slaying things now with ease, he came by and killed me, looted the axe, then went back to selling it in the zone again.
  10. Tanols Augur

    Following raid leader to Kael without levitate on and jumping off the cliff outside to my death.
    Ditto for dropping into the Hole for the first time without levitate on.
    Leaving baz with full inventory of full trader bags with no levitate or run speed buff
    Binding a character within aggro range of a mob that could kill me in one round of combat

    Those are some of the more memorable mistakes because they resulted in character deaths I have many more :/
    minimind likes this.
  11. Xatt Journeyman

    All tradeskillz to 250 before doing trophy /cry
    minimind likes this.
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    How did you die with the excess weight, or did you suicide?

    I had a buddy who wanted to show how silly it was that you could change all your plat to copper, so he converted all his plat. This was when coin had weight. He went to show us how slow he'd move. The floor there had a VERY small step, but with the weight, and his lack of strength and hit points due to his relatively low level, the >fall< from the very small step killed him :)
    minimind likes this.
  13. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I got mine to 300 before someone told me about trophies *cry*
    minimind likes this.
  14. Flatchy Court Jester

    I was new to raiding. Hard to remember now but I think it was Yar lir (some dragon in a japanese looking building) we were after. The raid was buffing and what not and I zoned in and could not see anyone , so I thought they already went in. I ran up opened the door and started the event.
  15. Diptera Augur

    Kedge Keep and the Z-axis - finding out the hard way why I shouldn't use rain AE spells there.
    Elyssanda and minimind like this.
  16. Grove Augur

    That key was "a" back then. It was so common to hit it by accident that it was shortly changed to "q" for safety.
  17. Nolrog Augur

    Rooting myself when trying to do CC instead of the mob. I've done it more times than I care to admit. Single target root too, not even AOE.
    Celephane and minimind like this.
  18. Nolrog Augur

    Yup, done that as well. I change it immediately to the grave (backwards quote: ` )
  19. Arborer Lorekeeper

    A classic example, surprisingly not mentioned yet, is to send chat to the wrong player, or even worse, to the entire raid or guild. I've seen this happen many times. Either two players making snarky comments about other players or about the raid management, and those comments get out to raid chat, or two players engaging in a certain amount of risque chat, and once again this gets misdirected. In the latter case, fun would be had by all at the players' expense!
    minimind likes this.
  20. Nadisia Augur

    A grand classic hehe :)

    I've done the exact same thing, with a druid too, in Kael on Vindi ... but I was in the MT group :D

    A year later or so, we were short on tanks in the guild for Vex Thal, so I decided to retire my druid and main my SK.
    One of the first comments of my Guild Leader (and good friend) : "Nice, a new tank ... and at least with this SK, you wont be able to evac the MT in raids or port us in the wrong zone" :p
    (Failing ports was one of my gimmicks lol)

    Edit : Rofl Sturm, good one haha.
    WTS Mino axe, again, fresh loot :cool:
    Nolrog and Sissruukk like this.