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Fixed New TS combine button success % not adjusted for trophies

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Rembdar, Oct 20, 2021.

  1. Rembdar Apprentice

    I have a 350 skill level in all trade skills available to my paladin and have taken a look an assortment of 510 trivial items. The combine button indicates a success chance of 83% for most items (weirdly, it was 86% for a faded velium resillience aug). But the sucess rate doesn't change when I activate and deactivate my tradeskill trophies (raising skill to 395) and it doesn't change when I remove and replace the earring that contains my Artisan's Prize. I assume the success rate given does not include the bonuses, but the feature would really only be useful if it did, as most tradeskillers are using trophies to increase their skill/chances.
    Horse, Meeko, Wyre Wintermute and 4 others like this.
  2. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Wow, wouldnt that be the [censored] if trophies werent actually functioning all this time?
    Winnowyl and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  3. zleski Augur

    Reported here in the pre-update test thread https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...10-12-2021-new-bugs-only.277900/#post-4070691

    This still holds true. A Gnome with 340 base tinkering (385 adjusted) has:

    No Trophy: 79% chance to combine Faded Restless Velium Belt of Brilliance [510 trivial]
    No Trophy: 59% chance to combine Faded Velium Belt of Brilliance [510 trivial]

    Trophy: 79% chance to combine Faded Restless Velium Belt of Brilliance [510 trivial]
    Trophy: 79% chance to combine Faded Velium Belt of Brilliance [510 trivial]

    Something isn't right here.
    Meeko, Wyre Wintermute and Mukkul like this.
  4. Meeko Developer(Code)

    By activate, do you mean using the tradeskill trophies from the tribute window? If so, I didn't account for that to update the percentage like is done when equipping and unequipping trophies. I'll see about fixing that when addressing the other issues reported in the Test Update Bugs thread.

    Also to clarify, nothing was touched with the actual combine process' success chance which is calculated when you actually hit "Combine". The number shown on the button is generated ahead of time and updated as needed.

    This feedback is appreciated and eventually all the use-cases should be accounted for.
  5. Kynsha New Member

    My trophies show an increase in percentage when I equip them, however, my Artisan Prize does nothing when I add or remove it.
    Daktarr likes this.
  6. Rembdar Apprentice

    Yes, all of my trophies are in my house, so I only activate them through tribute. Thanks.
    Meeko likes this.
  7. Rembdar Apprentice

    Following up. When opening a fletching kit, it shows 83% chance of success on a 510 trivial combine. _Equip_ my Fletcher's Arrow trophy, and it stays at 83%. But, now _unequip_ the trophy and the success rate drops to 63%. It's bugged and the numbers are wrong.
    Duder likes this.
  8. Senlronia Lorekeeper

    can confirm it is not working for other mod items too, should have a 95% chance to make a Muramite Metal Sheet, only shows 63% chance, even though my gauntlets give a 15% bonus to my skill which puts it up to 254 which is enough for the 95%
  9. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Activating tribute trophies, equipping the Artisan's Prize, and purchasing tradeskill AA ability ranks should now properly update the displayed success chance. The way luck is factored into the displayed number was also fixed to better replicate how an actual combine treats it.

    The changes will be available to test on Beta tomorrow. If during testing you come across any other issues please reply here or send me a PM.
    Rondor, Svann2, theonepercent and 2 others like this.