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New Tower augs but no augmentation distillers in game to remove them

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Hamshire, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    The new Tower augs take VII distillers to remove, the highest distillers that can be bought pre Lost Dungeons of Norrath era is VI. I believe this is an oversight and VII distillers should be put onto all the city augmentation vendors if we are going to have VII augs in the game pre Lost Dungeons of Norrath, that or at least put VII distillers onto the tower vendor that sells the VII augs.
  2. Quicksand Journeyman

    Looks like for now, you would have to buy the Augmentation Solvent listed below the others.Or just right click and destroy it.

    They are lore equipped anyway.
  3. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    It's probably not too big a deal as you can place the aug in a piece of the tower gear you won't replace until LDON launches (if it launches with PoP iirc).
  4. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    Would be nice to have a vendor in the tower to sell distillers.
    Yinla, GameKiller and CrazyLarth like this.
  5. Hamshire Augur

    Also learned today that the level45 version of these augs have one less stat and use a VI distiller which is vendor bought, again this is an oversight.