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New TLP: Tallon Zek 2.0

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by norrathWithout order, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Laronk Augur

    I played sullon zek and liked that ruleset the best because there wasn't the same xteaming as there was on tallon/vallon
  2. GrandOpener Elder

    As much as I love more EQ flavors for everyone, the numbers just don't add up. Zek live is dead. P99 red is dead. RoZ2, last I checked, was limping along with barely viable population (to be fair, those few hardcore souls seemed to be enjoying themselves).

    You want DBG to make a new PVP server? Show them the customers are there. Point them to an pvp server with 500+ prime time pop. Show them an EQ PVP forum with hundreds of active users. Show them an guild with 50+ active players on Mangler that organizes pvp nights 3 times a week. Something! "If you build it they will come" ain't gonna cut it. If you can't find any of those examples, build one. Put that pvp guild together and show them. Set up an server with the ruleset you like. You can't expect them, as a company, to put money into a losing proposition when all current signs point to negligible interest.
  3. Ginix Augur

    There is like 150 people on an emulated PvP server right now (RoZ) but many people, like myself, don't go play there because we don't wanna play on some sketch server hosted by sketchy people.

    Not many TLPs right now beside mangler have 500+ population so not sure why we need to prove anything to Daybreak. Besides they are already wasting their resources.. Look at that last server that just came out with that was DoA which literally no one was asking for...

    At least give us something we are asking for like a PvP or even a free trade server!

    Or better yet a PvP/FV loot rules server with truebox starting at classic ;)
    Maneuvre likes this.
  4. Machen New Member

    Almost every one of them still has at least 500+ population. Unless you are talking about 500 players all logged in concurrently. Five hundred people playing on a server isn't much.
  5. Ginix Augur

    Right, I'm saying during the day and around prime time many of the TLPS have the same or sometimes even less of a concurrent population then the PvP emulated server(Rise of Zek). Which proves there is a community of people interested in EverQuest TLP PvP without anyone having to go play on dead Zek which hasn't been developed in years.

    I've seen over 150 players every night and they have over 900 people in their discord.

    100% there is more players on Rise of Zek then Miragul lol.
    Maneuvre likes this.
  6. Gheed Augur

    I actually don't know how you can seriously say things like your last sentence when Daybreak released MIRAGUL.. proving that they definitely will do things even though all "current signs point to negligible interest." Yet, that definitely isn't the case for a PVP server. I never saw any threads asking for a Miragul ruleset server, yet week after week a new thread/post pops up inquiring about a TLP PVP server.

    As far as "prove it to Daybreak".. that always gets a big laugh from me, just like citing servers like red99 (an almost 10 year old server) as proof that there is no playerbase. Sure, lets all go play on Zek which is in expansions that none of us have any interest in playing to prove that there is interest in a PVP server starting in CLASSIC (lol). Red99 had a great population (for many years) all the way through velious (then died off probably because people got tired of it, which also happens plenty on blue TLP servers???). Another reason people quit servers like ROZ is that all content is open world and contesting things is basically training eachother for 48 hours straight in Fear (no rules against it). AOCs are probably the BEST thing Daybreak has ever done for EQ in my opinion and would be fantastic for a PVP server. Also at the end of the day these are e m u servers which most people don't even want to play on.

    Ginix and I had a red only guild on selos that lasted through DoN (when the server basically died anyways) and cleared all content with only members that flagged red through the POD. Thats about the best I can do to "prove" any sort of interest on my end; which again is not my job. People giving Daybreak their money and posting on the forums about what they would like to see is about all the proof they are required to give. On top of that, flagging red on TLPs is literally shooting yourself in the foot... you can't heal/buff/port anyone who isn't red, its a joke, and was the #1 reason for people not wanting to join.

    From my perspective, it really seems like most of the TLP people don't like to see the game played differently than how they WANT it to be played. People on Selos sh** on our guild constantly for the sole reason of us being flagged PVP, it was pretty pathetic. The other thing is that a PVP server basically wouldn't even affect you so I don't understand all the hate against it. Miragul was released and basically DOA (didnt even have AOCs rofl) yet everything is chugging along and the few that want to play on that server are playing there. Where is the issue?

    -- As a last note, Mangler discord has 600 members, the 20th anniversary TLP discord has about 800 members, Miragul discord has ~250 members, Rise of Zek discord (an E M U pvp server) has 900 members. Sorry to tell you, but there is plenty of interest out there.
    ECrack, Mephits, NinjutsuMMO and 2 others like this.
  7. Machen New Member

    I think it is quite telling that in DBG's judgment, Miragul would be a more viable ruleset than a PVP TLP.

    I don't know if DBG was vastly more optimistic about Miragul than they should have been, or if they really were willing to put out a server knowing it would likely only have a small fringe population. Either way, they thought Miragul was more viable than the other options they could have put out.
    Duder likes this.
  8. Maneuvre Augur

    Funny you mention this because when Selo and Mangler dropped I formed a guild on Mangler that had a couple groups worth of PvPers in it from our 50+ active player base. They would either roll a red alt for pvp nights once a week and/or meet up occasionally in the arena for our pvp tournaments. Many of these people were first timers.

    I had the only pvp-ish guild on Mangler that made any attempt to incorporate pvp into the mix (during classic era). We even made an attempt to form a rivalry with Ginix and Gheed just because they were killing it on Selo with their red guild (which I admit I did envy). But on Mangler I took the casual route and saw 1st time pvpers actually having fun doing something different.

    I am the admin of the 600 Mangler discord... although I no longer play on any of the current TLPs, I will admit that our discord is one of the few things that has the potential to keep your (DBG's) player base/community together. Feel free to send me a DM if you want to take it over and make it an official EQ discord. Just needs to be cleaned up a bit.

    All WE ask for in return is a team based PvP TLP :) I, among many others, would gladly re-sub to DBG games. At least you would get fresh subs as opposed to just getting recycled subs from another TLP like Miragul did. It would not be DOA like Miragul which no one asked for... Currently, I'll be wasting my time on RoZek 2.0 until DBG brings back the promised land. Thank you for your time.
  9. Machen New Member

    If DBG brings it, it will not be the promised land. Just fools' gold.
  10. HaneKV New Member

    Yes, give us a PvP server!
  11. Zanarnar Augur

    I always love statements like that. So, exactly how many people play on Miragul (say logged in over the last 7 days)?

    Humm, wait you mean you don't know? Your just guessing yet your 100% sure? I also wouldn't consider Discord membership as any indication of who actively plays or not. For example I'm in a discord for 3 games I don't even play anymore. And one I never did (but am keeping an eye on their progress)

    All that said, I still hope they make one, just so it will stop these threads for a year or so before your back asking for another new one since that one is so dead. (I'd give it 3 months tops before its a ghost-town.)

    Heck, maybe they can take the hardware hosting Brekt and share it with this new pvp server.. I'm guessing they'll both be equally populated.
  12. Kendiian Monk

    Yeah PvP teams would be so awesome classic even more awesome, though we need a reward for slaying other players hehe did i say that ?
  13. Kendiian Monk

    I just don't see the reason for PvP if you can't get a reward for slaying another player, this is true yes
  14. Kendiian Monk

    Sketchy is the word show Daybreak some respect hopefully they can pull it off. Tokens/points where you can buy gear would be the optimal reward for slaying players. I don't really know much about Zek when its come too loot rules but now i know we don't need a reward for slaying members.
  15. Kendiian Monk

    Agents of Change gonna be involved in a new way though ?
  16. Kendiian Monk

    I can only imagine. Perhaps quest for PvP slays.
  17. Kendiian Monk

    Death touch ammunition ?
  18. Iove Elder

    Love this. +FV loot and im in :)
    Played on TZ from start of server, and usually not all ppl always want pvp.
    But if 2 pick, like you mean, I prefer what after zoning you spawn in blue pick (so no need of several zoning in/out to leave twinky PK :)
  19. Dailor Augur

    Reposting for the DEVs in the back. Pls I pras u
  20. Vexn Elder

    Sign me up!