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New TLP May 2022

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by weewooweewoo, Jan 19, 2022.

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  1. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    Confirmed with roadmap, here we go again... again...
    Fenthen likes this.
  2. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    The pvp tlp is going to drop the ears of your victims.
    NinjutsuMMO and Corydon Coles like this.
  3. PotatoPowa Elder

    I'd personally be able to round up a few dozen old school zekkers from red e(m)u servers who would be all over a pvp TLP. It would actually get fresh blood in the player base rather than the usual thing of recycling players from other servers. A bit of careful thought would need to be put into rulesets and it would need to be sort of bluebie friendly, or the safe space kids would cry and quit after about a day of being griefed. Other than that this would be a ton of fun. PVPers are insanely competetive, I would expect them to spend far above average on any possible in-game advantage, eg bags and potions.
  4. PotatoPowa Elder

    Ruleset suggestions:
    -two teams. Goods/neutrals & evils. No communication between them (scramble the language maybe like they did on FV way back in the day). Why? So customer service isn't flooded with hatespeech or "he said a bad word" type petitions. Once you pick a side, all toons on that account can only play the same team. (Ie, if people want to infiltrate the other side, they'll need an additional account to do it.)
    -No item loot. Hurts too much to lose items in that way, people would quit if it kept happening. Coin loot maybe or some reward system.
    -Yellowtext announcements of each kill.
    -Option: seasonal server resets. PVP is good up to / including Kunark. Starts to go stale during Vellious as hit points & huge resists on armor kind of takes spell casters out of the contest. Gets a bit silly when AA comes into it. I imagine this would be a highly contentious point.
    -Prison rules - killstealing, training, griefing of all kinds permitted. To have the usual play nice rules = customer service getting nonstop petitions.
    -Zone instances: a good instance, a bad instance, open world contested. Real pvpers won't like this, and I agree. I don't like it either. BUT we have to keep our prey happy, the bluebies who are dipping their toes into pvp. We need our prey to have some respite from us so they get immersed and stick around. Much like not over-fishing a lake so you don't make the fish extinct.
    -Safe zones: EC tunnel for example, and maybe newbie zones, although level 1-5 pvp can be a lot of fun. Guards assist players with higher faction, making faction grinding important for pvp advantage. (Where players have equal faction, the guards assist the player who gets attacked. Using guards to help you in a fight can be a fun dynamic to play around with).
  5. Acidtone New Member

    2 months of a healthy player base for a pvp TLP tops. Maybe add a few months until PoP if you remove AoC's
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  6. Hibiki Journeyman

    Please locked. Just make another locked server like Agnarr but make it locked at OoW! :)
    ostill82, Jimmy2times and Nighthawk like this.
  7. Arclyte Augur

    lol it won't be pvp

    No idea why you same 5 people keep asking for it
  8. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Dozens of people might join from servers!
    code-zero likes this.
  9. PotatoPowa Elder

    Not just 5 people, lots of people in-game I've spoken to like the idea. I mean you could do a plain vanilla TLP at the same time as the pvp, call it a trial run to see if it works. Give it till Vellious. If dies by then, scrap it. Let people transfer over to the plain vanilla TLP.
  10. HekkHekkHekk Augur

    Oh well. What about a random loot free trade server? Nevermind. That would take too much developer time to sort out.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  11. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Random loot server is hitting baz max of 1000 vendors which even if that was every single sub on the server would still be 10x+ more population than a pvp server.

    Is this the same people who always hope for a terrible ruleset to follow whatever server they are currently on so their server survives longer?
  12. PotatoPowa Elder

    This isn't really a question is it, it's some kind of tantrum designed to cause an argument, because you're filled with vaguely negative emotions about the world in general. Best of luck sorting it out.
  13. Tweakfour17 Augur

    You're right, it was more rhetorical, but also look at how many people on these forum or discord ask for intentionally poor rulesets so their current TLP can survive, they don't even try to hide it they say it explicitly. Wouldn't surprise me if people got behind a pvp tlp for just that reason.
  14. Corydon Coles Elder

    How many blue reboots now and not a single RED?

    Classic EQ Locked - pvp server

    a) 3 teams - Good/Neu/Evil - I played a server like this it worked
    Teams - gives you people on your side
    3 teams - more opportunity for PVP then 2 team
    b) Luclin Lock = AAs, small world, focus effects, and BAZ
    * Luclin is plenty of content
    You want AAs as AAs give people who don't RAID something to do. People with more time invested in game should be rewarded. Plus a lot of those AAs are fun stuff.
    The world would have to be small to work. One of the problems with Zek
    c) Coin loot
    d) 2 box limit
    e) instance, no AOC as players would hide here
    f) pvp announcements
    g) pvp reward merchant in BAZ
    h) all non classic items ---> removed <--- like the new: spell crafting
    I) man I'd love to see the EQ original UI
    j) Dark needs to be dark. IF so it makes all those vision items become valuable
    k) Slow EXP
    NinjutsuMMO likes this.
  15. Koggar.Bertoxxulous Elder

    One thing that I hope DPG does to help y'all out is to SEVERELY reduce the amount of time spent at 70. As someone who's lived through that hell recently, you don't want that. 36 weeks of basically no new AA nearly broke us, although my guild and server in particular got very lucky and still have a very healthy pop. Maybe combine OOW and DoN into 12 weeks and then make DoDH and PoR 12 or even 8. That'd shave 3-4 months off of it, which I still feel is too long, but would at least make it more bearable.
    Nighthawk likes this.
  16. Thewiz Augur

    There will never be a PvP TLP server.
  17. HaneKV New Member

    It's crazy to me that they haven't done a PvP TLP already. PvP based games are the single most popular type of game across the globe for a reason, and Everquest already has it built into their system.

    There were four very healthy and active PvP servers back in the day. Give the SZ/TZ/VZ/RZ players that nostalgic experience that the blue player base has been given time and time again.
    Boogatti likes this.
  18. Nighthawk Lorekeeper

    There is very little demand for it. Take a look at the 'alternatives' to EQ live that are out there, the red version is totally dead and has never done well.
  19. Boogatti Lorekeeper

    P V P!
    NinjutsuMMO likes this.
  20. Boogatti Lorekeeper

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