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Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Slayerwolf, Jan 31, 2022.

  1. Blerb New Member

    A lot of people don't realize that the TLP idea needs to have a hook with mass appeal. The free trade TLP's was a good example of that.

    Stuff like hardcore, ironman, die once and delete your hard drive type servers would only serve a small niche of people who in turn would quickly lose interest when they realize the botters/cheaters/griefers would quickly make it unenjoyable.

    Think of more interesting ideas that would appeal to both the min/max crowd and people who play casually, like a 'multiclassing' server where you can be flagged as two different classes of whatever that race can be. Heck, an all-class server? Allow the player to change their class flag to play a different role when they want to? Or allow a player to be flagged as multiple classes at the same time? A warrior with cleric spells, a monk that can charm, a rogue with bard songs? THAT is something that would be fun to experiment on. I suppose an EQ 'clone' (can't write the E word for some reason) could do that, but I've never played on one.
  2. Poydras Augur

    This is a pretty old idea. New combos are already part of progression. I think it would be fun. Though I'd say don't let the logistics be a barrier, just let the players live with the consequences of their choice. Ogre monk? Good luck. No monk animations, robe graphics, or trainers for you.

    Still it would be hard to not pick ogre for every class though...
  3. Boubaznavour New Member

    Whatever the "free trade or not" decision.
    Make at least one of the two new servers 2 or 3 times slower releasing expansions, even with a little slower exp gain.

    All TLP servers see their population falling to a half or a third once LDoN launches. Lets make the classic era to PoP a long journey.
  4. Kahna Augur

    What a convincing argument you have there.

    Rolling on something you can sell in order to buy an item you want is no more greedy than claiming the item that drops should be yours because you can equip it. Everyone needs gear, and plat gets everyone gear.
  5. Draztic Journeyman

    Free trade is nice, wouldn't mind it being standard. I would prefer they spend their innovating power for new TLP on new ideas that add some fun variance :)
  6. Vindar Augur

    Only decent idea I've seen so far is some sort of level locked TLP. Need something different. No free trade, if you want that just keep playing Mischief or Thorneblade.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  7. Gnothappening Augur

    How about a DZ only TLP, since open world progression in POP is broken now anyways?
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    EQ's code is simply not built to do any of that on a "per-server" basis and the dev team have been very explicit about having zero interest in supporting multiple code bases, which would be required to support this idea in that way.
    What you are asking for here is purely within the realm of private servers, where there are already a plethora of separate non-standard code bases supported by hobbyist developer wannabes.
  9. straynge Journeyman

    I'd like to see level 85 lock server. I played on Agnarr for a few years and would like a chance to lock myself at 85 as well.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I think that you have misunderstood what he meant by Level-Locked-TLP (Progression) or LLP server.

    An LLP server concept at its core relies upon all the expansions being available & the level-cap of players being raised on a periodic basis. So level 50 cap for the first month then 60 cap for 1-2 months etc.

    What you are describing is an expansion-locked server, Agnarr being the only one opened of that type to date.(ignoring the Quarm event server)

    Or another possibility would be a server where all expansions are unlocked but players can never go above level 85, but that idea probably doesn't make any sense.
  11. Jedipokey The Devs have become better at Apathy! (380)

    Yup, I'm all for the random loot idea as it mixes things up but take away the Free Trade system. Maybe even only do random loot for open world stuff and instanced stuff is standard loot rules.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Random loot without free trade would be horrible and cause lots of items to rot as no one in the group will be able to use/need them and others won’t be able to loot them in time.
  13. Poydras Augur

    I think that's kind of the point.
    Jedipokey likes this.
  14. Intercept Augur

    No free trade, it should be a one off every few years at most.

    I like it except for the random loot.
  16. Reveerse New Member

    id be down for another server with free trade and FV exp, with like two month lockouts, maybe a month lockout for classic
    Nighthawk likes this.
  17. Kahna Augur

    Because watching good loot rot feels real good and encourages people to keep playing.
    Nighthawk likes this.