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New server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by StopCrying2020, Jun 9, 2022.

  1. StopCrying2020 New Member

    One of the new servers next year
    -Allow normal boxing/ non truebox
    -Classic/Kunark 3 month start, after 3months expansions within the same level range release at the same time( Velious and Luclin release together, PoP,LDON and GoD release together. Maybe adding a flag to the being able to skip raids would be an good idea. Like you get a flagg for killing Vulak that is needed to enter VT, need to kill Quarm before your able to get into GoD.)
    - 6month expansion unlocks after classic/kunark
    - FV rules
    - Random loot or increased loot would be cool
    - Put raid targets on a 2-3 day lockout

    I already know there are going to be a bunch of trueboxers that are not going to like this. Which is fine. There are always 2 servers. If both servers had the same rules it would be a pretty cool idea to make them competitive. Like increased xp and faction for the server that clears the content first.
  2. TheAgenda Augur

    There once was a man in the forum
    Who lacked intellect and decorum
    He suggested a start
    With a launch of Kunark
    And the masses all died of their boredom
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    A lot of RMT players will love this as they can lock down camps with no drop items and sell them for a nice profit.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Rcbauer Augur

    stop crying indeed.
    Skuz likes this.
  5. Nolrog Augur

  6. Xann New Member

    How about no more TLP's and wasting time, instead a new EQ game... Enough with these tlp's and the whole "im living in the past" I hate it. NEW EQ GAME PLEASE WHEN?
  7. Brildon Augur

    Sounds like you don't have a reason to be in the TLP subforum lol.

    6 month xpack unlocks... *barf*
  8. Aenoan Augur

    Not the worst idea actually. I'd rather see major improvements to the engine, combat, graphics. Basically a new game. Constantly band aiding things and turning the game into a frankenquest is clearly not working.
    It's likely they need a company that's going to see some potential to invest into Everquest though DPG is seems like where games go to die, like EA. LOL
    But seriously wasting more resources on TLPs could probably be better spent on making a better over all game. Everquest : A Realm Reborn.
    Darkpaw could wrap things up by giving players a FV TLP, a Classic lock, a Kunark Lock servers and focus on fixing the game instead.
  9. Gheed Augur


    Random loot with increased loot with FV rules man that sounds freakin awesome what a cool idea holy crap man that is so cool I really hope they do this so I can be a part of this!!!! WOOOOOOOO
  10. Thez69 Elder

    you want double loot, half lockouts, no keys and 6 month expacs?

    what are people even supposed to do on this server
    code-zero likes this.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Get bored/burned out and quit playing?
    code-zero likes this.