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New Race/Class Combinations

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gnomereaper, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. Funk Augur

    Drakkin Beastlord with Drake does sound like a good one!
  2. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    If i take that question literally, then the answer is: "none".
    I just won't ever play on a "progression server".
    If i am going to make another character, it will most likely be a dwarf berserker, but that combination already exists.
    And it would naturally be on a live server.

    Felwithe needs warriors though!
    Their casters and paladins just don't cut it!

    Troll clerics - i neve runderstood why Innoruuk would support daark-elven clerics but only troll shamans.

    And no:
    Dwarves do not use the force, so they cannot turn to the dark side either.
    Want to play evil? Play a gnome!
  3. Pootle Elder

    Hehehaha :)

    My vote would be Gnome BST with Clockwork Warder.
    It just works with the Tinkering element.
    svann and fransisco like this.
  4. Funk Augur

    On board 100% for High Elf Warrior!
  5. Coppercoz Augur

    Frogloks need to be rangers if for nothing else because they have an awesome bow animation.
  6. CrazyLarth Augur

    dead frog down - animation would be very cool. with the legs kicking.
  7. fransisco Augur

    I'm excited about the idea of new froglok death animations
  8. snailish Augur

    Freeport can cover for everything but Iksars, (beastlords and Berserkers?) as-is. So at the very least most existing and many future combos could have that as a starting option.

    Froglok monks & Wood elf beastlords need Rathe & Kelethin as starting cities with full trainer guild available... that fact that this was not done (last I checked on live) does make it seem like just Crescent Reach would be the way any future additions would be made.

    While I would prefer more starting city options, or at least current original racial starting city options for new combos, just getting new combos out of CR would be something.
  9. code-zero Augur

    Face facts, back in the day there were people who'd make a Barbarian and then make the run all the way to Kelethin and be bound there and almost never return to their "home" city if they could help it. People have always wanted more choices for starting cities but in EQ lore dictated where you'd go.

    CR has guildmasters for all classes and was founded to be a hub for play. In fact many long time players discovered that CR was a very good place for their origin as it made grouping and assembling much easier. In fact that's why I suspect that they moved the PoK book to just outside the city rather than across the Moors.

    My point is, choices never existed for any races outside of half elf and humans in the original game and I don't see what the point would be in scattering starting locations all over would be now
  10. Dvious1 New Member

    Gnome Berserker
    Gnome Beastlord and make it a 0.1% chance every hour that their warder eats them
  11. Rithnok Apprentice

    Vah Shir Necromancer! I mean what happens when their warder finally "Bites it"? NO FLUFFY NOOOO! I'ma gonna bring you back little buddy! YES! You will be SO much better than ANY Warder alive... MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mow!
  12. Scorrpio Augur

    I want an Ogre Paladin
  13. fransisco Augur

    There should be a conversion option - beastlords under lvl 40 can "switch" to become necromancers (reanimated their warder)
  14. Outlander Engine Elder

    Drunken Dwarf Bard
  15. Stash McWhalen New Member

    I enjoyed voting for new race/class combos. The back stories were pretty cool to read. Love traditional Norrath cannon.
  16. kizant Augur

    I don't know about new combos but they really should let cat people be upgraded into dog people.
    gotwar and Sancus like this.
  17. Wolrok Elder

    I think the races that are limited to 5 classes should each get an extra class.

    Barbarian: Paladin
    Dwarf: Bard or Monk
    High Elf: Warrior or Druid
    Ogre: Necromancer or Monk
    Troll: Rogue
    Vah Shir: Berserker
    skattabrainz likes this.
  18. Bartlesen Lorekeeper

    Screw Drizzt, the ranger skill-set just screams "murderhobo".
  19. menown Augur

    The only thing better than an Iksar Necromancer would be an Ogre Necromancer.
    Sign me up!
  20. fransisco Augur

    aren't all "adventurers murderhobos?