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New November Server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MarttinPH, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. Sorrows New Member

    I recently cancelled 6 of my 7 active accounts on Selo. Truebox is just too much of a pain to deal with anymore when I want to hop on and work on group content and farm gear. Just not worth the hassle when on live I can run 5 toons + 1 merc all from my main PC using the allowed is-boxer software to tab between characters.

    This is my last remaining paid account.

    I'll happily reactivate a few toons to play on the new 85 server if they get rid of the failed truebox experiment.

    If you want to earn bonus points make it a free trade server so we can have an actual living economy.
    Icaen and HoodenShuklak like this.
  2. Dahaman Augur

    Think Bigger Picture: EQ is the whole stadium, not just a mere football field.

    The stadium is used for football games (raid), soccer games (group), track-n-field (solo), big time concerts (molo), charity events (social), outdoor Shakespeare (boxer), little league baseball (newbie), hurricane relief centers (stress relief), etc.

    It's okay to watch Tempest at the 50-yard line.

    EQ is a solo, group, raid, box, molo MMO game. EQ is that great!
    Oakenblade and Machen like this.
  3. Ceffener Augur

    Obviously you can do anything and hey if you find it enjoyable that’s great! But the person (not you) arguing the game never required grouping and wasn’t designed around it....seems a little ridiculous to not admit that the developers have continually developed majority of the content for small and large groups.

    But there are always different ways players can find enjoyment outside of the original developers mindset they had when making something. And obviously thinking those players shouldn’t play....is also equally ridiculous.
  4. Machen New Member

    Explain mercs then? If the devs wanted people to always need groups of six or more, mercs would not be a thing. "Continually" isn't really accurate when mercs have been in the game for more than half of the game's existence at this point.
  5. Ceffener Augur

    Mercs exist because the population dropped and key classes are needed to do the group content. Even with mercs, said content is designed around 3 people and raids have no mercs. Mercs allowed them to continue making group content...even with less players.

    Also go look at live expansions and all the complaints about how mercs are pointless and the developers are anti moloing....

    Also try soloing the missions in era to upgrade your mercs. All those quest require grouping, even in the expansion that gave you mercs.

    Heroic Adventures, the most friendly content given for small groups of players per SOE:

    “ A Heroic Adventure is a series of customized tasks, with multiple options for what can happen at each step of each task, and multiple routes to take you on each story. They are instanced, and designed for 2-3 players with mercs to finish them in 30-45 minutes.”

    Designed for groups, raids designed for groups, majority of zones...designed for groups. There really isn’t much debate here, just because you can solo stuff as certain classes doesn’t change the fundamentals. The game content caters to 1. High end raiding, 2. High end grouping (pre raid preparation and AA grind), sometimes they throw a bone to something else. But release an expansion of all solo content and 0 raids and see how well that goes over on live.
  6. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Do you think mercs should come in sooner, like Omens of war-ish?

    My experience so far on Selo has shown that population dropoff is rough, and impossible to compete with the barrage of new TLP's. EQ after trilogy is just too expansive for an already thin, niche community IMO.
  7. Machen New Member

    Funny, I literally just did this. I did need to box the final mission, the rest is easily moloable by the right class.
  8. Ceffener Augur

    And what server is in SoD that you did this in era with SoD gear? Of which you still had to box and admit only certain class could do it. Because it’s group content.

    Not sure who your arguing with, probably Brad McQuaid and every interview he has ever talked about game design, grouping mechanics, etc.
  9. Ceffener Augur

    Personally I think properly tuned mercs should be welcome even at classic (maybe hold off a until month into a new TLP). I (personally) have always found the game too demanding of group content outside of raiding and the large number of people boxing/multi boxing seem to indicate people do enjoy being able to complete more content on their own/with smaller groups of people that the original designed numbers.

    For a 20 year old game, I think anything that encourages players to be able to play more and have fun is a good idea.
  10. Machen New Member

    Jesus, you guys keep moving the goalposts.

    Oh, you can't possibly do J5 solo. Oh yeah, you did it? Ok, but only certain classes can!
  11. Szilent Augur

    I've done the Feerott J5 quest solo on all classes as a new heroic. Some classes are easier than others, such that it's convenient to team up with any random partner for speed, but none of their experiences could be honestly described as hard.
  12. Ootax Augur

    Getting back to the actual server itself, what is a level 85 Heroic character gear equivalent to? Is it like a SoD or SoF raid gear char(plus the levels of course). And where would be a logical starting point to start raids on this new server? Is it possible to level up to 90 and start in HoT raids with the heroic gear or would SoF, SoD, UF be a more logical option?
  13. Szilent Augur

    Heroic armor has exactly the stats of tier 1 HoT group armors, called Abstruse (War BP for reference), with the only difference being it can't be advanced cheaply to tier 2 & beyond. One has to remake the real stuff to then advance, or buy the plat juice things.

    Abstruse (or Heroic) is a touch lower stats than top Underfoot group armor, but not meaningfully so. Top Underfoot raid armor is higher stats than top HoT group armor, but it's pretty unimaginable that going through a full alternate expansion's raid flagging and progression would be an efficient path.

    It's my expectation that racing oriented collectives will tackle entry HoT raiding as soon as they can use pet casters to put 3 or so player tanks in top group armor.
  14. Ceffener Augur

    J5 came out in SoD, but congrats on people doing it 2 expansions (gear wise) later with heroic characters (came out 6 years after SoD) solo as proof the game wasn’t designed around group content! Can go solo some Kunark raid bosses as a heroic character also. Proof the game was designed for solo play! Thanks for the enlightenment.

    (And you still didn’t solo the final mission per your own admission trolling points -10)

    The Feerot J5 quest we’re also redesigned for heroic characters to be done solo, they are not the original quests. Because having come out 6 years later, it seemed reasonable to not make people attempt to go back and do the harder ones.

    For the new server this will allow Solo and small groups of players to accomplish way more in era (at least for a couple expansions) than they ever could on live or other TLPs. Because now they are being given access to Heroics that start geared out in HoT T1, with access to solo quest for augs/merc upgrades (we assume). As opposed to when heroic characters actually came out 4 years after HoT as a catch up mechanic, while the main player base was already level 100+.
  15. Midnitewolf Augur

    But virtually no one did this. Seriously there are always exceptions to everything but back in early EQ it was well beyond the scope of the vast majority of people to have the resources, much less the inclination, to box characters. Things only become a problem, when they become a problem, usually when something moves from being the exception, to being the rule.
  16. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Probably the best philosophy when making any new TLP / Event server.
  17. Machen New Member

    Moving the goal posts again.

    The bottom line is that you don't like boxing because you feel entitled to have people forced to group with you. Make whatever argument you will, it's clear that this is the heart of the axe you have to grind. You don't think people should be allowed to get anything accomplished without making room for you to join them.

    Guess what? You've got your wish. Try raiding. You can't raid current content solo. People are dependent on other people for that aspect of the game.

    There's no reason to freak out and throw a fit because other parts of the game don't require the same social participation. The game has never required grouping to gain xp. There are many other things that people have always been able to get done solo, molo, or by boxing. It doesn't matter how many people do these things. It's not a problem. Those styles of play should not be eliminated just because you think people should have to group with you. If they eliminated the ability to box tomorrow, people who like to box are not going to suddenly start grouping with you instead. Many of us would rather just quit.
  18. ntellect Augur

    Why do you all argue about boxing. Whatever the rule set is going to be you wont be able to change it. Those who dont like the rules have a choice not to play and those who do vice versa. Stop trying to convince the other side. Its pointless
  19. Ceffener Augur

    The current debate (not that there really is a debate) is about one person claiming the game was never built around grouping. Not actually a boxing vs non boxing argument. Mainly because people boxing inherently proves the point that the content was designed to be played by multiple people. But I agree based on the responses of said person the conversation is probably pointless at this point. Reasonable people know that the game is designed around group/raid content first and there is a much more limited amount of content available for solo players (boxing in this case removes you from being truly a solo player).

    The new server would be a great starting point for any boxer, solo player, or small group of friends that want to accomplish a lot in era because the Heroic Characters (especially if they get the aug quests and merc upgrade solo quest) are very helpful versus catching up on other servers.
  20. Machen New Member

    That's not what I've been claiming. I've been claiming the game was never built to REQUIRE grouping, which is what those arguing against me would like to see.