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New Exp % message.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Am I wrong.......or is the new patched in exp % message completely wrong? I took quite a few kills that were saying 1.3% exp subtracted current from gained each time and they were no where near 1.3% per kill.

    I only thought to do this as I was in Velks for quite a while at 59 and after at least 60 kills I was excited and expecting to see at least 60% to level 60 only to find myself at like.....40%. I started checking exp per kill listed in the message vs actual exp gained WITH a potion and it wasn't even remotely accurate to the amount listed in the message.
  2. error Augur

    Yeah, the numbers are all wonky, whether set to exp or AA exp. Was saying something like 0.08% per kill when I was getting ~14% level exp per kill on one character, and 0.00% per kill when I was getting ~8% AA exp on another character.
  3. MacDubh TABLES!!!

  4. Lineater Augur

    Are you sure that .08 wasn't a .00? When my AA exp is set to 100%, the exp message reads each kill as 0%. When I turned AA exp gains off, I started seeing actual percentages.
  5. Captain Video Augur

    While the errors in the log messages are a confirmed bug and are being worked on, this part is working as intended. The log is reporting % gain for XP only and is ignoring AA. This was stated in the patch notes.