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Fixed Internally New Cleric HP (Aego Line) Overwrites Druid Skin & Symbol

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Cragzop, Dec 11, 2021.

  1. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Every ... friggin ... level ... bump ...

    Cleric single target 117 Unified Persistence and/or group 120 Unified Hand of Persistence will overwrite Druid single target 117 Lucinite Skin/Druid group 120 Onyx Blessing plus Cleric single target Unity of the Sanguine/Cleric group 120 Unified Hand of the Diabo.

    This is annoying as all heck because most classes prefer Skin + Symbol.

    Can we please fix this and for the love of Erollisi ... put a friggin post it note on someone's monitor to not break this next time ... again ...
    Rondor, Conq, Raccoo and 18 others like this.
  2. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Side note: I’d love to see them drop Symbol and just make them Aego and Skin stack. Would be a huge quality of life improvement, but that’s probably too much to ask from the one person assigned to all class spells and discs.
  3. Cindane Journeyman

    Developers, please fix healer mercenaries of ANY level between 116-120 overwriting all forms of the Druid level 120 spell "Onyx Blessing" and/or level 117 "Luclinite Skin" with the cleric Hit-point buff, "Persistence" or "Unified Hand of Persistence." As a druid raiding main, this will make life a complete nightmare to buff raiders in January who almost always arrive with 20 - 30 mins. left on their cleric/mercenary "Persistence" / Aego-line of HP buffs and always ask for Druid skin.

    Also, while I finished my progression and level 120, what was the incentive to spend over 10K for both of these two new druid spells - when cleric "Persistence" and healer-mercenary casts even lower level than me immediately overwrite on rest of the group? (Yes, I buff-blocked all forms of the Persistence line of spells on myself already.) But you obviously can't expect that to be a perma-fix for all classes?
    tanith likes this.
  4. Soulbanshee Augur

    Its not a merc thing, if you only have druid skin then you'll lose it if someone casts the HP/AC buff and you dont have the HP buff.
  5. tanith Augur

    Well it's a merc *problem* if not a 'thing'. My merc takes less notice than any (ok, most...) clr when we say 'don't cast x on me'
    And it's clearly a bug/oversight as they've fixed this problem in the past
  6. Cindane Journeyman

    That's absolutely not true and makes me wonder how many max-level druids you've grouped with, regularly? The cleric HP/AC buff (such as Righteousness from CoV etc.) NEVER overwrote a pre-cast druid skin on a player, once the same-era level of skin was cast on a player. Now if you mean a lower level of druid skin, such as level 106, then perhaps yes - but NOT of the same expansion-era. It did overwrite symbol and perhaps you are thinking of the cleric Symbol buff. I can clearly reproduce this bug, and as has been noted above by a few others, it's been corrected in the past and was reported on ToL beta as a bug and not fixed in-time for release.
  7. Aleahna New Member

    Extremely annoying! Persistence should not be overriding Onyx Blessing, they are the same level. I prefer using "Skin" stacked with Symbol & Ward.
  8. Soulbanshee Augur


    Two issues in these lines:

    Both Max Hitpoints limiter and Stacking2 v1 69 need to be +1500 more than the HP (22629). It used to be +1000 until TDS where it's been +1500.

    1: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 22129
    2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 21129
    3: Increase HP when cast by 21129
    4: Increase AC by 865
    5: Stacking2 v1 69: 21129

    The Max Hitpoints limiter needs to be more than the Persistence HP.

    Luclinite Skin
    1: Increase AC by 469
    2: Increase Max Hitpoints by 10803
    3: Increase HP when cast by 10803
    4: Increase Mana by 102 per tick
    5: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is effect 'AC' and < 2766
    6: Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is effect 'Max Hitpoints' and < 20803
    7: Increase Endurance by 11 per tick
    minimind and Regnad like this.
  9. TrueNorth Developer

    Was able to reproduce this and it is now being tracked internally. Thank you for your report!
    Carden, Cindane, Thunderkiks and 2 others like this.
  10. JacLuc Lorekeeper

    I just finally gave up and blocked persistence on my main.