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New Class and race combo

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yimin, May 18, 2018.

  1. Yimin Augur

    I started a Bst when we voted on a new race class combo , and am hoping we can have a Gnome Bst sometimes in the very near future ....I am sure other want to see different combos as well ..But Gnome bst is by far the best if you ask me :)

  2. Nniki Augur

    What would their warders be? Clockwork spiders?
    Yimin likes this.
  3. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Gnome Beastlord with a clockwork spider warder is the dream.
    Yimin likes this.
  4. Aurastrider Augur

    Some people have weird dreams... j/k :p
  5. Yimin Augur

    Anything small could be a Gnome Bst warder , Id also like to see a pet color change when I make my pet go from DPS to Tank ,like a wolf going from black to white etc etc

  6. sojero One hit wonder

    I would want it to be a clockwork rat.
  7. Yimin Augur

    Yeah any clockwork would be cool for sure ! But would they count that as an animal ?But they do have the WoodElf Tree :)

    Prathun likes this.
  8. Yimin Augur

    I wonder how much work this would be for our Dev team ?

  9. Bobsmith Augur

    This thread again...only 3 months since the last one.

    Not exact same context, but point still holds.
    Cicelee and Metanis like this.
  10. Yimin Augur

    Yes but Gnome are already a race and Bst are are already a class ! I don't think it would be as much as making a whole new race and class ....

  11. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Halfling bard

    I love Halflings, the more excuses I can find to make each class a Halfling the better.

  12. EnchFWO Augur

    They already have gnome illusion potions/items in game and you can change the appearance of your pet with a peta/metamorph item. Literally make any BST and you can accomplish this without taking up major resources in an already strained system.

    You'd have more luck trying to get a clockwork petamorph IMO than asking for something so extreme.
    Zaviere likes this.
  13. Yimin Augur

    I feel the same about Gnomes :D Halfling is always my 2nd choice if it can't be a Gnome

  14. Boze TLP complaint factory

    dat tinkering skill tho
    EnchFWO likes this.
  15. Sindaiann Augur

  16. taliefer Augur

    WTB Barbarian paladins. what with mithaniel marr having created them and all
  17. Raltar Augur

    Iksar Berserker or I riot.
  18. svann Augur

  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Gnome beastlord makes no sense, neither of the parent classes can be gnomes.

    Frog would work, with a Mosquito pet!
    Koryu likes this.
  20. GoneFission Augur

    Only if they make the reclaim energy animation for that combo have the frog eat the skeeter.