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"new" agro meter

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    as a caster , the "new" agro meter is completely useless. either it shows a very low agro ( of a tank ) that never changes or agro that is bouncing all over the place as tanks / pets keep changing. either way I have no idea what my agro is to the mob.

    it was a cool tool and was a help while it lasted.

    closed the window and back to the old way. :(
    Mintalie and Ezlano like this.
  2. Hatsee Augur

    So the old one was worthless to anyone in melee, the new one is worthless to casters in some ways but dear god does agro need a change if a caster can out agro a pet in the first place.
  3. Diptera Augur

    This was brought up in a separate thread (might have been the patch notes or "bugs found" thread), that using the mob's current target (instead of "highest on mob's agro list") is of no use whatsoever to anybody outside melee range; along with a couple of suggestions to put it as a toggle, or add *both* targets on a meter.

    We can but hope the devs pay attention.
  4. Shang Augur

    I can't figure the new agro meter out, but I liked the old one, despite it's limited functionality.
    Pirlo likes this.
  5. Pirlo Augur

    I also do not like the new aggro meter.

    Last night on raids I was at 125 (??) aggro AFTER I faded (whaaaat) and didn't know whether to nuke, wait, make a grill cheese sandwich, run up to melee, etc.

    There has to be a better solution to this aggro meter or best of both worlds concept.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    either they broke fade or the meter doesn't recognize it.

    I faded as the meter showed I was getting up towards 100%, faded and it dropped for a second and then i was back to being in the red.....without casting anything. During a raid, with melee closer than myself this should never happen.

    Something definitely broke with this change.
  7. Mintalie Augur

    I don't like any aggro meter unless they fix the pets. It's beyond ridiculous. My pet is constantly getting aggro during raids and the MT screams at me incessantly. It's not feasible to mash Summon Companion over and over as it is an interruption to both my and the pet's DPS. Please, for the love of all that is holy, please do something about this. It has made raiding for me, as a mage, absolutely miserable and fraught with difficulty.
  8. smash Augur

    Have to agree with this.
    Please give us option, to get old agro meter back.
    I have turned new one off. :(
  9. Dre. Altoholic

    New agro meter is much better, it's tank vs pet agro that needs fixing.
  10. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Water pet needs a de-aggro effect on it's nukes, to align with it's rogue (backstabby) nature.
  11. UnnamedPlayer Elder

    I'm pretty sure if the creature gets stunned the aggro meter won't update until that stun fades.

    The tank was probably tagging your pull with a stun.
  12. Stubar Augur

    Get a little close to the MoB and cast summon companion every 30 seconds or so. Pet agro problem solved.
  13. strongbus Augur

    I agree its the issue with even if pet has highest aggro that if anyone player gets in range then that player is what the mobs hit. Wounder if the dervs could do in eq what they did in eq 2 when i played it. There even if a player moved in range, If the pet had more aggro then the pet is what the mob would hit.
  14. Mintalie Augur

    Even with spell hold on he is still popping up on the aggro meter.

    This situation is unbearable!
  15. Tegila Augur

    oh hell no not with the messed up aggro on pets. if htey did that theyd have to massively de-aggro pets or youd never again be allowed to have a pet out while a real tank is around. i myself make a game out of staying above the pets on aggro but if you're not constantly mashing this n that obsessively, you wont stay on top of them for long (i dont have a hate mask granted but that shouldnt matter if im doing everything possible and any other tank i see is getting floored by pet aggro) you want ppl to get even mroe mad at pets, do this lol. being able to now SEE the extreme aggro of the things is drawing extra attention, but if they could then actually hold that attention with players in range you'd cause a major uproar, and likely nerfage
  16. Tirratye Lorekeeper

    Actually, that rule is something that's been hard-coded into EverQuest since before Kunark. Originally, pets could tank with players in range, but that was simply changed a short time into the game's life.
  17. roguerunner Augur

    Old one still made a lot more sense, bring it back as an option!
  18. Bronut Augur

    Agro meter, FAIL. i have not used the meter, still waning on the purchase of RoF. but the idea of it sounds like its dumbing down the game. Knowing game mechanics is a big part of skill. i mean, really, agro meter?
  19. Daislet Augur

    Aggro meter is handy. You just have to realise that some things "throw" it off.
    Undivided attention is one of those.

    Pets really needed a way to not *gain* so much aggro so fast. Whether that is via extra AA's that proc a "lowering of hate" or an additional field on the existing hate weapons (in addition to the DD proc - add a lower hate proc).

    It's weird that Warriors are getting an additional hate proc on taunts, when the only use we'd actually have for it is against pets.
    Sure pets owners can use Summon companion to fade their pets. And reading thru this thread again, pet aggro appears to be as annoying for pet owners as it is for raid leaders to manage.

    Maybe pet owners need activated pet aggro AA's like Warriors have Roar/Burst/etc so their pets can aggro on demand, rather than just be consistently high aggro.
  20. Revulsion Elder

    anyone besides the tank that has agro then they are wrong need to learn to control their agro plain and simple don't need an agro meter to tell you that LOL!!