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Never too early to talk about next year's TLPs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    Since this years TLPs are very underwhelming (Although I don't hate a mangler clone, had alot of fun on mangler and a fresh start is welcome)

    Let's discuss what we want to see in next year's set of TLPs, that way jenn Chan can't mess this up again. Even tho she said she listens to tlpers when deciding the unlock schedule lololol
    Pizzanomicon likes this.
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Yelinak clone as basis.

    Retroactively add Raid Currencies / Vendors for all raid events.
    Add group currency multipliers on the same cadence as raid currencies.
  3. Ariana Augur

    No free trade.
    No random loot.
    Batched expansion release by max level for the expansion.
    Level 60 start (SoL expansion).
    All classes available.
    All class/race combos unlocked, because why not?
    Relaxed truebox from the start.
    Some new mechanic to actually enforce 3 characters per player as a max. (nice to have)
    Cloudous likes this.
  4. verbatim Elder

    When can we talk about the year after next?
  5. Haak Augur

    I'd rather see zero TLPs, and instead an announcement that for the 25th anniversary we'll be seeing the release of EverQuest Redux - the same core game we all loved in '99, but rebuilt in a modern engine.
  6. Gormgeous Elder

    Mischief-Rizlona clone, Luclin start, regular unlock schedule please for 2023.

    Complete pie in the sky though, I'd like to see a EQ server service similar to Minecraft's Microsoft Realms. I'd pay lots of money to run a server that can host X people with rulesets defined by me.
  7. JustAnotherOpinion Augur

    If I say that next year's TLP should be a team's PVP server, will I get a like from HekkHekkHekk?
    Pizzanomicon, HekkHekkHekk and Haak like this.
  8. Ariana Augur

    We can dream
  9. Zansobar Augur

    I want free trade at a minimum. I loved the random loot but they need to tweak it. No more loot pinata but instead fine tune the random loot to impact the major items that are desired, not minor things like cyclops toes, etc. I'd also like at least 2 months in classic.

    But I'd also like them to finally fix outstanding issues like Monk melee damage being way too high, Rogues being too low, charm still being too strong, etc.
  10. Digler Elder

    A server launching in PoP with Berserkers available.

    Server #2 level lock progression server. All expansions open at launch. No funky rule changes to allow players to down higher level targets. Lock the levels with something along the following lines:
    Open at lev 50
    Raise to 60 in 6 weeks (or something along those lines).
    Do what they can to allow the OG DE masks to drop for a period of time, and the same thing for the 'pre-nerf' kunark era loot that people like.

    Then push the level cap up by 5 every 2 months (or something along those lines). Basically, allow enough time for people (normal people, not just the try-hards) to complete the content and grind up there AA, before the next increase.

    No auto granting of AA, or have this delayed to such an extent that it isn't used as a crutch.

    I'm unsure if I'd want free trade, but I probably would on both.

    Do the 'relaxed true-box' on both.

    One thing that was fun way back in the day, was starting on a fresh server. One that had all the expansions available. However, doing that now would be somewhat pointless. I think a level-lock would make it interesting.
    Skuz likes this.
  11. Vlahkmaak Augur

    All races/classes from classic start with free trade and random loot on 4 wk unlock schedules, game re-launched in Cryengine - with mercs for every class like EQ2 and - UI revamp for better currency control adding Palladium as a coin option above platinum.
  12. Ponter Elder

    I want a slow unlock TLP server that's as close to the original game as possible, where Krono is disabled and everyone has to just pay a sub.
  13. Truetotheblue Augur

    A progression locked server that launches with current expansion. No Truebox, everything equippable is no trade.

    You start in classic, killing Naggy, Vox, CT, Inny all spawn a "flag" NPC similar to PoP. Get all 4? You unlock Kunark. Repeat. Flag only spawns in AOC, limiting you to flag based on your DZ availability. OW will only reward loot or tier currency.

    Don't raid? Have an expansion currency system similar to Skuz suggestion. Group mobs drop X amount of currency tokens per kill, collect enough? Buy a flag. Congrats you can now go to Kunark.

    This gives a path for both raiders and non-raiders. No trade limits you to equipping in era gear. Raid mobs and group mobs will continue to drop tier currency to incentive continued farming while you're gearing up. Vendor could sell cosmetics, heros forge unlocks, titles, even have access to certain popular raid items for the group crowd.

    Autogrant disabled, XP rates similar to live. Yes, this will accelerate the early game, but your progression is limited to your own pacing. Zerkers, BST, Drakkin (start in GFay), OOC med all available at start since no expansion cap.

    This server style has a few inherent advantages.. start late and can get enough together to raid? Great... You've basically got a fresh TLP.

    Finished the game and want to set another EQ speed run world record? Great. Start over and try to beat your previous run. This is a new style of gameplay into EQ that this model introduces.

    Want to see how far you can get as a boxer? Great. Try this as your own solo self found adventure. Likewise, you can do this with your own group vs raid.

    Just enjoy a certain area? Population will spread quickly as the server matures. Less competition since people won't be hyper focused into one expac.
  14. Digler Elder

    I suppose you want to remove instanced raids from the game too? And bring back corpse runs?

    While a krono free server is interesting in concept, it would never happen.

    Removing Krono from the game will not remove RMT from the game.

    I knew a dude that was able to farm dorf guards in butcherblock, back in the day, before Kunark was originally released. He would sell the loot off the guards, then sell the PP he made to the tune of $8 hr. At the time, that was pretty solid money, as it was better than minimum wage!

    He'd sell the PP on ebay or a similar site. Eventually he got smart, got a 2nd, then a 3rd comp, and started to PL alts while he farmed the dorfs. Then he'd sell the newly leveled accounts also.
  15. Quillman New Member

    Personally I would like to see Skuz refrain from proposing ideas for the next TLP. Seems Darkpaw took his ideas and ran with them this time around. Vaniki is literally his fault.
    Paladorfthemighty likes this.
  16. Ariana Augur

    Aspects of vaniki are good. In fact the running with it is where most of the problems showed up as far as I can tell.
  17. Tweakfour17 Augur

    This would be a nice QoL improvement. Good unlock pace and the currency further helps shift players towards a more modern EQ mindset.

    I think randomized encounters would be cool too, similar to how mischief randomized loot, give the bosses a pool of abilities to pull from. Will Naggy DT? Spin Stun? AE Fear? Falls apart once raids have actual mechanics but the classic-PoP would be interesting.
  18. Ariana Augur

    Randomized encounters is a cool idea. If they were to mess with encounters though I hope it would be towards adding more interesting mechanics to classic raids than pulling from the other relatively tame abilities. Unlikely I know.
  19. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Yeah, randomized mechanics from the pool of classic ones just seemed easier to me,I think they are mostly just spells so giving them access to different spells vs having to re write entire scripts seemed more realistic.
  20. Gormgeous Elder

    I'm not playing on Vaniki or Yelinak, but honestly I am excited to see what the guys get up to on Vaniki. 72 level 40's taking out something crazy over 6 hours cause DPS is so low is going to be fun to read about condensed down the next day.

    On topic, I like your randomized encounters Tweakfour17, with a pool of abilities. It'd be like affixes in diablo or so. Oh no! We got a Biting Flame Lady Vox, immune to fire, cold, magic, with a 60pt damage shield this round. Each affix is a chance at a second loot roll? Or some reward. Could even tie loot pool to affix name.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.