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Never thought I'd say this, but I think my bunny mount needs an alignment

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jhinx, Oct 15, 2021.

  1. Jhinx Whimsical Chinchilla

    Click my Snow Bunny Saddle to summon one of the greatest mounts ever conceived.

    Then I find myself staring far to the right of the mob I am meleeing.

    "Hey Bun Bun, it's over there!"

    It's strange too cause it has me swinging in mid air at nada like a weirdo.

    Please put my Bun Bun up on the virtual hoist for his 50k kilometre alignment :eek:


    go home bunny you're drunk
    code-zero, Stymie, Rolaque and 6 others like this.
  2. Rolaque Ancient

    Do you ever ride side-saddle? Cause I usually get mounted side-saddle on my black whatever anniversary mount that way. After I take a step, I swing my leg over and all is normal. Well, as normal as EQ normal can be.
    code-zero and Jhinx like this.
  3. IblisTheMage Augur

    We are still talking about EQ, right?
    Rolaque and Chaosflux like this.