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Need some advice please =)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Akirrah, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Akirrah Journeyman

    Hey all

    So my main is a 110 druid and I also box a mage and an enchanter both 110. My setup is kind of ghetto, I box all 3 on 1 computer and 1 screen using alt tab, no programs or macros outside of in game ones. Just to give you a sense of my limitations

    When I left about 6 months ago due to a flood in my house I was 3 boxing in HS and Gorowyn but things like the Cactus mission were too hard for me.

    Anyways I returned recently and am kind of bored of the same 3 box crew because I have most of the important aa's already. I cannot afford the expansion on my 3 box crew because I am laid off due to covid so I have decided to make use of my 3 free heroic toons for a new challenge

    I have always wanted a Bard so that will be one of my new 3 characters.

    Everyone plays a SK so I was thinking maybe try a Paladin for a tank instead

    As for DPS i think it depends on what my tank is I would guess, if I pick a Pally tank should I use a caster dps like a necro who is easy to box using a pet and dot macros, or maybe a simple wizzy to just burn stuff

    If I am convinced to try a warrior tank if a pally is not really a great choice then maybe choosing a melee dps would be better ?

    Casters are probably easier for me so I do not have to position 3 melee chars using my ghetto setup

    Bard Pally Necro ? Thoughts ? Suggestions ?


    Akirrah Auslander - Emarr
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    I dropped my Paladin when I tried the SK and I dropped the SK when I tried a Shaman. Although they all play different its up to what you like;

    I have never dropped my Ranger or Enchanter.

    Since you can remake these heroics then you can try what you want. You just don't get the plat and a few other things.
  3. Kurage_of_Luclin Augur

    You might look into an SK, Shaman , Zerker. I hear people have lots of success with that combo.
  4. Chopin.Xegony Augur

    If you are set on bard then realize that we provide the most benefit to melee classes, and the class that benefits us the most is the Beastlord.
  5. PatchinBB New Member

    There are many strong reasons why everyone has a SK over pally.

    You will not regret making a SK over Pally, for group tanking, promise you.

    DPS, utility, epic, Harmtouch, Agro/AE agro, all so much better for SK. And their self healing is pretty close to same as a pally can get.

    Insisting on bard, not bad, especially for what you're talking for your setup, afk melody isn't terrible, if need to afk most the time on a toon.

    Shaman would be what I'd suggest for your 3rd, without question.

    There's a reason SK/shaman is such a powerful tank/healer combo. Sure, many have, but it's because they rock.

    Then, can go with 1 healer merc, and 2 melee dps mercs. Most often, should be able to concentrate on DPS, with shaman, and let healer merc cover heals, with shaman able to add heals on named, when stuff hits fan, etc.

    Also, the boxing program everyone uses... $15 per 90 day subscription or $50 per year, and once you start using it, will probably add toons/accts, because it's that easy, and easily farm pp to buy krono, to not have to pay for your monthly subs any more, saving you money.