Necromancer Spell Chaotic Contagion Rk. II

Discussion in 'Casters' started by JasonS, Sep 19, 2019.

  1. JasonS New Member

    I just got this spell and the description says it uses a base 1830 mana and focused mana of (1029-1322)

    It seems to use a minimum of 2500 and up to 4000 mana when I cast it. And it wont even let me cast the spell unless I have over 5000 free mana. I kept getting not enough mana when I was below 5200.

    Does it cost 1830 plus the cost of the extra spells is casts? Or is it bugged?
  2. Brohg Augur

  3. JasonS New Member

    I won't be using this spell any longer it uses way to much mana. Most of the time you only get 1 dot and the debuff, at basically double to mana cost of casting the dot by itself.
  4. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    Aye, I've never known a necro to use the chaotic line. The chances of it casting both dots is far too low to make it worth it. Even if the mana cost was the same (at max level mana cost is essentially never an issue), I personally wouldn't use it.
  5. Brohg Augur

    it was hax a few years ago, could get multiple ranks of the same dot on with it. no more.