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Named Spawns in /pick zones (ToV)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hellowhatsyourname, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    I'd like to ask that someone confirm two things:

    1) that the chance to spawn a named mob in a /pick zone is the same as the base zone, and
    2) that the bonus named spawns also applies to /pick zones

    I've been doing hunters for about the last week, which means my effort started overlapping with the Thanksgiving bonus (thanks, btw). I was going to do hunters regardless, so its helpful, or so I thought.

    My named per hour has averaged out to about the same pre and post-bonus when I'm in pick zones. When not in pick zones I'm seeing the namers spawn way more often. While I understand the RNG might be giving me the business, I'd at least like to mention my experience in case it's an easy verification on DPG's end.

    Thanks much!
  2. smash Augur

    Is this a bug? No, so post wrong place
  3. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    Are you the bug sheriff? The bug caseworker? The bug parole officer?

    Is a bug the game not working as intended?

    Thanks for the bump. If you can show me guidance/rules on why this wouldn't be a bug (if confirmed on DPG's end), please show that to me. Otherwise, troll along.
    Tatanka likes this.
  4. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    I am the bug police. Your question is not a bug, and belongs in a different area of the forum. My deputy will be along in 1 to 5 days and move this to an appropriate area, and give you a warning. Or maybe just mark it not a bug.
  5. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    Explain why no bonus where a bonus is intended isn't a bug. I'll wait.
  6. smash Augur

    You are only asking 2 questions. Cannot see you report any bugs,
    Not reporting a bug, just the randomness. And it should be put in veteran instead.
  7. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    Disagree, but your opinion is noted.
  8. Gabbo New Member

    He clearly stated in the first post - He is experiencing fewer 'rare' creature spawns in picks right now. He suspects it is a bug, but is not sure if there is just a case of the RNG, or if it is working as intended.

    It's anecdotal evidence, but the intent is clear that he believes the 'rare' creature bonus modifier may NOT have been getting applied to rare creature mob spawns in pick zones. And he is asking for confirmation on whether that is intentional (making his experience not a bug) or if it was something that was overlooked in the code, and thus an actual bug.
  9. Vanrau Augur

    The higher the player population in a pick, the NPC spawn time will be increased. I don't believe this is true for a static zone however.

    Do a /uptime on the pick to see how long it has been up. Some npc's have a delayed spawn after the ph is killed.
  10. Hellowhatsyourname Augur

    This is moot now that the bonus is over, but for the sake of discussion...

    The named mobs in question were regular namers you spawn by killing their PH'ers. The uptime on the pick shouldn't have anything to do with it...and if it does... that is ridiculous.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    It is absolutely true for base zones. I believe it always has been this way. One of the devs confirmed that their engine slows down with more people in the zone. That's a paraphrase, so don't shoot me.
  12. Accipiter Old Timer

    This is just my experience and I'm not trying to speak from a position of authority but...

    I think certain named don't get flagged properly when we have double-rare bonuses. On Phinny we are in RoF. I had to go back to T1 to farm some T1 gear (so I can eventually make T2 gear). I went to the caves in Skyfire Mountains. This was during the most recent Thanksgiving bonus. There are two named in those caves that can spawn at several locations around the zone. Some say they can spawn from any of the PH types anywhere in the zone. After several hours I only managed to spawn one named. I ran the zone with bard to be sure they weren't up somewhere else and they weren't. Could be just unlucky RNG but I went to The Overthere instead and got probably 2-3 named an hour from the Myrmidon camp.
  13. Vanrau Augur

    As long as they are flagged as "a rare creature", they should recieve the bonus.
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

    I don't know how many different flags they have and whether they can be flagged as more than one category. Some epic mobs, for example, don't spawn more frequently during extra rares promos. At least I thought that was the case.