Music Box: Neriak

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Joesnellenberge, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Joesnellenberge Journeyman

    This item, when used, does not change the music of the area you're in (at least on Phinny). Any fixes that anyone is aware of?
  2. Rineryen Journeyman

    Tried this in both my houses, guildhall, and random zones - nothing. Sound of casting, yellow text stating "The music box plays a haunting tune from the halls of Neriak" than nothing.

    Also could you please consider tagging this placeable. Especially if it only works in houses otherwise it's just taking up bank space most of the time. Thanks!
  3. jeffsheila New Member

    Yep same here, nothing, good job DB I wasted over 700 cash on this waste of my time /golfclap and don't give me the usual "create a support ticket" crap #disappointed
  4. Lili_Ragefire New Member

    I'm having the same issue, on Ragefire. Thank you in advance for looking into this.
  5. Eanelder Augur

    I have had some "luck" with music, but it is EXTREMELY delayed, like so long after I clicked it, i had almost forgotten that i clicked it. Actually now that i think about it ... i usually have music muted, so im not sure if it was the "music box" music or the zone music. It was in the guild hall... so im going to assume music box.

    Also , the promoted new item seems to indicate that it IS a housing item, so should be placeable, which i would really like to see :

  6. Eanelder Augur

    Ohh .. I believe it changes the music at character select (or again, maybe thts just because I had turned up music for the first time in years and ive never noticed char select to have music before.)