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Moors of Nokk Raid Achievement Don't Get the Axe

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gr8fuldave, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. Gr8fuldave Augur

    I have failed this 4 times in a row now. I can see the axes coming towards the raid, but I do not see any blue auras that I have read others sharing about. I avoid the axes at all costs but I still get hit every time! Is there a setting in my display tab that would allow me to see these blue auras? I'm getting really frustrated with this one!!
  2. Shea Elder

    It's pretty important to see the blue/purple auras, just barely clipping the edge of one will cause you to fail.
    There is almost certainly a setting that causes you not to be able to see the aura, I am not 100% sure which it is though (I know several people who have had issues with this working/not working and it takes some fiddling around).

    my /showspelleffects is currently OFF and I can see them, so that is not it.

    particle settings are:
    Spell: Near/Medium/Group Spells
    Env: Near/High
    Player: Near/Medium/Everyone
    Opacity: 75% on all 3

    Allow 2.0 Pixel Shaders/Enable Post Effects, are the only 2 checked on the right. Other settings here I don't think should matter.

    Some of these require a zone to enable/disable.
    Gr8fuldave likes this.
  3. Shea Elder

  4. Shea Elder

    Also, while not ideal, if you can't get the aura's to display it is possible to get the ach. by running outside the fort once this phase starts and just staying away. Obviously not the best solution but if all else fails...
    Gr8fuldave and Toukan like this.
  5. Windance Augur


    The write up has their recommended settings to see the auras.

    The axes spawn in 4x locations ( weapon racks ) and path towards the boss. When an axe reaches the boss it despawns, so the goal is to spin around the boss and use it as a shield.

    Even knowing how the event works, its easy to get a little to close and fail the achievement.

    Thankfully, this is a personal achievement instead of a raid wide, everyone needs to avoid them all ...
    Gr8fuldave likes this.
  6. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    It's very easy to just move on top of the NPC that your raid can heal, the axes do not spawn there, and despawn before the next pull in effect; when the pull effect ends, move back on top of the NPC, repeat.
  7. FYAD Augur

    Is not a guarantee that the axes will be despawned before the next gravity spell. If you move the boss in an extremely inefficient manner, it is possible to keep the axes up and get grav pulled and wipe when one axe takes out the whole raid.