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Monk DPS

Discussion in 'Melee' started by SoroxDrinal, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. mackal Augur

  2. iZealot Lorekeeper

    I doubt that if I switch out some augs and gain +500 HDEX, that I will gain 20% block/ripo. Maybe at lower levels, but it has to have diminishing returns. Something to test!
    But yea HDEX doesn't work on Thunderfoot like many thought, though i'm curious about its defensive capabilities, so thanks for bringing that up.
  3. iZealot Lorekeeper

  4. mackal Augur

    No, it is. There is also heroic strike through that counters the heroic bonus. About it.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Riou like this.
  5. mackal Augur

    People parsing thunderfoot rates, make sure you parse it correctly. It can only proc once every time you do an actually flying kick (as in hitting flying kick button) which means you need to filter out wu chains, itself, stunning kick, etc to get an actual proc rate.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  6. iZealot Lorekeeper

    I only did flying kick mashing for 8 hours. So the listed proc rate is procs per second, not % per flying kick press. per second it's around a 2.5% chance. Spires nor hdrx affect it. Base dex possibly, did not test it, no need rly.

    If it matters, I could figure out the rate per flying kick press...
  7. MrMajestykx Augur

    TF is still very broken, can try parsing it all you want, dont want to see you waste your time on that for what is being discussed here.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  8. mackal Augur

    It's not broken, they just changed when the proc is rolled.
  9. MrMajestykx Augur

    hence they broke it. They broke said they fixed it and STILL procs no where near what they said it should. You wanna call it changed then so be it.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  10. mackal Augur

    It was nerfed. If you properly parse it, it should be procing what they said it should.
  11. MrMajestykx Augur

    properly parse it? ok think I got a handle on that but thanks anyways. If your saying TF is working as intended all I ll say is bless your heart and have a good day, TF been pondered on enough
  12. iZealot Lorekeeper

    what did they say it should proc at?
  13. mackal Augur

    I'm not sure what they said, but the AA data has always been 120 for rank 3. So whatever that translates to. This is the same SPA that Dragon Punch uses which has a rate of 1000 :p
  14. MrMajestykx Augur

    wait. if your not sure what "they said" then how can you be sure its procing "where they said it should"? that much faith in DBG ?
  15. iZealot Lorekeeper

    i've done multiple tests and it's always been 2.5-2.8% chance per second chance, averaged out of multiple 8 hour parses (no matter what spire or HDEX).

    Flying kick is what, every 4 seconds? 15 kicks per minute. ~2.65% chance per second. Looking at one parse here where I did 796 thunderfoots in 29,595 seconds (493.25 minutes).
    Assuming my autohotkey was hitting Flying Kick precisely every 4 seconds (maybe .1 second off, so very loose approximation) ~1.6 procs per minute. That's ~ 10.66 (repeating, of course)% chance.

    Though of course, I could just kick every 6 seconds for 10 kicks a minute, and see how many thunderfoots I get. I'll set that parse up now I guess, why not. I know it doesn't matter, but i'm curious.

    Is it proccing what it should? Who knows and who cares really, because at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, it is what it is :)
  16. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    It's supposed to be a 12% proc rate, it isn't even close to that even if you only count the initial keypresses.
  17. iZealot Lorekeeper

    Does it proc on anything other than Flying Kick? Like synergy or stunning kick or Master Wu? Guess I could find out...

    But anyways, did a 20 hour parse.
    Over 72,139 seconds (1202.317 minutes) I did 12,023 Flying Kicks (10 press of the button per minute at 6 seconds apart) and did 1265 thunderkicks. Flying kick was pressed once every 6 seconds, so 10 times per minute. Right at 10.52% chance to proc thunderkick per press of the flying kick button. I'm at 1128 base dex. Not including HDEX since it does not affect proc rate.
  18. Nedrom Augur

  19. Riou EQResource

    It used to proc on everything, but Dzarn nerfed it to only be able to proc off the key press of Flying Kick skill (only 1 proc per press). Your % is fairly close but not quite there, so the 12% proc rate is not quite where it says it should be.

    There is still a bug where every Flying Kick ability can display the cast message of Thunderfoot, but it never actually casts it. You can look this up in log messages for the Thunderfoot hit mob message vs Thunderfoot cast message.
  20. iZealot Lorekeeper

    Mine were exactly the same when I searched "struck by a thundering kick."