Modify UI window to show current XP % into level & banked AA post-potion belt.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Khat_Nip, Jun 23, 2018.

  1. Khat_Nip Meow

    Prior to the Potion Belt being removed I had mine modded slightly to show my current percentage into level and banked AA:

    The example screenshot when taken shows I was 26% into level and had 10 AAs banked.
    This was always useful to me during raids because at a glance I would know if I have 1 or more bodies that need a rez in case things got too hectic for me to remember.

    Trial and error with trying to incorporate the same functionality to a few other windows has been fruitless for me so far. I'm no master with XML but I have gone through and fixed some things I had been putting off in 5 other windows though the fix to this issue eludes me.

    I'd rather not have to open my Inventory Window and hover over the XP meter or open the AA window whenever I'm curious; I'd prefer it be shown in one of my permanent windows.

    Any suggestions or direction would be greatly appreciated.
    Metanis likes this.
  2. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    i have that info on my "player information" window.
    It's modded too, so i dunno how much of it (if anything) is default...
  3. Khat_Nip Meow

    That could work, my Player Window has Target, Target's Target, and my H/M/E with a bunch of room available:
    I'll try to work with it there.