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Mobs stopping to cast

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by josh, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. josh Augur

    Mobs stop to cast spells even if the spell has an instant cast time. This wouldn't be a problem except for the lag. Mobs stand around after they cast a spell for way longer than they should when it's laggy, presumably this is so they don't interrupt themselves but I would think with instant cast spells an exception could be made to allow them to keep moving. raid bosses like aten ha ra can be extremely difficult to move when they just stand their after having cast a spell.

    Why I would claim this as a bug is best seen in the Derakor the Vindicator raid in ToV. The giants have an anti kite mechanic, they cast root on their main target, but if it's laggy enough you can just make them stand there forever while they occasionally cast root.
    Svann2 likes this.
  2. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Wouldnt help for raids but Ive often wished for a short silence for bards so mobs wouldnt keep stopping to cast when Im trying to pull. A clickie would be ideal.
    Sirene_Fippy likes this.
  3. Dropfast Augur

    They did a silence just for this many years ago and it was amazing! They gave it to monks and even bragged about in their new expansion podcast thing they use to do. They were so proud of themselves!

    Until the raids started, and they realized that they didn't flag the new raid bosses to be un-Silence able. So a good monk rotation could keep raid bosses perma-silenced. So they quicky got rid of it and gave monks moving mountains as a replacement. Which was not nearly as good but was still pretty nice. Until they deemed it to powerful to pull a mob out of pack solo, so now ALL raids mobs are immune to it and even most all trash is even immune to it now as well. Making it virtually useless now.

    All they had to do was flag raid mobs as un-Silence able and it would be fine, but that's to much to ask. Good luck getting them to ever do it again...