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In Progress Mobs become unhittable in multiple locations in LS

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Skecpa, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    It was happening before the DX11 update
  2. Klucifer Elder

    How much more information do you need? This usually happens to me on the regular but considering I’m tanking the mob I instinctively move it until I/everyone can hit it and not thinking about getting a loc and /bug reporting it, but if you need more data to get this fixed I’ll make an effort!
  3. Axxius Augur

    Category: Pathing [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Tue Jan 30 19:53:11 2024

    Character: Level 125 Wizard (Main)
    Zone: Timorous Falls
    Location: -1463.23, -2400.32, -160.35, 428.30

    Target NPC: a thaumaturge fanatic
    Target Location: -1449.25, -2419.88, -162.41, 289.50

    Description: no line of sight
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. rahzel44 Lorekeeper

    Pulling mobs from the small far east room with Erudites and undead golems in Lower House of Thule up the stairs to the west results in them sometimes glitching under the stairs and being unhittable..
    Bumping this thread because it's still incredibly annoying and frequently causes group deaths.
    Cairbrae likes this.
  5. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    He might need information on how to log into the game to test things for both troubleshooting and before even releasing new content. That seems like one of the larger misses lately, things seemingly go untested.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Had this on raids last night, seems to be Z axis issue.

    When I came down from a high level I once again had line of sight.
  7. Darkarrow New Member

    When I see this issue is seems to be around the seams in the Terrain. If I am on a hill above or below the seam I can't hit the mob. If I pull or push the mob away from the seam I can hit it again. Monday Feb 5 when I logged on and moved to The Grounds HOT. Archery is very flaky now on targets that I could hit regularly from my camp spot. Its seem like the same bug but worse now with a Bow? I shot an arrow and it looks like it hits the target but I don't get the miss message but it consumes an arrow. Did something get updates server side that would affect this behavior?
  8. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Today I had a mob break mez and jump into a rock where he was unhittable and untauntable. Merc healer was standing right next to it and wouldnt move so of course she died.
  9. Angahran Augur

    Maybe someone should post that PLAYERS are becoming unhittable and unkillable? They'd have a fix in minutes!
  10. Scila Augur

    I've got a couple of workarounds ... but should I have to do it ... no. Pull an add and let the merc chase it then mez the add. The one being tanked moves. Or ... messy ... put merc and pet on passive and back, move toons ... mob chases ... put merc and pet back on active. Let things roll and hit the tank with a heal w/ds slow as molasses. They all work but shouldn't have to do anything. There should be enuf info in 6 pages by my count to figure out what to do. While some say this has been around for a while, it is much worse since the xpac went live imo.
  11. zarcal Augur

    Had this today in the Grounds. Was lessioning on some alts on the hill where the Chaotic Heap spawns and got cannot hit/cannot see. I've been hunting on that hill since house went live.
  12. rahzel44 Lorekeeper

    Still happening....mobs in fear itself were visible to the eye but characters can't see them to melee or cast spells on them. Have to passive the tank merc, move the entire group back then reengage the tank merc.
  13. Ythera Augur

    I agree with it being a Z axis issue. All the times it happened for my group is when the mob is going up a slope. I presume the game then thinks it's under the ground and thus out of reach. The fix is to move to lower ground and pull the mob with you, which can be frustrating if it doesn't want to move or if the fight is higher stakes and you don't have the time to move it.
  14. fransisco Augur

    This isn't a Z-axis issue. I've had it happen several times on a "paved floor" where there was no z axis changes to be had. Everything was level and smooth, no objects or anything.
    Recently I was doing an old TBL mission - where you kill the adventureres in the pofire fort. Up on the walls where everything is flat and smooth, it happened multiple times.
    I was mounted on each occasion.
  15. Warpeace Augur

    The ground might look flat, but you can't prove it is either.
  16. Evurkvest Augur

    I didn’t read the entire thread so perhaps it’s been brought up before, but the issue seems to happen when you bring a mob up slope.
  17. fransisco Augur

    By your case, this means z-axis is unprovable, hence you cannot assume it has anything to do with it. Doing so is utterly illogical as you cannot prove it in anyway.

    People are blaming z-axis because it makes sense, but when there are many scenarios that remove the z-axis - that means the issue is elsewhere
  18. Klucifer Elder

    I had a genuine request on January 28th about how much more information is needed, should we continue to bug report this, should we go out of our way to replicate it to give additional information? It's such a frequent occurrence since December that it's become part of my daily game play that I often just adjust and move on but it is certainly annoying... I'm sure if the devs said "hey, I need more information on X" the community will certainly get that information, but by saying "please bug report every time this happens" when it happens so often, that's a bit of an unrealistic expectation of the playerbase.
    Jack likes this.
  19. Dewd Master

    I can't believe this is still an issue. It has happened ever since the LS expansion patch. It is not limited to LS zones. Happens pretty much every time you aggro a mob and bring it up or down a slope. Ramps, hills, doesn't matter, any z-axis slope. Please fix this? No specific /loc should be required, its literally everywhere and very reproduceable.
  20. Klucifer Elder

    Category: Other
    Date/Time: Sat Feb 17 10:04:35 2024

    Character: Level 89 Bard (wood elf, not shrunk or any other modifications)
    Zone: Fortress Mechanotus
    Location: 811.18, 173.40, 625.14, 418.74

    Description: cannot hit a mob that is at the base of the ramp, i can visually see them, PC is standing slightly higher in elevation than the mob on the ramp.

    bringing mob all the way up the ramp allowed me to hit, but not while both mob and I were on the ramp