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mobs aggroing on mercs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by iniari-TR, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    some mobs are tagging merc's as kos and aggroing on them and killing them.

    running past a chetari in Breeding Grounds. mob did not see invs. my invis did not drop. but mob agro'd on the merc and killed the merc healer. i mentioned this in guild chat and others have had the same thing happen to them.
  2. Derd Augur

    Is only one safe path, at least that i've seen posted to run thru there without agro. If it is happening only in breeding grounds and if the mob your having the problem with is a chetari. If not disregard this comment :)
  3. Conjurous_AB Elder

    Mobs shouldn't aggro mercs at all however in BG if a merc or pet goes past an egg they will open it and get aggro, had it alot, doing the collect an egg task with the buff that makes it so eggs don't hatch for u, mercs or pets can mess that up, got to park em or suspend em. Only way to avoid this is to open any egg in a room u are going thru to avoid it otherwise mercs will open it and die.
  4. iniari-TR Augur

    i was going through the eastern tunnels. i did not agro a mob. nor did my invis drop. i was no where near any eggs or even in a room with eggs.

    i went past a chetari. with no problem but a bit behind me the mob suddenly attacked and killed the healer merc. i was still non - agro and invs. after merc had died.
  5. Kearis New Member

    Just I confirm in this zone pet and merc aggro or trigger eggs ! Gating is easy because I'm far in tunnels when it's triggered but I'm just tired to gate to SL and go back to continue quests :(