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MNK molo question

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Jaldin, Aug 26, 2024.

  1. Jaldin New Member


    I'm currently playing solo as an SK and BST on the FV server, but I want to recapture the fun I had with my MNK about 10 years ago. I remember the joy of seeing the melee attack messages rapidly fill up the chat.
    From what I recall, MNKs were quite strong when playing with a mercenary (Molo). For those of you currently playing MNK Molo, how far can you go with it these days?

    It would be helpful if you could share your level and whether you're able to complete missions or hunt Named mobs.
  2. kyong Augur

    Incredibly strong. My monk on FV, max aa, latest raid gear, all necessary clickies can do almost anything molo, including going toe to toe with named staying alive for a long time.
  3. Jaldin New Member

    My memories are a bit old... When my MNK was level 90, I could barely handle light blue mobs. If I can get the right gear, will I be able to take on blue-con mobs at level 125?
    My current goal is to win Molo in level-scaled missions, like the Anniversary Tower. In these missions, the mobs are usually white or yellow con. If I can get raid gear, will I be able to win?

    I realize I might be asking something unrealistic.
  4. Szilent Augur

    bad example, Anni tower is suuuper trivial