Missing characters

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Pikollo, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. maxwell Lorekeeper

    My toon has appeared tonight, hope everyone's own is resolved too.:):):)
  2. baddog Journeyman

    same here , just checked as I could not sleep , my guy is back .ill check tomorrow to see how the others made out
  3. snakebane New Member

    Yay I'm back just in time for bed;)
  4. Vrinda Augur

    Woohoo! Both of my toons are back! Thank you, thank you THANK YOU to the peeps who fixed this for us!

    I hope everyone else's missing characters are restored soon, too! If yours aren't back yet when you read these posts, at least you'll know they're making progress. :D
  5. Kravlo New Member

    I am replaced as well my guildmate's are back too! Now to recoup a week of cleaning with what i SHOULD have been doing.
  6. Hiby Journeyman

    I just want to thank GM Remdag, for getting this fixed, Thank you my Character has been restored as well.
    I am still not happy with how this was handled by DB, but I am glad they got it under control, I just hope everyone affected has been restored as well.
  7. Janakin Augur

  8. Ketel Journeyman

    I AM RESTORED! woot
  9. Tallie Elder

    Hurray indeed!
    Although I am sure we all think communication could be improved, the bottom line is I have my ranger back :)
  10. Gromryk New Member

    My character was restored by Development yesterday as well. Thank you very much to that team for bringing back all of "the EQ dead". While I am ecstatic that he is back, I am still disappointed in the lack of communication to the community. I am just hoping that whatever caused the mass exodus of characters to the netherworld has been identified and resolved. I am still nervous signing in my guys now since I don't know if the cause of the issue has been resolved or if it might occur again in the future. Thanks again to all that were involved in my resurrection! /salute
  11. Gromryk New Member

    Duplicate post - gave error sever didn't respond...Sorry...forum newb...how do you delete?
  12. Gromryk New Member

    Duplicate post - gave error sever didn't respond...Sorry...forum newb...how do you delete?